2009-11-02 13:17:21

by Subrata Modak

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Subject: [ANNOUNCE] The Linux Test Project has been Released for OCTOBER 2009


The Linux Test Project test suite has been released for the month of
OCTOBER 2009. Please see ltp/INSTALL file carefully, as, there has
been multiple changes for building/installing the test suite after the
recent changes in Makefile infrastructure.

The latest version of the test-suite contains 3000+ tests for the Linux
OS and can be found at:
Latest happenings in LTP can also be found at:
http://ltp.sourceforge.net/wikiArchives.php, and,
IRC: irc.freenode.org #ltp.

OCTOBER 2009 Highlights:
1. LTP Makefiles rewrite:(Project started 1.2 years back)
I. To accommodate correct build/installation practices,
II. better integrate Autoconf/Automake with tests for safer
III. better cross-compilation of LTP sources.
2. 119 test scenarios for EXT4 functionality testing, with 56.1%
lines and 66.4% functions coverage of 2.6.31 EXT4-kernel code,
3. GETUID16, GETUID64, GETEUID16 & PTRACE syscall() test
4. SIGRETURN01 Test case removal,
5. LCOV Fixes,
6. ILB and CPU Consolidation test cases and fixes in Power
Management (I am sorry to have overlooked this last month),

OCTOBER 2009 LTP Contributors:
1. Garrett Cooper,
2. Mike Frysinger,
3. Miao Xie,
4. Poornima Nayak,
5. Liu Bo,
6. Hushan Jia,
7. Pavel Kiryukhin,
8. Cyril Hrubis,
9. Chandru S,
10. Henry Yei,
11. Masatake YAMATO,
12. Nicolas Joly,
13. Gowri,
14. Peter Oberparleiter,
15. Jiri Palecek,

Note(s) from the Maintainer:
There is no need for a special explanation of why this month was so
important for LTP. LTP now has all brand new Makefiles. Thanks to Garret
and his tiring work spanning more than an year. And off course not to
forget Mike and Nate for reviewing them deeply before they were
Another significant development was contribution of the EXT4
functional/regression tests to LTP by Miao. This is something which we
were looking for long. And i would like to bring Peter to everybodyś
attention as he single-handedly manages the LTP-Coverage mailing list
providing assistance to everybody having doubts on coverage process.
Thanks peter for doing this seamlessly again-and-again.

Our web site also contains other information such as:
- A Linux test tools matrix
- Technical papers
- How To's on Linux testing
- Code coverage analysis tool.

We would encourage the community to post results to
[email protected],
patches, new tests, bugs or comments/questions to [email protected],
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=3382&atid=103382 (for
New Bug(s)),
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=3382&atid=303382 (for
New Patch(s)),
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=add&group_id=3382&atid=353382 (for
New Feature Request(s))

Happy testing,

Oct-2009_Changelog.txt (53.94 kB)