2019-11-10 06:05:54

by nipponmail

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Truth in Software: Alexandre François Garreau : Will you try my free-software before condemning it.

Alexandre François Garreau:

One of the benefits of the Free Software is that (theoretically*)
one does not have to agree with the Authors in-order to enjoy and
improve the software, nor do the Authors have to agree with other
contributors to bring in their changes.

You have condemned my Work (ChaosEsqueAnthology: a fork of
Xonotic/Nexuiz, of approaching a decade, which itself is a fork of Quake
(GPL) and another mod that was GPL'd), without using it at all. You also
stated that the work is generally not held in high regard: the
implication being that it was looked at and judged by others to be poor:
This implication is false. The Work has not been used at all by the
people that you cited.

I strongly insist that you, instead of (for some reason) giving us
"helpful hints" about how to use our email clients (we already know),
and "helpful hints" about how you think tab-variables should be named,
as your contributions to free-software, actually use a piece of
free-software you are critiquing.

I want you to download both DVDs of CE:A, volume 1 and 2, merge the
folders (should be self evident), run the game, run your own instances
(I do not run any servers since you could triangulate me if I did so,
and in the past the "geekfeminist" have attempted just that) locally,
read the Info so you know how to use the game, and fully explore it:
including use of the over 200 weapons, 50 spells, buildable buildings,
so on and so forth.

I also want you to then go into the mapping directory and run
NetRadiant and construct a map using all the extra options and items and
tools that I have added. I also want you to construct a grid city using
one entity (essentially one "command" to the program): a 50x50 city with
thin streets ever 2x3 blocks, and a parkway in the middle bisecting the
city north to south). This is very easy to do using the systems I have
programmed in.

I believe my Work deserves as much, since you chose to blindly
libel it: only because you disagree with my opinions.

I am also aware that your many questions to me about identifying
information about myself was an attempt to triangulate me for
prosecution: since you are used to doing such to dissidents in your
european union. Don't take me for a fool, such that you take the rest of
the free software programmers who may be here (yea those here reeeeally
need help filtering mail: no idea that option existed!, thank you SO


*(Note: this is not really the case under the US Law system, you can
read papers on it. However Free Software is a response /to/ said system
and includes within it tools (licenses) to "hack" said system to it's
own ends. Now, these "hacks" are not fool-proof, and they cannot defeat
the underlying law; but that has been richly discussed previously)