2013-06-10 09:12:51

by Daniel Phillips

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Subject: Tux3 Report: Fsync Redux

One month ago we reported that Tux3 is now able to beat tmpfs in at
least one benchmark load, a claim that generated considerable lively
commentary, some of it collegial:


Ted raised an interesting question about whether Tux3 is forever
destined to suffer from slow fsync as an inherent design tradeoff. To be
clear about it: that was never part of our plan.

From early on, we intended to rely on full filesystem sync in place of
fsync in the interest of correctness, then implement a properly
optimized fsync later, probably after mainline merge. Elaborating our
simple, rugged full-filesystem atomic commit strategy to accomodate
efficient fsync always seemed to be a relatively easy design problem
compared to the daunting task of adding strong consistency properties to
a filesystem primarily oriented towards writing out single inodes. In
the event, our intuition proved correct.

First, let me characterize the case where sync performs measurably worse
than a purpose-built fsync. If Tux3 has just one dirty file and does a
full filesystem sync, it performs well because only a few blocks need to
be written. However, if there are dirty inodes in cache that fsync could
bypass, sync may exhibit much higher latency than a well targetted fsync.

The arguably artificial dbench benchmark load rewards such dirty inode
bypass richly by deleting most files while they are still retained in
cache, thus avoiding a large amount of disk traffic. The question of
whether this models any real world situation accurately is beside the
point: if Tux3 wants to win at pure, unadulterated dbench, it better not
let fsync push other dirty inodes to disk.

We set the following goals for our new, improved fsync design:

* Meet or beat Ext4 performance
* Keep our strong consistency semantics (similar to Ext3 data=journal)
* No performance regression for non-fsync updates
* Simple and provably correct

As always, the "simple" requirement is the biggest challenge. Various
complex and finicky solutions suggest themselves. For example, we could
analyze block level dependencies and write out just those blocks
involved with a given dirty file. I can imagine such an approach
succeeding, but cannot imagine it being simple.

After a few days of worrying away at the issues, I hit on a simple,
effective idea. This was really just a matter of understanding our
existing design more deeply rather than any fundamental breakthrough.
(Note: we still do not intend to implement this right now, only design
it with a view to putting to rest doubts that were expressed about the
innate ability of Tux3 to handle fsync efficiently.)


Tux3 normally divides episodes of filesystem update activity into chunks
called "deltas". Each delta includes all data, namespace and attribute
changes caused by some arbitrary set of syscalls. Each delta cleans all
dirty cache. This is perfectly efficient for many common filesystem
loads, but not all. Fsync is a good example of a case where we would
like to leave most dirty data sitting in cache while committing just the
dirty blocks of a single file. In other words, dirty data for an fsynced
file needs to "jump the queue" of delta commits in the interest of

Ext4 gets this kind of behavior more or less for free, because it is
designed to write out whichever inode that core kernel tells it to,
whenever it is told to. In contrast, Tux3 ignores core kernel's plan for
which inodes should be written (taking the view that core kernel just
does not understand the problem very well) and always writes out all of
them. Our immediate project is to relax that behavior to support writing
out just one of them.

The first big step forward came from noticing that it is easy to move
dirty file data forward from the "current" delta (in process of being
modified by syscalls) to the pervious delta (scheduled for commit to
disk). For each dirty page, Tux3 conceptually maintains two dirty bits,
one for the current and one for the previous delta. The "forking"
mechanism protects any cache page that is dirty in the previous delta
from being modified by subsequent syscalls. It is easy to walk the list
of dirty pages of a given inode and change the state of all pages dirty
in the current delta to be dirty in the previous delta instead. I call
this the "promote" operation, which effectively takes a point in time
snapshot of inode data. In our parlance, fsync promotes dirty data from
the current to the previous delta. The remainder of the effort to turn
this promote tool into an efficient fsync concerns feeding such promoted
pages out to disk efficiently.

Subdelta concept rejected

My first stab at the fsync writeout problem revolved around a "subdelta"
concept. A subdelta would be an intermediate commit including just some
of the dirty inodes belonging to a given delta. With this, fsync could
interrupt the backend as it marshals some big delta for writeout, commit
the fsynced inode, then resume committing the remainder of the delta.

This idea was vetoed by Hirofumi because it breaks our strong ordering
guarantee that we have grown rather fond of:

If transaction A completes before transaction B begins, then
transaction B will never be durably recorded unless transaction
A is too.

I agree: stronger consistency semantics are user-friendly; we have
become accustomed to them; we will hold that sacred as far as we can. So
back to the drawing board.

Parallel log streams

The winning idea occurred practically simultaneously to both of us. We
will elaborate our log design slightly to support parallel log streams.
When the backend is in the middle of committing a big delta to disk, it
may interrupt its work to start a new log chain that includes only a
single inode with its modified attributes. When this completes, the
backend resumes committing the remainder of the big delta.

For this to work properly there must not be any dependencies between the
two log streams. In the case of regular files the log only needs to
track block allocations and record new positions of any redirected
blocks. To avoid colliding with changes belonging to the in-flight delta
we will not modify the inode table immediately but rely on the fsync log
to hold the updates until the in-flight delta completes. Then the
backend will update the inode table to reflect the synced state in the
following delta.

Various details need to be addressed to make this work. If an fsynced
inode has already been marshalled and is on its way to disk in a
previous delta then we need to wait for that delta to complete before
committing the fsync. Doing otherwise would require significant design
elaboration, and such a situation should be rare compared to the case
where an fsynced inode is dirty in the previous delta but not yet
marshalled (e.g., updated just before a delta transition and fsynced
just after the transition). We must take care that an fsynced inode is
not evicted before the inode table is updated to point to the new file
data. Log replay becomes slightly more complex. Specifically, updated
data attributes from fsync logs need to be entered into the inode table.
This is a small amount of additional work to be done only on unexpected
restart and has no efficiency impact. If an inode is newly created we
must ensure that it is linked from some directory so that it will not
leak on unexpected restart. For now we will fall back to sync for that
situation, which guarantees that directories are consistent with the
inode table.

That seems to be about it. No doubt we will discover a few unanticipated
details during implementation, however there is nothing more complex
than or dissimilar from work we have already completed successfully.
When we do get around to it, we should end up performing just fine in
pure, unadulterated dbench, for what that is worth.

Directory fsync

We will not attempt to optimize directory fsync for the time being, not
because of any inherent design limitation, but because we need to get
back to work on the remaining issues that actually impact base
functionality and currently stand in the way of Tux3 being practically
usable. I will just mention that directory fsync involves consistency
between directory data and the inode table, a topologically more complex
problem than consistency between the inode table and regular file data.
We are content to let this interesting problem simmer quietly on the
back burner for the time being.

Shoutout to Samsung

I would like to thank Samsung warmly for providing me with a working
situation where I can concentrate fully on Tux3 development as a member
of the new Samsung Open Source Group.

