2000-12-16 10:02:17

by linuxx

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Subject: udf and kernel

I like to Know why linus torvals have a kernel 2.4.0-test12 that think havent any bug and have a udf 0.9.1 version in it
that have an error in the read of DVD. Especially when this error is resolved in udf .But patch for udf
is only for kernel 2.2 and 2.3 ....a long time ago .. Im not a kernel hacker but need the 2.4 for diferents reason
and i cant see DVD in linux for this bug.Can you tell me if you are going to migrate the current patch to kernel 2.4
or notificated linus torvalds with this bug to linus upgrade .... It not nice have a stable and nice kernel with a bug .
specially when this bug is resolved

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