Is there any reason to use CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII by default? I
think this should be changed to CONFIG_M386, which should work
for most, and would avoid people reporting problems because
they forgot to set the right processor type.
0@pervalidus.{net, {dyndns.}org} Tel: 55-21-717-2399 (Niter?i-RJ BR)
Em Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 08:42:53PM -0300, Fr?d?ric L. W. Meunier escreveu:
> Is there any reason to use CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII by default? I
> think this should be changed to CONFIG_M386, which should work
> for most, and would avoid people reporting problems because
> they forgot to set the right processor type.
humm AFAIK the default config is nothing more than Linus setup, not
something to server as a basic setup for everybody, so go buy Linus a i386
machine for development 8)
- Arnaldo
--- Fr?d?ric L. W. Meunier <[email protected]> wrote: >
Is there any reason to use CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII by
> default? I
> think this should be changed to CONFIG_M386, which
> should work
> for most, and would avoid people reporting problems
> because
> they forgot to set the right processor type.
I don't see many people reporting that kind of
problems... as a first-year CS student I can attest
that most students, even, never used Linux before. I
installed Red Hat Linux on a friend's laptop - how
much easier can it get - and kernel configuration just
flabbergasted him.
When people feel they are ready to start compiling
kernels, they should learn to do so properly, in my
opinion. The I-want-the-latest-and-greatest genre
roughly coincide with early tech adopters, no? :)
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