2001-12-05 07:28:33

by Albert D. Cahalan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: USB audio w/ "D" state

I did "cat /bin/sh >> /dev/audio" and hit ^C to stop the noise.
The "cat" process gets stuck in "D" state with the WCHAN indicating
that the process is stuck 1/3 the way through the usbout_stop()

hardware: Mac Cube and the normal spherical speakers
kernel: plain 2.4.16 from http://www.kernel.org
compiler: gcc version 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)

In case PPC assembly is useful to somebody, I've marked the instruction
where the process gets stuck. The surrounding "bl" instructions look
like infinite loops to me, but maybe I'm reading this wrong. The assembly
is from: objdump -dl --start-address=0x1728 audio.o

1728: 94 21 ff d0 stwu r1,-48(r1)
172c: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
1730: 7d 80 00 26 mfcr r12
1734: bf 81 00 20 stmw r28,32(r1)
1738: 90 01 00 34 stw r0,52(r1)
173c: 91 81 00 1c stw r12,28(r1)
1740: 3b e3 03 98 addi r31,r3,920
1744: 3b c0 00 01 li r30,1
1748: 3b a1 00 08 addi r29,r1,8
174c: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
1750: 48 00 00 01 bl 1750 <usbout_stop+0x28>
1754: 48 00 00 01 bl 1754 <usbout_stop+0x2c>
1758: 83 9f 00 24 lwz r28,36(r31)
175c: 57 80 07 34 rlwinm r0,r28,0,28,26
1760: 90 1f 00 24 stw r0,36(r31)
1764: 80 61 00 08 lwz r3,8(r1)
1768: 48 00 00 01 bl 1768 <usbout_stop+0x40>
176c: 73 80 00 0f andi. r0,r28,15
1770: 41 82 00 98 beq 1808 <usbout_stop+0xe0>
1774: 31 3e ff ff addic r9,r30,-1
1778: 7d 29 49 10 subfe r9,r9,r9
177c: 38 09 00 01 addi r0,r9,1
1780: 55 29 07 bc rlwinm r9,r9,0,30,30
1784: 2e 1e 00 00 cmpwi cr4,r30,0
1788: 7d 29 03 78 or r9,r9,r0
178c: 91 22 00 00 stw r9,0(r2)
1790: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
1794: 48 00 00 01 bl 1794 <usbout_stop+0x6c>
--> 1798: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
179c: 48 00 00 01 bl 179c <usbout_stop+0x74>
17a0: 48 00 00 01 bl 17a0 <usbout_stop+0x78>
17a4: 83 9f 00 24 lwz r28,36(r31)
17a8: 80 61 00 08 lwz r3,8(r1)
17ac: 48 00 00 01 bl 17ac <usbout_stop+0x84>
17b0: 41 92 ff bc beq cr4,176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
17b4: 80 02 00 08 lwz r0,8(r2)
17b8: 2c 00 00 00 cmpwi r0,0
17bc: 41 82 ff b0 beq 176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
17c0: 73 80 00 01 andi. r0,r28,1
17c4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17d0 <usbout_stop+0xa8>
17c8: 38 7f 00 28 addi r3,r31,40
17cc: 48 00 00 01 bl 17cc <usbout_stop+0xa4>
17d0: 73 80 00 02 andi. r0,r28,2
17d4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17e0 <usbout_stop+0xb8>
17d8: 38 7f 00 cc addi r3,r31,204
17dc: 48 00 00 01 bl 17dc <usbout_stop+0xb4>
17e0: 73 80 00 04 andi. r0,r28,4
17e4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17f0 <usbout_stop+0xc8>
17e8: 38 7f 01 70 addi r3,r31,368
17ec: 48 00 00 01 bl 17ec <usbout_stop+0xc4>
17f0: 73 80 00 08 andi. r0,r28,8
17f4: 41 82 00 0c beq 1800 <usbout_stop+0xd8>
17f8: 38 7f 02 14 addi r3,r31,532
17fc: 48 00 00 01 bl 17fc <usbout_stop+0xd4>
1800: 3b c0 00 00 li r30,0
1804: 4b ff ff 68 b 176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
1808: 3b a0 00 00 li r29,0
180c: 93 a2 00 00 stw r29,0(r2)
1810: 80 7f 00 4c lwz r3,76(r31)
1814: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1818: 41 82 00 08 beq 1820 <usbout_stop+0xf8>
181c: 48 00 00 01 bl 181c <usbout_stop+0xf4>
1820: 80 7f 00 f0 lwz r3,240(r31)
1824: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1828: 41 82 00 08 beq 1830 <usbout_stop+0x108>
182c: 48 00 00 01 bl 182c <usbout_stop+0x104>
1830: 80 7f 01 94 lwz r3,404(r31)
1834: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1838: 41 82 00 08 beq 1840 <usbout_stop+0x118>
183c: 48 00 00 01 bl 183c <usbout_stop+0x114>
1840: 80 7f 02 38 lwz r3,568(r31)
1844: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1848: 41 82 00 08 beq 1850 <usbout_stop+0x128>
184c: 48 00 00 01 bl 184c <usbout_stop+0x124>
1850: 93 bf 00 4c stw r29,76(r31)
1854: 93 bf 02 38 stw r29,568(r31)
1858: 93 bf 01 94 stw r29,404(r31)
185c: 93 bf 00 f0 stw r29,240(r31)
1860: 80 01 00 34 lwz r0,52(r1)
1864: 81 81 00 1c lwz r12,28(r1)
1868: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
186c: bb 81 00 20 lmw r28,32(r1)
1870: 7d 80 81 20 mtcrf 8,r12
1874: 38 21 00 30 addi r1,r1,48
1878: 4e 80 00 20 blr

2001-12-05 10:18:37

by Gabriel Paubert

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: USB audio w/ "D" state

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:

> I did "cat /bin/sh >> /dev/audio" and hit ^C to stop the noise.
> The "cat" process gets stuck in "D" state with the WCHAN indicating
> that the process is stuck 1/3 the way through the usbout_stop()
> function.
> hardware: Mac Cube and the normal spherical speakers
> kernel: plain 2.4.16 from http://www.kernel.org
> compiler: gcc version 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)
> In case PPC assembly is useful to somebody, I've marked the instruction
> where the process gets stuck. The surrounding "bl" instructions look
> like infinite loops to me, but maybe I'm reading this wrong. The assembly
> is from: objdump -dl --start-address=0x1728 audio.o

Please add --reloc to this kind of dump, it makes the code much easier to
follow in case you hit a compiler bug (this happens). Or directly
disassemble vmlinux if it's not a module.

> 1790: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
> 1794: 48 00 00 01 bl 1794 <usbout_stop+0x6c>
these bytes (and the 2 LSB of the first byte) will be modified by the
linker or module loader.

> --> 1798: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
> 179c: 48 00 00 01 bl 179c <usbout_stop+0x74>
> 17a0: 48 00 00 01 bl 17a0 <usbout_stop+0x78>


2001-12-06 05:34:32

by Albert D. Cahalan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: USB audio w/ "D" state

> I did "cat /bin/sh >> /dev/audio" and hit ^C to stop the noise.
> The "cat" process gets stuck in "D" state with the WCHAN indicating
> that the process is stuck 1/3 the way through the usbout_stop()
> function.
> hardware: Mac Cube and the normal spherical speakers (OHCI USB)
> kernel: plain 2.4.16 from http://www.kernel.org
> compiler: gcc version 2.95.4 20011006 (Debian prerelease)
> In case PPC assembly is useful to somebody, I've marked the instruction
> where the process gets stuck. The surrounding "bl" instructions look
> like infinite loops to me, but maybe I'm reading this wrong. The assembly
> is from: objdump -dl --start-address=0x1728 audio.o

I added --reloc to that. Since I had to copy by hand, I put the
branch targets on the right. I marked the WCHAN with '*' chars.
For those not used to PowerPC, "bl foo" is a function call to foo().

So here is a bit of the assembly:

1790: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
1794: 48 00 00 01 bl schedule_timeout
*** 1798: ***** 7f a3 eb 78 *** mr **** r3,r29 ****************
179c: 48 00 00 01 bl __save_flags_ptr
17a0: 48 00 00 01 bl __cli

...and here is the C code for that:

spin_lock_irqsave(&as->lock, flags);

The full disassembly:

1728: 94 21 ff d0 stwu r1,-48(r1)
172c: 7c 08 02 a6 mflr r0
1730: 7d 80 00 26 mfcr r12
1734: bf 81 00 20 stmw r28,32(r1)
1738: 90 01 00 34 stw r0,52(r1)
173c: 91 81 00 1c stw r12,28(r1)
1740: 3b e3 03 98 addi r31,r3,920
1744: 3b c0 00 01 li r30,1
1748: 3b a1 00 08 addi r29,r1,8
174c: 7f a3 eb 78 mr r3,r29
1750: 48 00 00 01 bl __save_flags_ptr
1754: 48 00 00 01 bl __cli
1758: 83 9f 00 24 lwz r28,36(r31)
175c: 57 80 07 34 rlwinm r0,r28,0,28,26
1760: 90 1f 00 24 stw r0,36(r31)
1764: 80 61 00 08 lwz r3,8(r1)
1768: 48 00 00 01 bl __restore_flags
176c: 73 80 00 0f andi. r0,r28,15
1770: 41 82 00 98 beq 1808 <usbout_stop+0xe0>
1774: 31 3e ff ff addic r9,r30,-1
1778: 7d 29 49 10 subfe r9,r9,r9
177c: 38 09 00 01 addi r0,r9,1
1780: 55 29 07 bc rlwinm r9,r9,0,30,30
1784: 2e 1e 00 00 cmpwi cr4,r30,0
1788: 7d 29 03 78 or r9,r9,r0
178c: 91 22 00 00 stw r9,0(r2)
1790: 38 60 00 01 li r3,1
1794: 48 00 00 01 bl schedule_timeout
*** 1798: ***** 7f a3 eb 78 *** mr **** r3,r29 ****************
179c: 48 00 00 01 bl __save_flags_ptr
17a0: 48 00 00 01 bl __cli
17a4: 83 9f 00 24 lwz r28,36(r31)
17a8: 80 61 00 08 lwz r3,8(r1)
17ac: 48 00 00 01 bl __restore_flags
17b0: 41 92 ff bc beq cr4,176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
17b4: 80 02 00 08 lwz r0,8(r2)
17b8: 2c 00 00 00 cmpwi r0,0
17bc: 41 82 ff b0 beq 176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
17c0: 73 80 00 01 andi. r0,r28,1
17c4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17d0 <usbout_stop+0xa8>
17c8: 38 7f 00 28 addi r3,r31,40
17cc: 48 00 00 01 bl usb_unlink_urb
17d0: 73 80 00 02 andi. r0,r28,2
17d4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17e0 <usbout_stop+0xb8>
17d8: 38 7f 00 cc addi r3,r31,204
17dc: 48 00 00 01 bl usb_unlink_urb
17e0: 73 80 00 04 andi. r0,r28,4
17e4: 41 82 00 0c beq 17f0 <usbout_stop+0xc8>
17e8: 38 7f 01 70 addi r3,r31,368
17ec: 48 00 00 01 bl usb_unlink_urb
17f0: 73 80 00 08 andi. r0,r28,8
17f4: 41 82 00 0c beq 1800 <usbout_stop+0xd8>
17f8: 38 7f 02 14 addi r3,r31,532
17fc: 48 00 00 01 bl usb_unlink_urb
1800: 3b c0 00 00 li r30,0
1804: 4b ff ff 68 b 176c <usbout_stop+0x44>
1808: 3b a0 00 00 li r29,0
180c: 93 a2 00 00 stw r29,0(r2)
1810: 80 7f 00 4c lwz r3,76(r31)
1814: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1818: 41 82 00 08 beq 1820 <usbout_stop+0xf8>
181c: 48 00 00 01 bl kfree
1820: 80 7f 00 f0 lwz r3,240(r31)
1824: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1828: 41 82 00 08 beq 1830 <usbout_stop+0x108>
182c: 48 00 00 01 bl kfree
1830: 80 7f 01 94 lwz r3,404(r31)
1834: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1838: 41 82 00 08 beq 1840 <usbout_stop+0x118>
183c: 48 00 00 01 bl kfree
1840: 80 7f 02 38 lwz r3,568(r31)
1844: 2c 03 00 00 cmpwi r3,0
1848: 41 82 00 08 beq 1850 <usbout_stop+0x128>
184c: 48 00 00 01 bl kfree
1850: 93 bf 00 4c stw r29,76(r31)
1854: 93 bf 02 38 stw r29,568(r31)
1858: 93 bf 01 94 stw r29,404(r31)
185c: 93 bf 00 f0 stw r29,240(r31)
1860: 80 01 00 34 lwz r0,52(r1)
1864: 81 81 00 1c lwz r12,28(r1)
1868: 7c 08 03 a6 mtlr r0
186c: bb 81 00 20 lmw r28,32(r1)
1870: 7d 80 81 20 mtcrf 8,r12
1874: 38 21 00 30 addi r1,r1,48
1878: 4e 80 00 20 blr