2003-01-12 14:57:47

by Chris Sykes

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [Oops] linux-2.4.21-pre3-ac3

I go the following Oops whilts un-taring the XFree86 sources.


AMD k6-2+ 500Mhz 128MB ram.
.config, and results from /proc/pci and dmesg are attached.

ksymoops 2.4.8 on i586 2.4.21-pre3-ac3. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.4.21-pre3-ac3/ (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/System.map (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol in_egroup_p_R__ver_in_egroup_p not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol in_group_p_R__ver_in_group_p not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol notifier_call_chain_R__ver_notifier_call_chain not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol notifier_chain_register_R__ver_notifier_chain_register not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol notifier_chain_unregister_R__ver_notifier_chain_unregister not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol register_reboot_notifier_R__ver_register_reboot_notifier not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Warning (compare_maps): ksyms_base symbol unregister_reboot_notifier_R__ver_unregister_reboot_notifier not found in System.map. Ignoring ksyms_base entry
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c013217a>] Not Tainted
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010246
eax: 00000000 ebx: c100367c ecx: c119a000 edx: c119a05c
esi: 00000000 edi: 00000b62 ebp: c029ca70 esp: c119bde0
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Process kupdated (pid: 6, stackpage=c119b000)
Stack: 00000282 c326bf80 c326bf80 c326bf80 c108367c c013cb03 00000000 c108367c
c610ac28 c108367c 00000b62 c029ca70 c01313b2 c119a000 00000123 000000f0
00000020 00000020 000000f0 00000020 00000006 c01315f4 00000006 00000005
Call Trace: [<c013cb03>] [<c01313b2>] [<c01315f4>] [<c0131650>] [<c0132434>]
[<c013269f>] [<c012b3de>] [<c013c741>] [<c013c94a>] [<c013a7ea>] [<c01b2f5e>]
[<c01b2453>] [<c019e480>] [<c01a281d>] [<c013d63c>] [<c013cbee>] [<c013ce8e>]
[<c0105000>] [<c0107166>] [<c013cdc0>]
Code: 89 58 04 89 03 89 53 04 89 59 5c 89 73 0c ff 41 68 eb c1 0f

>>EIP; c013217a <__free_pages_ok+25a/280> <=====

>>ebx; c100367c <_end+ce1064/85aaa48>
>>ecx; c119a000 <_end+e779e8/85aaa48>
>>edx; c119a05c <_end+e77a44/85aaa48>
>>ebp; c029ca70 <contig_page_data+b0/340>
>>esp; c119bde0 <_end+e797c8/85aaa48>

Trace; c013cb03 <try_to_free_buffers+83/100>
Trace; c01313b2 <shrink_cache+212/300>
Trace; c01315f4 <shrink_caches+54/80>
Trace; c0131650 <try_to_free_pages_zone+30/60>
Trace; c0132434 <balance_classzone+54/1e0>
Trace; c013269f <__alloc_pages+df/180>
Trace; c012b3de <find_or_create_page+5e/e0>
Trace; c013c741 <grow_dev_page+21/c0>
Trace; c013c94a <grow_buffers+8a/100>
Trace; c013a7ea <getblk+2a/60>
Trace; c01b2f5e <do_journal_end+45e/a60>
Trace; c01b2453 <flush_old_commits+f3/160>
Trace; c019e480 <reiserfs_writepage+0/20>
Trace; c01a281d <reiserfs_write_super+1d/40>
Trace; c013d63c <sync_supers+9c/120>
Trace; c013cbee <sync_old_buffers+e/40>
Trace; c013ce8e <kupdate+ce/100>
Trace; c0105000 <_stext+0/0>
Trace; c0107166 <kernel_thread+26/40>
Trace; c013cdc0 <kupdate+0/100>

Code; c013217a <__free_pages_ok+25a/280>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c013217a <__free_pages_ok+25a/280> <=====
0: 89 58 04 mov %ebx,0x4(%eax) <=====
Code; c013217d <__free_pages_ok+25d/280>
3: 89 03 mov %eax,(%ebx)
Code; c013217f <__free_pages_ok+25f/280>
5: 89 53 04 mov %edx,0x4(%ebx)
Code; c0132182 <__free_pages_ok+262/280>
8: 89 59 5c mov %ebx,0x5c(%ecx)
Code; c0132185 <__free_pages_ok+265/280>
b: 89 73 0c mov %esi,0xc(%ebx)
Code; c0132188 <__free_pages_ok+268/280>
e: ff 41 68 incl 0x68(%ecx)
Code; c013218b <__free_pages_ok+26b/280>
11: eb c1 jmp ffffffd4 <_EIP+0xffffffd4>
Code; c013218d <__free_pages_ok+26d/280>
13: 0f 00 00 sldtl (%eax)

8 warnings issued. Results may not be reliable.

I'm happy to provide any other info / testing as required.


Chris Sykes
GPG-key: http://www.sigsegv.plus.com/key.txt

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