2003-01-23 18:39:01

by Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: 2.4.x: ide: smart ioctl() doesnt work...


It seems, that it isn't possible to enable the SMART
Automatic Offline Test anymore with 2.4.x (I tried
2.4.13 and 2.4.20).

And additionally: Enabling an already enabled Automatic
Offline Test with 2.4.x disables it.

Switching back to 2.2.20 I was able to re-enable it.

I tried this with different tools: ide-smart, smartsuite,
smartmontools and had a look at their sources, but they
all use the same ioctl():

__u8 args[4] = {WIN_SMART, 0xF8, SMART_AUTO_OFFLINE, 0};
ioctl(fd, HDIO_DRIVE_CMD, &args);

The ioctl() returns no error, but it doesn't do anything:

root@darkside:~# uname -a
Linux darkside 2.4.20 #1 Thu Dec 5 23:17:41 CET 2002 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

root@darkside:~# ide-smart /dev/hdb | grep AutoOff
OffLineStatus=130 {Completed}, AutoOffLine=No, OffLineTimeout=0 minutes
root@darkside:~# ide-smart -1 /dev/hdb
root@darkside:~# ide-smart /dev/hdb | grep AutoOff
OffLineStatus=130 {Completed}, AutoOffLine=No, OffLineTimeout=0 minutes


root@darkside:~# ide-smart /dev/hdc | grep AutoOff
OffLineStatus=130 {Completed}, AutoOffLine=Yes, OffLineTimeout=38 minutes
root@darkside:~# ide-smart -1 /dev/hdc
root@darkside:~# ide-smart /dev/hdc | grep AutoOff
OffLineStatus=130 {Completed}, AutoOffLine=No, OffLineTimeout=38 minutes

Booting 2.2.20 I'm able to enable AutoOffLine via ide-smart -1.

I searched through the archives but didnt find anything
matching this...

Is this a known problem?
Did the ioctl() change somehow?
Am I able to work around it on a currently running 2.4 system?

And btw... Am I able to change the OffLineTimeout value somehow?

PS: Please CC: me in replies, since I'm not on the list.

Ho ho ho! I am Santa Claus of Borg. Nice assimilation all together!