2003-02-19 13:45:52

by Pedro Larroy

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [PROBLEM] PDC20269 on smp and up


I can't get two pci PDC20269 boards (Promise Ultra 133 tx2)
to run stably neither on a smp
nor in a up box. The kernel hangs with no oops and no message is

I've gotten to run one of the PDC boards in a up box well with 2.4.18 and
2.4.20*-ac. But in the smp
box, only with latter -ac kernels or 2.5 kernel will work ok. Although
with last -ac patch for 2.4.21-pre4, I can't boot it in the smp box,
because a bug on amd74xx.

I'm really kernelnewbie so, I will aprecieate any hints in how to start
looking for the bug, and I will apreciate your thoughts about if ide
drivers are too difficult for a kernel beginner. I'm running the kernel
on the smp box with nmi_watchdog=2.

I have tried to run with nmi_watchdog=2 and =1 on the up box, but I still
don't see any NMI interrupts in /proc/interrupts. The processor is AMD XP
1600+ model 6, family 6.

Any hints in what to do will be nice.

O _____________________________________________________________ O
| /-| Pedro Larroy Tovar. PiotR | http://omega.resa.es/piotr |-\ |
| /--| No MS-Office attachments please. |--\ |
o-|--| e-mail: [email protected] |--|-o
\-| finger [email protected] for public key and info |-/

2003-02-19 16:36:29

by Pedro Larroy

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [PROBLEM] PDC20269 on smp and up

The old PDC driver works well on UP with two 20269 cards.
The old PDC driver hangs even with one card on SMP box.
The new PDC driver hangs on UP with two cards, when accessing a lot of the
disks at once.
The new PDC driver hangs on SMP with two cards.

Those are all my observations.


O _____________________________________________________________ O
| /-| Pedro Larroy Tovar. PiotR | http://omega.resa.es/piotr |-\ |
| /--| No MS-Office attachments please. |--\ |
o-|--| e-mail: [email protected] |--|-o
\-| finger [email protected] for public key and info |-/