2003-03-21 04:56:45

by Warren Togami

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: rpm-4.2 problem with kernel-2.5.65 NPTL

Jeff Johnson suspected from this behavior that NPTL in my kernel is
broken in kernel-2.5.65 compiled with gcc-3.2.2-2. Any ideas of what I
can try?

(I am not subscribed to LKML at the moment. Please CC me. Thanks.)
Warren Togami
[email protected]

On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 07:22, Jeff Johnson wrote:

>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 11:43:29PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote:
>>> > rpm-4.2-0.70 seems to be broken while I am using kernel-2.5.65 with
>>> > Rawhide. When I use LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 it works properly as
you can
>>> > see below.
>>> >
>>> > Is this a bug in rpm or upstream kernel? Should I file a Red Hat
>>> > Bugzilla report for rpm?
>>> >
>> Then you have a broken NPTL implementation, which is a glibc/kernel,
>> not rpm, problem.
>>> > (Is rpm-4.2-0.72 or higher available packaged anywhere?)
>> Use CVS. rpm-4.2 is on the -r rpm-4_2 branch.
>> 73 de Jeff

[root@laptop root]# rpm -Uvh gaim*
rpmdb: write: 0xbfffd350, 8192: Invalid argument
error: db4 error(22) from dbenv->open: Invalid argument
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Invalid argument (22)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
rpmdb: unable to join the environment
error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
rpmdb: unable to join the environment
error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
[root@laptop root]# ls
bin gaim-0.60-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030319.i386.rpm
gaim-plugin-encrypt-0.60-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030319.i386.rpm kernel
[root@laptop root]# LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpm -Uvh gaim*
Preparing... ###########################################
1:gaim ###########################################
[ 50%]
2:gaim-plugin-encrypt ###########################################
[root@laptop root]# uname -a
Linux laptop 2.5.65 #2 Tue Mar 18 23:39:11 HST 2003 i686 athlon i386
[root@laptop root]# rpm -q rpm
rpmdb: unable to join the environment
error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Resource temporarily
unavailable (11)
error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
package rpm is not installed
[root@laptop root]# LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpm -q rpm

2003-03-21 05:06:44

by Christopher Faylor

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: rpm-4.2 problem with kernel-2.5.65 NPTL

[reply-to set]
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 07:07:44PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote:
>Jeff Johnson suspected from this behavior that NPTL in my kernel is
>broken in kernel-2.5.65 compiled with gcc-3.2.2-2. Any ideas of what I
>can try?

I think I tracked this down yesterday to the fact that RPM is opening
its files with the O_DIRECT flag and then is trying to create a sparse
file. If I am reading the archives of this mailing list correctly, this
is no longer supported.

I "solved" the problem by rebuilding rpm. It didn't use the O_DIRECT
flag when I rebuilt it and things seemed to work better.

Sure wish I remembered LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 yesterday when I was
banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out...


>(I am not subscribed to LKML at the moment. Please CC me. Thanks.)
>Warren Togami
>[email protected]
>On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 07:22, Jeff Johnson wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 11:43:29PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote:
>>>> > rpm-4.2-0.70 seems to be broken while I am using kernel-2.5.65 with
>>>> > Rawhide. When I use LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 it works properly as
>you can
>>>> > see below.
>>>> >
>>>> > Is this a bug in rpm or upstream kernel? Should I file a Red Hat
>>>> > Bugzilla report for rpm?
>>>> >
>>> Then you have a broken NPTL implementation, which is a glibc/kernel,
>>> not rpm, problem.
>>>> > (Is rpm-4.2-0.72 or higher available packaged anywhere?)
>>> Use CVS. rpm-4.2 is on the -r rpm-4_2 branch.
>>> 73 de Jeff
>[root@laptop root]# rpm -Uvh gaim*
>rpmdb: write: 0xbfffd350, 8192: Invalid argument
>error: db4 error(22) from dbenv->open: Invalid argument
>error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Invalid argument (22)
>error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
>rpmdb: unable to join the environment
>error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
>error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
>rpmdb: unable to join the environment
>error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
>error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
>[root@laptop root]# ls
>bin gaim-0.60-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030319.i386.rpm
>gaim-plugin-encrypt-0.60-0.fdr.0.1.cvs20030319.i386.rpm kernel
>[root@laptop root]# LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpm -Uvh gaim*
>Preparing... ###########################################
> 1:gaim ###########################################
>[ 50%]
> 2:gaim-plugin-encrypt ###########################################
>[root@laptop root]# uname -a
>Linux laptop 2.5.65 #2 Tue Mar 18 23:39:11 HST 2003 i686 athlon i386
>[root@laptop root]# rpm -q rpm
>rpmdb: unable to join the environment
>error: db4 error(11) from dbenv->open: Resource temporarily unavailable
>error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - Resource temporarily
>unavailable (11)
>error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm
>package rpm is not installed
>[root@laptop root]# LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 rpm -q rpm