2003-05-26 19:37:14

by Carl Spalletta

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: 'fscope': a new debugging tool

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -s
# (c) 2003 Carl Spalletta under GPL-v2 [email protected]

# Traces chains of function calls as far back as possible - i.e.,
# to a callback, syscall or interrupt handler. Also, with the
# '-cycles' option set, warns of possible cycles in kernel code.

# For example we want to find all the ways there are to reach function
# do_mmap_pgoff() within the kernel. Whereas 'cscope' would only give
# us it's immediate callers, we recreate the whole reverse call tree with
# the command 'fscope -func=do_mmap_pgoff'. It produces about 20 lines of
# output, each line a unique path to do_mmap_pgoff. The command
# 'fscope -func=add_to_swap_cache' produces over 5000 paths. Arranged
# into tabular form with 'column -t' they form some revealing patterns.

# First, install 'cscope' (available from sourceforge or as an rpm).
# Then before running 'fscope' for the first time, give the command
# "cscope -Rkq" in your source directory to setup the indices.
# Then you may use this program at will, after verifying 2 things:
# 1) That variable $cmd points to some shell script (here called
# 'fscope.cmd'), which is set executable, and whose contents are:
# "cscope -d -L -3$1 | perl -lane 'print $F[1]' | sort -u"
# 2) That the hashbang line of _this_ file refers to your local perl.

# For cleaner output _before_ running 'cscope -Rkq' - which only need
# be done once for any source tree - you may clone your source dir with
# cpio -pdumv --link
# Then prune away the foreign architecture directories & header files,
# as well as any drivers, filesystems, etc, not part of your setup.

# Obviously this is not perfect - it may give false positives. Consider
# a call chain '..A..B..C..' where 'B' indirectly calls function 'C' to
# access a resource protected by some non-blocking synchronization
# primitive which happens, for this chain, to always be held by 'A'.
# Thus, function 'C' will never enter it's critical section from this
# particular call chain (nor will it deadlock), and any functions con-
# tained in it's critical section can never be reached from this chain.
# Nonetheless 'fscope' considers that it _is_ possible, since it assumes
# that any call within a function is ultimately reachable from any chain
# the function belongs to.
# In other words it's analysis is structural, not logical.

# NB: the interesting part of the code is in the loop after label 'NB:'

sub leveln;
$usage="usage: $0 -func=<funcname> [-cycles] [-debug]";
if(!(defined $func))
print "$usage\n";

#cycles lead to infinite expansion
sub cycle
my $arrayref = shift(@_);
my $candidate = shift(@_);
my $arrayelem;

#this argument was supposed to have been
#cleaned up _before_ the call. However..
$candidate =~ s/^\W*(\w+)\W*$/\1/;

foreach $arrayelem (@$arrayref)
$arrayelem =~ s/^\W*(\w+)\W*$/\1/;
if($arrayelem eq $candidate)
print "cycle detected: ";
print join ':',@$arrayref;
print ":$arrayelem\n";
return 1;
return 0;
} #end sub cycle

#recurse until we can go no further
sub leveln
my $i,$xfunc,$cmd;
local @cmd0;

$xfunc=pop @_;
push @_,$xfunc;

#eliminate the line noise :(
$xfunc =~ s/^\W*(\w+)\W*$/\1/;

#insert your command here, but preserve
#the embedded space after the path name
$cmd = "/usr/local/bin/fscope.cmd " . $xfunc;
@cmd0= qx/$cmd/;

print "\n";
print 'leveln[';
print join ';',@_;
print ']';
print "\n:";
print join ':',@cmd0;

#at this point @cmd0 includes all callers of $xfunc.
my @args=@_;
#this loop contains the really interesting bits..
foreach $i (@cmd0)
$i =~ s/^\W*(\w+)\W*$/\1/;
next if $i eq $xfunc;

#invalid value - a cycle
#numeric value - not called directly by anything
#thus end of call chain
##elsif($i=~m/^sys_\w+$/) { return; } #exclude linux syscalls
#default action
# go one level deeper
push @args,$i;
leveln @args;
pop @args;
} #end foreach $i
} #end if @cmd0
print "\@_ at terminal node <<@_>>\n";
} #end if debug
#This is where we output the call chain
print "@_\n";
} #end if not debug
} #end not @cmd0
} #end sub leveln

leveln $func;

2003-05-26 22:38:58

by Carl Spalletta

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: 'fscope': a new debugging tool

Sorted output from 'fscope -func=do_mmap_pgoff':

do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap2 old_mmap old_mmap_i386
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap2 sys_mmap2
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap aio_setup_ring ioctx_alloc sys_io_setup
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap elf_map load_elf_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap elf_map load_elf_interp load_elf_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap i810_map_buffer i810_dma_get_buffer i810_getbuf
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap i830_map_buffer i830_dma_get_buffer i830_getbuf
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap load_aout_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap load_aout_library
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap load_elf_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap load_elf_library
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap load_flat_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap map_som_binary load_som_binary
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap qcntl_ioctl shmiq_qcntl_ioctl
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap sgi_graphics_ioctl
do_mmap_pgoff do_mmap sys_shmat sys_ipc

2003-05-26 22:56:45

by Carl Spalletta

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: 'fscope': a new debugging tool

Output from 'fscope -func=add_to_swap_cache -cycles',
questions follow:

1 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault get_user_pages
make_pages_present find_extend_vma get_user_pages
2 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok clear_user __do_clear_user clear_user
3 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok clear_user __do_clear_user __clear_user clear_user
4 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok copy_from_user ax25_rt_ioctl ax25_protocol_function
ax25_rx_iframe ax25_ds_state3_machine ax25_ds_frame_in
ax25_process_rx_frame ax25_rcv ax25_kiss_rcv ax25_protocol_function
5 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok copy_from_user ax25_rt_ioctl ax25_protocol_function
ax25_rx_iframe ax25_protocol_function
6 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok copy_from_user command ACOMMAND com90xx_probe arcnet_init
7 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok copy_from_user __copy_from_user copy_from_user
8-104 cycle detected add_to_swap_cache read_swap_cache_async
do_swap_page handle_pte_fault handle_mm_fault __verify_write
access_ok copy_from_user COPY_FROM_USER write
acpi_os_write_pci_configuration acpi_hw_low_level_write
acpi_hw_disable_gpe_block .. [too many variants to list]


0) The fields go from innermost frame to outermost frame.
The last field is the outermost. So read them backwards,
until the last field repeats - there's your cycle.

1) These are merely _potentially_ dangerous cycles in the
code - so what is a good heuristic to decide which ones
to investigate?

2) Why in this case are there 12 times as many instances
found for the ACPI stuff as for the rest of the kernel?
Is ACPI a can of worms or what?

2003-05-28 21:20:31

by Pavel Machek

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: 'fscope': a new debugging tool


> 0) The fields go from innermost frame to outermost frame.
> The last field is the outermost. So read them backwards,
> until the last field repeats - there's your cycle.
> 1) These are merely _potentially_ dangerous cycles in the
> code - so what is a good heuristic to decide which ones
> to investigate?
> 2) Why in this case are there 12 times as many instances
> found for the ACPI stuff as for the rest of the kernel?
> Is ACPI a can of worms or what?

Yes it is can of worms.
When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]