2003-06-17 16:10:29

by Bernd Schubert

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Subject: 2.4.21, unresolved symbols in scx200_i2c.o


I just compiled 2.4.21 and got unresolved symbols in scx200_i2c.o:

if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map 2.4.21-tc1; fi
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in
depmod: scx200_gpio_base_Rsmp_254e5667
depmod: scx200_gpio_configure_Rsmp_80c65a79
depmod: scx200_gpio_shadow_Rsmp_9272bc53

Its almost a vanilla kernel, only Win4Lin patches from Netraverse were

The kernel-configuration is attached.

Best regards,

Bernd Schubert
Physikalisch Chemisches Institut
Abt. Theoretische Chemie
Universit?t Heidelberg
INF 229
69120 Heidelberg
e-mail: bernd.schubert (at) pci.uni-heidelberg.de

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