2003-09-09 14:53:18

by maximilian attems

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [2.6 patch] fix aztcd.c compile warning

this patch tries to fix the following compile warning:
-- snipp
drivers/cdrom/aztcd.c:379: warning: `pa_ok' defined but not used

with belows patch drivers/cdrom/aztcd.c compiles without warning
the patch also removes a comment section where pa_ok _was_ used
the warning shows off on each single compile statistics by cherry.
i hope this helps :)

a++ maks

--- linux-2.6.0-test5/drivers/cdrom/aztcd.c Mon Sep 8 21:50:28 2003
+++ linux/drivers/cdrom/aztcd.c Tue Sep 9 15:53:09 2003
@@ -373,21 +373,6 @@
} while (aztIndatum != AFL_OP_OK);

-/* Wait for PA_OK = drive answers with AFL_PA_OK after receiving parameters*/
-# define PA_OK pa_ok()
-static void pa_ok(void)
- aztTimeOutCount = 0;
- do {
- aztIndatum = inb(DATA_PORT);
- aztTimeOutCount++;
- if (aztTimeOutCount >= AZT_TIMEOUT) {
- printk("aztcd: Error Wait PA_OK\n");
- break;
- }
- } while (aztIndatum != AFL_PA_OK);
/* Wait for STEN=Low = handshake signal 'AFL_.._OK available or command executed*/
# define STEN_LOW sten_low()
static void sten_low(void)
@@ -2077,11 +2062,6 @@

-/* if (aztSendCmd(ACMD_SET_MODE)) RETURN("azt_poll 3");
- outb(0x01, DATA_PORT);
- PA_OK;
if (aztSendCmd(ACMD_GET_STATUS))
RETURN("azt_poll 4");