2003-11-09 06:50:09

by john moser

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RFC: (WIP) FoxFS File System

I'm nearing the very end of my expertise here. I'll be finishing out the Inode List format and polishing the Superblock handling. After that I'll need to pick up some help for Quota Acceleration and for putting the final polish on the system. If properly maintained (defragmented, assembled Inode Lists, contiguated free space), it should be fast. Metajournaling-- a similar if not identical (I haven't researched it much) concept to what ReiserFS and ext3 use--should be especially useful on floppies and other small media with a journal (4K journal would be quite enough).

Any thoughts? i'm lazy so it'll be a while before the specs are ready for coding. Please CC replies directly to me.

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