2004-04-07 02:21:20

by Han

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Subject: With recent kernels find gets stuck at nothing.


To debug why the locate cronjob got stuck I tracked down is going on:

So I run this little script:

find / ! \( -fstype jfs -or -fstype reiserfs -or -fstype ext2 -or -fstype ext3 -or -fstype afs -or -fstype xfs \) -prune -or -path /tmp -prune -or -path /var/tmp -prune -or -path /var/spool -prune -or -path /usr/tmp -prune -or -path /mnt -prune -or -print

Now the odd thing happens quite frequently: It's gets stuck just in the
middle of some directory. When this happens I can not start any new
applications. It stays this way until I go to the firebird window which
gets itself back from swap memory (it seems) and then the find command

I run kernel-2.6.5 with jfs as filesystem and I do not use
preempting. I have an athlon 1700+ and 256mb memory.

I hope this is sufficient information to be able to repeat this
problem. Otherwise please let me know what additional information you
want to know.

# Han