2005-03-18 21:10:33

by Matt Domsch

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [PATCH 2.4.30-pre3] linux/fs.h: remove root_device_name declaration

include/linux/fs.h has:
extern char root_device_name[];

but it's been declared static in init/do_mounts.c since March 2002.
gcc-4.0.0-0.32 from FC4-test1 errors out due to the static/non-static
mismatch. Time to kill it from include/linux/fs.h.

Signed-off-by: Matt Domsch <[email protected]>

Matt Domsch
Software Architect
Dell Linux Solutions linux.dell.com & http://www.dell.com/linux
Linux on Dell mailing lists @ http://lists.us.dell.com

===== include/linux/fs.h 1.100 vs edited =====
--- 1.100/include/linux/fs.h 2005-02-07 12:30:59 -06:00
+++ edited/include/linux/fs.h 2005-03-18 15:00:48 -06:00
@@ -1559,7 +1559,6 @@
unsigned long generate_cluster(kdev_t, int b[], int);
unsigned long generate_cluster_swab32(kdev_t, int b[], int);
extern kdev_t ROOT_DEV;
-extern char root_device_name[];

extern void show_buffers(void);