2005-11-23 20:13:52

by Alexander Clouter

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Subject: [patch 1/1 FINAL] cpufreq_conservative/ondemand: invert meaning of 'ignore nice'

The *real* and hopefully final release of this. Noticed a bug that actually
inversed the behaviour of what it was ment to do; hence why this patch is

Also fixed the compiling bug that made it obviously I slacked on the testing.
:-/ This code I have tested and it behaves as expected. Ready for
submission as given below.

The use of the 'ignore_nice' sysfs file is confusing to anyone using it.
This removes the sysfs file 'ignore_nice' and in its place creates a
'ignore_nice_load' entry that defaults to '0'; meaning nice'd processes
_are_ counted towards the 'business' calculation.

WARNING: this obvious breaks any userland tools that expected ignore_nice'
to exist, to draw attention to this fact it was concluded on the mailing
list that the entry should be removed altogether so the userland app breaks
and so the author can build simple to detect workaround. Having said that
it seems currently very few tools even make use of this functionality; all
I could find was a Gentoo Wiki entry.

Signed-off-by: Alexander Clouter <[email protected]>

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