2006-03-28 13:23:07

by Mark Nipper

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I'm seeing these in my logcheck output:
Mar 27 16:16:45 king kernel: KERNEL: assertion (!sk->sk_forward_alloc) failed at net/core/stream.c (283)
Mar 27 16:16:45 king kernel: KERNEL: assertion (!sk->sk_forward_alloc) failed at net/ipv4/af_inet.c (150)

I also saw this with I found references on LKML about
this happening in 2.6.9 with regards to TSO and lowering
tcp_tso_win_divisor. I'm not lowering any values via sysctl
(that I'm aware of anyway), so I'm not sure if I should worry
about this.

Just a heads up in case this is a real problem.

Mark Nipper e-contacts:
832 Tanglewood Drive [email protected]
Bryan, Texas 77802-4013 http://nipsy.bitgnome.net/
(979)575-3193 AIM/Yahoo: texasnipsy ICQ: 66971617

Version: 3.1
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---begin random quote of the moment---
As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
----end random quote of the moment----