2008-10-27 22:18:33

by Robert Millan

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Subject: [PATCH] make firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.asm buildable on a56

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Attached patch makes firmware/dsp56k/bootstrap.asm buildable on a56, the
free Motorola DSP56001 assembler (http://www.zdomain.com/a56.html).

Summary of changes:

- Remove '<' and '>' candy (they specify explicit addressing modes,
which a56 don't grok, but uses implicitly anyway).

- Replace 'move' with 'movem' when accessing program memory.

- Rename a few labels to avoid duplicates (which a56 can't handle).

Robert Millan

The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when (and
how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
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