2011-05-31 00:38:30

by Witold Baryluk

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [Oops 1/2]Something wrong with copy_from_user() function - possible false positive due bug in gcc 4.6


You my wantto look here


It is regression in gcc 4.6

Particulry this error happens in binfmt_misc.c file.
gcc 4.6 errornously print error in this file.

However I could not find such behavior
nowhere in rest of kernel. But it can still
be a case If you use gcc 4.6.

If you are using gcc 4.5 or older, it is probably
genuine error, or someone is using a destination
buffer which is unknown size and gcc cannot
prove it is big enaugh to hold data.

Witold Baryluk

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