2019-05-09 18:11:40

by ossobserver

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking fellow,
has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors in the Danish
cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain for "the jews"

(No great surprise: he is a european, and past actions speak louder than
any present words.)

Thus he blaims them collectively for the modern military slaughter of
innocents we see from all modern militaries (Usually it's the USA

Apparently there was a debate, you can see it here:

He also seems to lament the Danish uprisings against the nazis of the
past (which he sees as not the finest thing).

So he's clearly a white who hates the jews.
He probably has no problem with white women ruling over him, ofcourse:
that's "the way it should be".

Then someone decided to attempt to "CoC" him (report him and get him
thrown out of FreeBSD).

No man should be thrown out of a code project for their beliefs
regarding endless slaughter. Slaughter is the "work" of men: and it is
right for them to have an opinion regarding it - it is only natural. The
blacksmith has an opinion on the qualities of various sourced iron, the
thresher: his grain, and the man: in what ways and quantities blood
should be shed.

(Women should be thrown out of code projects before they utter a word,
naturally, for banning men from marrying young girls, ofcourse (YHWH
allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar
(hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child))
(puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

So, in furtherance of the principal that men, who are murderous by
blood, should be free to discuss their ancestral occupation:
Poul-Henning Kamp has been sent this message regarding license
revocation and gratis non-exclusive license:

"No slaughter" is a ... valid ... view. At least for a time. It is his
right to hold it, Though not a realistic view

2019-05-09 19:17:57

by Enji Cooper

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

> On May 9, 2019, at 11:03 AM, [email protected] wrote:

This is the only reply I’m going to give to this thread that seems like obvious troll bait.

As a native English speaker who often gets into debates about controversial issues with respect to concepts like classism, LGBTIQ issues, race issues, etc, the argument phk@ made wasn’t necessary in favor of anti-semitism from the perspective of hating Jewish people or their culture/religion; it was more or less commentary about policy issues with Israelis vs Palestine, apartheid, the Gaza strip occupation and the fact that some of the Israeli people aren’t acting out against the issues between both parties in an attempt to end the conflict. With this in mind, it was a poorly worded response which led to a slippery slope in a discussion, done on a social medium (Twitter) that seems to get blown out of proportion really quickly (trolls and misinterpretation abound).

This kind of reasoning presented sounds a lot like cognitive dissonance employed by the far-right in America vs individuals like Rep. Ilhan Omar, etc, where they play the victim in order to make leftist groups look like they tolerate hate against certain groups (in this case Jewish people). Does that mean that the left has anti-Semites? Yes, it can happen, regardless of one’s political allegiance if one is to believe the left vs right dichotomy (which I think is largely poppycock, meant to separate groups via tribalism, etc). However, I think a number of people are reading between the tea leaves in this thread.

Do I think phk@ and others should potentially take a step back from the discussion and avoid digging a larger hole than has already been dug? Yes. It’s not my business to make people do that though, since I’m not in a leadership/policy making position.

Please leave this discussion on Twitter instead of flooding these mailing lists. Linux/OpenBSD should not be exposed to this unnecessary drama, and FreeBSD-CURRENT is the wrong mailing list for this (try freebsd-chat@ if you are so inclined).


PS I am not representing the FreeBSD project; I am only representing my personal opinion.

2019-05-09 19:43:16

by Igor Mozolevsky

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 19:07, <[email protected]> wrote:
> Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking fellow,
> has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors in the Danish
> cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain for "the jews"
> collectively.


Freedom of expression exists to protect the rights of others to
express views one might find distasteful; for a likeable/favourable
expression needs no protection---it's axiomatically welcome. When
opposing views are oppressed through gross generalisation and appeal
to emotion, it is a clear sign that those who oppose a particular
unpalatable expression lack logical argument to oppose it. For that
reason, while I might (or might not) disagree with any particular
expression, I would defend their right to express their views without
fear, and implore others to do same while pointing big fingers of
shame at those who actively suppress or oppress fundamental human

Igor M.

2019-05-09 23:46:37

by Poul-Henning Kamp

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

In message <[email protected]>, [email protected]
t writes:

You forgot to include this link:


Poul-Henning Kamp | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[email protected] | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

2019-05-10 04:49:17

by Rozhuk Ivan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

On Thu, 09 May 2019 18:03:04 +0000
[email protected] wrote:

> Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking fellow,
> has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors in the
> Danish cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain for "the
> jews" collectively.

Who cares!?

2019-05-10 09:49:29

by Roderick

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

Dear Poul-Henning!

I do get your point. I do not think you are an antesimite. I would think
the opposite: most antisemites hide behind their israel-friendliness.

I appreciate your involvement on what is happenning in the near east.
From the end of WWI the situation of the palestinians got only worse
and worser, and with the last developements, faster.

You got it, it was not a skilled use of twitter, but unfortunately
not only that: you made some errors. It is perhaps not your guilt,
because these errors are promoted by the israeli propaganda.

From the very beginning there was jewish oposition to the zionist
enterprise, due to different reasons, from so called secular jews
and from religious ones. Many as radical as the most radical
palestinian. In the internet era this should be clear to you:
I suppose you are new in the thema. This is why one cannot
use the word "jews" to name a party in the conflict, unless in a
very restricted context. The AIPAC is not a jewish political lobbying
organization, but a zionist one, a israeli one.

The zionist propaganda always told that all jews are behind israel,
that they represent all jews, it equates zionist with jewish, and
opposition to zionism with antisemitism. It seems you fell in their

The other error is perhaps to consider jews as a religious group,
that they freely chose to be that: it is irrelevant in the context
of the conflict. Arabs see them as a religious group, but zionists,
antisemites and perhaps most europeans see them as a people.
But even among them there are discussions about it (Shlomo Sand). I
once met a very anti-israel jew that very proudly considered her
ethnicity as "ashkenazy". How they define their collective identity
is mainly their issue.

As said, I appreciate your involvement, but I think you were also
not prudent. While these guys kill without scrupples in the near east,
hidden behind heavy weapons, elsewhere their favourite weapon even
against the most weak opposition is diffamation.

Best regards

On Thu, 9 May 2019, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> You forgot to include this link:
> http://phk.freebsd.dk/sagas/israel/

2019-05-10 18:34:29

by Steffen Nurpmeso

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

Rozhuk Ivan wrote in <20190510073249.73a17721@rimwks>:
|On Thu, 09 May 2019 18:03:04 +0000
|[email protected] wrote:
|> Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking fellow,
|> has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors in the
|> Danish cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain for "the
|> jews" collectively.
|Who cares!?

I want to point out one thing. No, two. One is that i concur
with all left hand side arguments of PHKs blog post that was
linked a 100 percent. But that is my personal opinion.

The second is, and i think this is important, because over the
centuries it occasionally is forgotten by spiritless people like
the Nazis and then, short, "leads to massacres", small or
otherwise overwhelming, etc., and, furthermore, in difference to
the time before the first world war there was a tremendous amount
of spirit and art in the heaven under which we live, meaning that
topics were on the table, newspapers, universities, club talks
etc. The "Jew" as in anti-semitism has never been anything else
than an allegory of bad characteristics present in each and every
homo sapiens sapiens (that cheetah thing).

It is an allegory. Back in the day people like Richard Wagner
pointed their finger onto the yews and often in a way that
"everybody" knew that three fingers would point back, so even more
simple minded people would understand it is an allegory, and the
brain f.....s would also have something to talk about. Of course
it is true when Carl Dahlhaus says that "real Jews" had to stand
the consequences ([Wagner] "macht es dem Judentum – der Allegorie,
für die dann die realen Juden einstehen müssen"), but during the
time of Wagner no Jew had to suffer in Germany. That was over
half a century later, and Mr. Dahlhaus lived even later than
But guess what the wonderful Daniel Barenboim reaped when he
and his orchestre started playing a Wagner piece in Israel?
Fanatic old-style jews started screaming and other terror.

Todays standards are mindless and dumb. They guzzle life on
earth. There is no Richard Wagner. People are as wise and
intelligent as back then, they penetrated the physical, chemical,
biological essence of life intellectually even further than back
then, but they lost soul and spirit just as much, or even more.
No one dares to cross any line, while at the same time guzzling
life on earth. That is pathological, that is delirious.
In short. I am an antisemitist. But this has nothing to do with
real Jews. Despite that, the situation in Israel is
a catastrophe, and in Jemen, but let's just not talk about it.
Will ya?

|Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

2019-05-10 22:13:17

by Rozhuk Ivan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

On Fri, 10 May 2019 08:56:48 -0800
Robert Wing <[email protected]> wrote:

> At the cost of sending more spam to the FreeBSD-Current mailing
> list...
> I'm posting the following excerpt taken from the FreeBSD website as a
> reminder to those subscribed to this list and who continue to spam it:
> "This is the mailing list for users of freebsd-current. It includes
> warnings about new features coming out in -current that will affect
> the users, and instructions on steps that must be taken to remain
> -current. Anyone running "current" must subscribe to this list."

Im not sure that freebsd.org is tech resource after it apply CoC.

2019-05-10 22:30:03

by Rozhuk Ivan

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

On Fri, 10 May 2019 20:22:31 +0200
Steffen Nurpmeso <[email protected]> wrote:

> |> Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking
> fellow, |> has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors
> in the |> Danish cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain
> for "the |> jews" collectively.
> |>
> |
> |Who cares!?
> I want to point out one thing. No, two. One is that i concur
> with all left hand side arguments of PHKs blog post that was
> linked a 100 percent. But that is my personal opinion.

I mean that this is "tech" resource about freebsd.
Who and what doing outside source tree is irrelivant.

[email protected] - idiot.
CoC - stupid thing.

PS: sorry for offtopic.

2019-05-10 23:02:27

by Farias Martinez

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Danish FreeBSD Developer hates jews collectively

Why don’t you guys just closed the cased. For gods sake. Now they are investigating the incident.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 10, 2019, at 6:17 PM, Rozhuk Ivan <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Fri, 10 May 2019 20:22:31 +0200
> Steffen Nurpmeso <[email protected]> wrote:
>> |> Background: Apparently a FreeBSD developer, a viking looking
>> fellow, |> has been hiding a secret: just as many of his predecessors
>> in the |> Danish cities during WWII (collaborators); He has a disdain
>> for "the |> jews" collectively.
>> |>
>> |
>> |Who cares!?
>> I want to point out one thing. No, two. One is that i concur
>> with all left hand side arguments of PHKs blog post that was
>> linked a 100 percent. But that is my personal opinion.
> I mean that this is "tech" resource about freebsd.
> Who and what doing outside source tree is irrelivant.
> [email protected] - idiot.
> CoC - stupid thing.
> PS: sorry for offtopic.
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