Many of the static definitions that remain are not needed, as the function
definition is already before the first use.
Signed-off-by: Valdis Kletnieks <[email protected]>
drivers/staging/exfat/exfat.h | 53 -----------------------------------
1 file changed, 53 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/staging/exfat/exfat.h b/drivers/staging/exfat/exfat.h
index 9cd78b6417d0..dbd86a6cdc95 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/exfat/exfat.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/exfat/exfat.h
@@ -782,17 +782,9 @@ static void buf_sync(struct super_block *sb);
/* fs management functions */
void fs_set_vol_flags(struct super_block *sb, u32 new_flag);
-static void fs_error(struct super_block *sb);
/* cluster management functions */
-static s32 clear_cluster(struct super_block *sb, u32 clu);
-static s32 exfat_alloc_cluster(struct super_block *sb, s32 num_alloc,
- struct chain_t *p_chain);
-static void exfat_free_cluster(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_chain,
- s32 do_relse);
-static u32 find_last_cluster(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_chain);
s32 count_num_clusters(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *dir);
-static s32 exfat_count_used_clusters(struct super_block *sb);
void exfat_chain_cont_cluster(struct super_block *sb, u32 chain, s32 len);
/* allocation bitmap management functions */
@@ -808,36 +800,12 @@ s32 load_upcase_table(struct super_block *sb);
void free_upcase_table(struct super_block *sb);
/* dir entry management functions */
-static u32 exfat_get_entry_type(struct dentry_t *p_entry);
-static void exfat_set_entry_type(struct dentry_t *p_entry, u32 type);
-static u32 exfat_get_entry_attr(struct dentry_t *p_entry);
-static void exfat_set_entry_attr(struct dentry_t *p_entry, u32 attr);
-static u8 exfat_get_entry_flag(struct dentry_t *p_entry);
-static void exfat_set_entry_flag(struct dentry_t *p_entry, u8 flag);
-static u32 exfat_get_entry_clu0(struct dentry_t *p_entry);
-static void exfat_set_entry_clu0(struct dentry_t *p_entry, u32 start_clu);
-static u64 exfat_get_entry_size(struct dentry_t *p_entry);
-static void exfat_set_entry_size(struct dentry_t *p_entry, u64 size);
struct timestamp_t *tm_current(struct timestamp_t *tm);
-static void exfat_get_entry_time(struct dentry_t *p_entry, struct timestamp_t *tp,
- u8 mode);
-static void exfat_set_entry_time(struct dentry_t *p_entry, struct timestamp_t *tp,
- u8 mode);
-static s32 exfat_init_dir_entry(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- s32 entry, u32 type, u32 start_clu, u64 size);
-static s32 exfat_init_ext_dir_entry(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- s32 entry, s32 num_entries,
- struct uni_name_t *p_uniname,
- struct dos_name_t *p_dosname);
static void init_file_entry(struct file_dentry_t *ep, u32 type);
static void init_strm_entry(struct strm_dentry_t *ep, u8 flags, u32 start_clu,
u64 size);
static void init_name_entry(struct name_dentry_t *ep, u16 *uniname);
-static void exfat_delete_dir_entry(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- s32 entry, s32 order, s32 num_entries);
-static s32 find_location(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir, s32 entry,
- sector_t *sector, s32 *offset);
struct dentry_t *get_entry_in_dir(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
s32 entry, sector_t *sector);
struct entry_set_cache_t *get_entry_set_in_dir(struct super_block *sb,
@@ -846,18 +814,6 @@ struct entry_set_cache_t *get_entry_set_in_dir(struct super_block *sb,
struct dentry_t **file_ep);
void release_entry_set(struct entry_set_cache_t *es);
static s32 write_whole_entry_set(struct super_block *sb, struct entry_set_cache_t *es);
-static s32 write_partial_entries_in_entry_set(struct super_block *sb,
- struct entry_set_cache_t *es,
- struct dentry_t *ep, u32 count);
-static s32 search_deleted_or_unused_entry(struct super_block *sb,
- struct chain_t *p_dir, s32 num_entries);
-static s32 find_empty_entry(struct inode *inode, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- s32 num_entries);
-static s32 exfat_find_dir_entry(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- struct uni_name_t *p_uniname, s32 num_entries,
- struct dos_name_t *p_dosname, u32 type);
-static s32 exfat_count_ext_entries(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
- s32 entry, struct dentry_t *p_entry);
s32 count_dos_name_entries(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
u32 type);
static void update_dir_checksum(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
@@ -873,25 +829,16 @@ s32 get_num_entries_and_dos_name(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
void get_uni_name_from_dos_entry(struct super_block *sb,
struct dos_dentry_t *ep,
struct uni_name_t *p_uniname, u8 mode);
-static void fat_get_uni_name_from_ext_entry(struct super_block *sb,
- struct chain_t *p_dir, s32 entry,
- u16 *uniname);
-static void exfat_get_uni_name_from_ext_entry(struct super_block *sb,
- struct chain_t *p_dir, s32 entry,
- u16 *uniname);
static s32 extract_uni_name_from_name_entry(struct name_dentry_t *ep, u16 *uniname,
s32 order);
static s32 fat_generate_dos_name(struct super_block *sb, struct chain_t *p_dir,
struct dos_name_t *p_dosname);
static void fat_attach_count_to_dos_name(u8 *dosname, s32 count);
-static s32 fat_calc_num_entries(struct uni_name_t *p_uniname);
-static s32 exfat_calc_num_entries(struct uni_name_t *p_uniname);
u16 calc_checksum_2byte(void *data, s32 len, u16 chksum, s32 type);
/* name resolution functions */
s32 resolve_path(struct inode *inode, char *path, struct chain_t *p_dir,
struct uni_name_t *p_uniname);
-static s32 resolve_name(u8 *name, u8 **arg);
/* file operation functions */
s32 exfat_mount(struct super_block *sb, struct pbr_sector_t *p_pbr);