2022-04-02 15:14:56

by Bilbao, Carlos

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [PATCH v2 0/2] x86/mce: Grade new machine errors for AMD MCEs and include messages for panic cases

This patchset includes grading of new types of machine errors on AMD's MCE
grading logic mce_severity_amd(), which helps the MCE handler determine
what actions to take. If the error is graded as a PANIC, the EDAC driver
will not decode; so we also include new error messages to describe the MCE
and help debugging critical errors.

Changes since v1:
On patch 1/2, follow a simplified approach for severity.c, that resembles
the available PPR more closely. This also simplifies patch 2/2, as less
panic error messages are added.

Carlos Bilbao (2):
x86/mce: Extend AMD severity grading function with new types of errors
x86/mce: Add messages to describe panic machine errors on AMD's MCEs grading

arch/x86/kernel/cpu/mce/severity.c | 111 ++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
