2022-08-10 23:34:13

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
meeting series for DAMON community.

Important links and dates

Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

First instance: 2022-08-15 18:00 PDT
Second instance: 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT


A number of people have shown interest in DAMON, participated in the
development, and formed a community. I therefore tried to react to queries,
comments, and share current works and progresses via mails, conferences, and
some virtual meetings. Nevertheless, that was in somewhat reactive and
occasional manner. It was sometimes not open to all, and might be too formal.

I hence think we could make it better. That is, helping each member of the
community to better understand who have what kind of interest in DAMON and what
they are doing at the moment, align their goals, and efficiently collaborate.


I hope to meet with anyone having interest in DAMON including but not limited
to kernel developers, user space developers, system administrators,
researchers, students, and whoever. Only one requirement is to have any kind
of interest in the development and/or usages of DAMON.


I'd prefer the meeting to be informal for easy communictions. Just grab a
beer, a coffee, a tea, or whatever you have, join in the meeting, and chat
anything except confidentials (of course!). No proof of concept or concrete
plan will be needed. Rather than that, dumb questions and crazy ideas are more

For meeting agenda proposal, let's use a public Google doc:
The agendas proposed previous to the meeting would have higher priority, but
proposing any agenda during the meeting is also welcome.

Expected topics of the meetings include:

- Introduction of each other (who they are, what kind of interest/expectation
they have for DAMON),
- Sharing each person or company's current progress and bottlenecks on their
DAMON development/application works,
- Discussions on possible collaborations on DAMON-related works (both on kernel
space and user space),
- Discussions on direction and prioritization of DAMON's future,
- Just show each other's face and saying hi, and
- Anything.

So the meetings might cover quite wide ranges of topics. We could have
separate communications for more focused topics with people who have interest
in the specific topic on demand. At least, I will try to share my progress and
near future plans in every meeting.


Let's use Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu. I'm using Google
Meet only because I don't have experience in other tools. If you know better
tools or have concerns about Google Meet, please feel free to let me know. If
there is any change to the platform or the link, I will share the update to
[email protected].


The meeting will be held every two weeks for 30 minutes. To cover as many
timezones as possible, the meeting will be held once at Monday evening (18:00)
PDT, and then at Tuesday morning (09:00) PDT two weeks after the previous one,
and repeat. The two time slots will hopefully convince
Asia/Pacific/America-near and America/Europe/Africa/-near people, respectively.
Of course, the meetings could be canceled sometimes.

The first instance will be held at 2022-08-15 (Mon) 18:00 PDT.

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Tuesday morning PDT Monday evening PDT


1. Will this replace the email based communications?

Obviously not. This is only for complementing the email based communication.
The email based communication, especially the patches review process, will of
course continue. We might provide some comments on each other's patches during
the meeting, but it should also be sent via email and archived.

2. Can I miss some important information if I don't join the meetings?

Probably no. I will provide meeting summaries to DAMON mailing list
([email protected]) if there were important discussions, so you are not
required to join in the meeting series always. Nevertheless, as it could be
delayed or missed, I'd recommend to join in the meetings if you could.

3. Will the meetings be recorded and shared?

No, unless explicitly required and everyone agreed.

4. Can I discuss about some confidential things?

No. This meeting series is open for everyone, so please discuss only
non-confidential things. If you have to or unsure, please have a separate
meeting with appropriate people.

5. Who will organize and lead the meeting series?

I would organize and lead it by default at the beginning, but would be also ok
to be driven by anyone in the community.

6. Should I say something if I join in?

No. You're welcome to just listen if you don't have anything to say. I'd
personally recommend people to provide a brief introduction of themselves, but
if you feel uncomfortable about it, of course you can skip. Simply showing up
your face or name on the screen and saying hi to others would also be great.

7. What's the benefit for me to join in the meeting series?

This would be a good chance to let the people of the community know your
problems, requirements, ongoing works and get helps or avoid unnecessary
conflicts. Maybe you could make a friend. It will benefit not only you, but
eventually help the community back. Making community healthy will again help
you back. So I'd recommend you to join the meetings if you could, even if you
don't have something special to say.


I hope this to help the community to better understand each other, make
good/efficient alignments of each goals on DAMON, and ultimately get some fun
and deliver benefits to the community and the world.

Please leave any comments or questions if you have.


2022-08-16 16:53:06

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: brief and incomplete summary of the first instance of the series


Yesterday, we had the first instance of the DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat
series[1], which is intended to be an open, regular, and informal
community-based bi-weekly syncup meeting for DAMON. I was very excited to meet
with the community people who have interest in DAMON and exchange our name in
voice. Thank you again to all people who joined in yesterday. Below is a
brief and incomplete summary of the yesterday meeting. Note that I will only
occasionally post this kind of summaries, not for every instance of the series.

- Several people from various org including Tencent, Intel, AWS, and some
universities joined.
- We introduced ourselves and for what we want to use DAMON.
- SJ introduced current DAMON development process, long term future plans, and
near-future plans.
- There were some questions.
- Why DAMON debugfs has number of target ids limit of 32?
- No reason at all. Please feel free to post a patch for increasing or
removing the limit.
- What's the plan for DAMON's cgroup support?
- The rough idea is to receive cgroup id as the target id of DAMON.
- Definitely need more works.

If there is something I missed or wrong, please let me know.

Next instance of the series will be held at 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT using the
Google Meet[2]. Please feel free to propose any agenda on the Google Doc[3].

Looking forward to meet more community people there!

[1] https://lore.kernel.org/damon/[email protected]/
[2] https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
[3] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing


2022-08-29 20:29:36

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

Hello all,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> First instance: 2022-08-15 18:00 PDT
> Second instance: 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT

I just wanted to remind you the second instance of this chat series that
mentioned above will happen tomorrow morning (PDT).

Looking forward to see you there!



2022-08-30 22:21:53

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> First instance: 2022-08-15 18:00 PDT
> Second instance: 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT

According to the bi-weekly schedule, the third instance of this meeting series
should be scheduled to 2022-09-12 18:00 PDT. It means it will conflict with
LPC'22[1]. For the reason, I'd like to reserve a session in the BoF trakc of
the conference, and do an _in-persion_ DAMON community meeting in the session.
The session could also include some followup QnA/discussions of the kernel
summit DAMON talk[2].

I just submitted the BoF proposal asking it to be scheduled after the kernel
summit DAMON talk. I will provide further update once I get the feedback from
the committee. Hope it to be accepted!

[1] https://lpc.events/
[2] https://lpc.events/event/16/contributions/1224/



2022-09-09 18:15:52

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Tue, 30 Aug 2022 21:54:28 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> >
> > First instance: 2022-08-15 18:00 PDT
> > Second instance: 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT
> According to the bi-weekly schedule, the third instance of this meeting series
> should be scheduled to 2022-09-12 18:00 PDT. It means it will conflict with
> LPC'22[1]. For the reason, I'd like to reserve a session in the BoF trakc of
> the conference, and do an _in-persion_ DAMON community meeting in the session.
> The session could also include some followup QnA/discussions of the kernel
> summit DAMON talk[2].
> I just submitted the BoF proposal asking it to be scheduled after the kernel
> summit DAMON talk. I will provide further update once I get the feedback from
> the committee. Hope it to be accepted!

And I just received the acceptance notification of my BoF proposal. The
schedule is not updated yet, but I guess it should be 2022-09-14 (Wednesday)
17:00-18:30 in Irish Standard Time (IST, UTC+01:00, Europe/Dublin timezone).
So, our next DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea Chat series will be held in LPC2022, in
person. I will update the final time and location as soon as possible.

I will also attend OSSummit EU. Amazon will have a booth there, and I will
also be near the booth in usual. So if anyone doesn't attend LPC but OSSummit
EU and wants to ask or discuss anything about DAMON, please come and find me
there. Please feel free to send me mails for making appointment or check my

For people who cannot join in person there, I will schedule next virtual
instance of the chat series in the Monday of the LPC's next week. That is, the
next virtual instance of this chat series will be in

2022-09-19 18:00 PDT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)

I will also update the Google doc for the schedules and agendas:

Looking forward to meet you DAMON community in person as many as possible!


> [1] https://lpc.events/
> [2] https://lpc.events/event/16/contributions/1224/
> Thanks,
> SJ
> [...]

2022-09-19 22:20:43

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Fri, 9 Sep 2022 17:38:56 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> So, our next DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea Chat series will be held in LPC2022, in
> person.

We had the in-person DAMON community meetup in last Wednesday, as announced.
In the meeting, I met Alex, who recently posted the THP shrinker patch[1], and
had a very interesting discussion about use of DAMON for his work. Leaving a
summary of the discussion here.

TL;DR: DAMON cannot be used for Alex' work as is. But, the goal of the work
can be achieved using DAMON, though the internal mechanism would be slightly
different. Also, with some works, DAMON can be directly used for Alex' work.

The idea of Alex' work is to measure how many sub-pages in THPs are actually
accessed, to know how much memory we are wasting due to THP-internal
fragmentation, and split THPs having low utilization into regular pages.

So imaginable DAMON ussage here would be using DAMON for the THP utilization
measurement. Unfortunately, DAMON couldn't be used for the purpose for now,
because current implementation of DAMON uses PTE Accessed bits. When a THP is
collapsed, hence, DAMON will check the access to the THP in THP granularity,
not in the page granularity.

That said, we have an experimental implementation of DAMON-based THP
improvement[2] which is integrated in DAMON performance tests suite[3]. It
aims to achieve THP improvement that similar to Alex' one, though the detailed
mechanism is slightly different from Alex' one. The idea of DAMON-based
approach is to find >=2MB virtual memory regions showing high access frequency
and do 'madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE)' while finding memory regions showing no access
for a time and do 'madvise(MADV_NOHUGEPAGE)', to reduce the memory footprint
increase due to the THP internal fragmentation while keeping the performance

So the main difference between Alex' work and the experimental DAMON-based
approach is that Alex' work enables THP always first, then finds under-utilized
THP and split those, while DAMON-based approach finds memory regions that could
get benefit from THP and collapses those, while splitting THPs showing no
performance benefit opportunity.

According to the test results[4], DAMON-based THP improvement removes 80.3% of
THP memory waste while preserving 30.79% of THP speedup. I'm planning to make
a kernel module doing this work with a conservatively decided parameter values,
and then automate the parameter tuning based on some system metrics. Time line
is not clear at the moment, though.

We can make the DAMON-based approach more similar to Alex' one by enabling THP
always and using DAMON for splitting cold pages only. THPs being cold doesn't
mean under-utilized, so still not strictly same to Alex' idea, but given the
fact that one important goal of THP is the TLB miss reduction, splitting cold
THPs would make some sense.

There is still a way to use DAMON for Alex' approach in his idea, though some
work is needed. DAMON cannot directly be used for Alex' work as is because it
is using PTE Accessed bits based access check mechanism. But, DAMON allows
multiple access check mechanism to be implemented and configured to be used by
DAMON. Therefore, we can extend DAMON to use some access check mechanism that
THP-independent and use that for Alex' work. For example, AMD's
Instruction-Based Sampling[5] can be imagined. Because it check accesses in
byte-granularity, should be THP independent and therefore able to be used for
checking access to THP-internal sub-pages. Maybe Alex' THP sub-pages access
check mechanism could also be used.

If I'm missing something or saying wrong, please let me know.

[1] https://lwn.net/Articles/906511/
[2] https://github.com/awslabs/damon-tests/tree/13d1850b79a2/perf/schemes/ethp.damos
[3] https://github.com/awslabs/damon-tests/tree/13d1850b79a2/perf
[4] https://damonitor.github.io/doc/html/v34-damos/vm/damon/eval.html#efficient-thp
[5] https://developer.amd.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/AMD_IBS_paper_EN.pdf


> For people who cannot join in person there, I will schedule next virtual
> instance of the chat series in the Monday of the LPC's next week. That is, the
> next virtual instance of this chat series will be in
> 2022-09-19 18:00 PDT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)

And, maybe too late but reminding you that next virtual instance of the chat
series is today, 6PM in PDT as above.



2022-09-28 18:18:36

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.

The next instance of the series was scheduled to 2022-10-04 (Tue) 09:00 PDT
(https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu), but I now reschedule it 30 minutes
after, due to a conflict. So, the next instance will be:

2022-10-04 (Tue) 09:30 PDT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)

I also updated the Google Doc for the agendas:

Looking forward to meet you!



2022-10-18 17:28:20

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

The meeting was scheduled for yesterday 18:00 PDT, but I forgot that. Sorrry
for my bad memory. It's very volatile and easily corrupted. I will try to
sanitize it next time.

For people who prefer the time zone, I will change the time of next meeting
from Tuesday 09:30 PDT to Monday 18:00 PDT. So, the next meeting will be at
2022-10-31 (Mon) 18:00 PDT, Google Meet (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu).

Sincere apology again. I may prepare some sweets for you ;)


2022-11-01 02:17:29

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

Next instance of the chat series was scheduled on 2022-11-15 (Tue) 09:30 PDT.
However, as the daylight saving time finishes before the date, I updated the
time to the same time but in PST. Please refer to the updated Agenda Google
doc. Sorry for late update, and looking foraward to see you in the next


2022-11-14 17:18:05

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

This is a reminder for the next instance of the chat series. Next instance
will be 2022-11-15 (Tue) 09:30 PST. You can show proposed agendas for the
chat, or propose your own using the above Google doc. Hope to meet some of you


2022-11-28 17:30:52

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> First instance: 2022-08-15 18:00 PDT
> Second instance: 2022-08-30 09:00 PDT

This is a reminder for the next instance of the chat series. Next instance
will be 2022-11-28 (Mon) 18:00 PST, so about nine hours after now. You can
show proposed agendas for the chat, or propose your own using the above Google
doc. Hope to meet some of you :)


2022-12-13 02:24:17

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

This is a reminder for the next instance of the chat series. Next instance
will be 2022-12-13 (Tue) 09:30 PST. You can show proposed agendas for the
chat, or propose your own using the above Google doc.

According to the original scheduling, the one after next instance would be
2022-12-26. Because the day is during the holiday season, I've canceled it.
So, the tomorrow one will be the last instance of this chat series for 2022.
Hope to meet some of you :)


2023-01-24 01:44:33

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

This is a reminder for the next instance of the chat series. Next instance
will be 2023-01-23 (Tue) 09:30 PST. You can show proposed agendas for the
chat, or propose your own using the above Google doc. Looking forward to see
you after about 15 hours for the first time in the new lunar year :)


2023-01-24 23:06:56

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

On Tue, 24 Jan 2023 01:44:21 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> This is a reminder for the next instance of the chat series. Next instance
> will be 2023-01-23 (Tue) 09:30 PST. You can show proposed agendas for the
> chat, or propose your own using the above Google doc. Looking forward to see
> you after about 15 hours for the first time in the new lunar year :)

If you tried to but couldn't join today meeting, that's not you or system's
fault but mine. I was out of mind this morning due to some other urgent things
and therefore couldn't attend, sorry.

Let's have yet another one instance for next Tuesday morning (PST), so
2023-01-31 (Tue) 09:30 PST.


> Thanks,
> SJ

2023-04-21 19:49:18

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

The last instance was scheduled for Tuesday of this week, but I forgot the
schedule by my mistake. Sorry if you wanted to join. I therefore schedule
another instance for next Tuesday. Please check the agenda doc for the updated

Sorry again.


2023-05-18 19:26:00

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

The next instance was originally scheduled ror 2023-05-29. But I realized it's
a holiday in USA. So I rescheduled it to 2023-05-30. Please refer to the
Agenda doc whenever you unsure the schedules.


2023-08-01 02:01:35

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 01:21:26 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello community,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> I'm gonna be out of office from mid of August to end of OSSummit Euro 2023[1],
> partly for preparation of my OSSummit Euro talk[2]. For the reason, I will not
> be able to schedule and attend the DAMON beer/coffee/tea meeting during the
> time. I will still be reachable, though I might be less responsive during the
> period.

FYI, we will have one more meeting before that, on 2023-08-08. And the regular
series will restart from 2023-09-26. Updated the google doc.

> Also, looking forward to meet some of you who will attend the conference! :)

And, hopefully we can have a small but physical version of Beer/Coffee/Tea
meeting there! Feel free to ask me for a beer if you find me ;)


> [1] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-europe/
> [2] https://sched.co/1OGf9
> Thanks,
> SJ

2023-08-01 02:01:43

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

Hello community,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

I'm gonna be out of office from mid of August to end of OSSummit Euro 2023[1],
partly for preparation of my OSSummit Euro talk[2]. For the reason, I will not
be able to schedule and attend the DAMON beer/coffee/tea meeting during the
time. I will still be reachable, though I might be less responsive during the

Also, looking forward to meet some of you who will attend the conference! :)

[1] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-europe/
[2] https://sched.co/1OGf9


2023-12-20 20:27:19

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> When
> ----
> The meeting will be held every two weeks for 30 minutes. To cover as many
> timezones as possible, the meeting will be held once at Monday evening (18:00)
> PDT, and then at Tuesday morning (09:00) PDT two weeks after the previous one,
> and repeat.

Based on the above plan, our next meeting should be scheduled for 2024-01-01
(Mon) 18:00 PT. Because it is a holiday for many countries, I will schedule it
for 2024-01-12 (Tue) 18:00 PT.

Looking forward to meet you in the first meeting of the next year. Happy
holidays DAMON community :)



2024-01-03 20:31:12

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:27:09 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> [...]
> >
> > When
> > ----
> >
> > The meeting will be held every two weeks for 30 minutes. To cover as many
> > timezones as possible, the meeting will be held once at Monday evening (18:00)
> > PDT, and then at Tuesday morning (09:00) PDT two weeks after the previous one,
> > and repeat.
> Based on the above plan, our next meeting should be scheduled for 2024-01-01
> (Mon) 18:00 PT. Because it is a holiday for many countries, I will schedule it
> for 2024-01-12 (Tue) 18:00 PT.

My intention was 2024-01-02, but I made a typo. I also forgot joining the
meeting yesterday, sorry for someone who got confused. Let's have one instead
on next Monday (2023-01-08) at 18:00 PT. Hope to see you on the 2024's first
instance of DAMON Beer/Coffee/Chat meeting :)

I also updated the schedule/agendas document:


> Looking forward to meet you in the first meeting of the next year. Happy
> holidays DAMON community :)
> Thanks,
> SJ
> [...]

2024-01-16 18:09:21

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

I again forgot to join today, sorry. I will try to add more alarms. Let's
have an alternative one on same time of next week (2024-01-23 09:30 PT). I
also updated the Google doc.



2024-04-09 23:05:26

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat series

Hello community,

On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

If you tried to join today's meeting and if you were unable to join, it's all
my fault. Sorry, I again missed my alarm.

I was about to schedule another meeting instance for this on next Tuesday, but
I realized that it will conflict with OpenSource Summit NA

So let's have yet another meeting on a week after that. That is, 2024-04-23
Tuesday, 09:30 PT. My apology again for anyone who were unable to join the
meeting due to my fault, and looking forward to chat with you on the meeting.
I also updated the agenda doc

FYI, I will also attend the OSSummit next week in person, and DAMON will again
be presented there (https://sched.co/1aBOg). Looking forward to meet you in
person if possible!



2024-04-16 18:40:52

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Third in-person DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.

I'm attending Open Source Summit North America 2024[1]. I just booked a time
slot and a half of a room to use it as an unconference session for the third
in-person DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea Chat instance.

- Time: 2024-04-17 (Wednesday) 16:55 to 17:35 PT
- Place: Room 444 of the conference venue

The time slot is just after my LinuxCon DAMON talk[2], and just before the
evening event of the conference. I hope this to be a good chance to meet with
other DAMON community members and chat anything fun. Please feel free to join.
Looking forward to meet you!

[1] https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/
[2] https://sched.co/1aBOg



2024-05-19 16:33:40

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat reminder and extending for office hour


On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> meeting series for DAMON community.
> Important links and dates
> -------------------------
> Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing

Recently I got some feedback about DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat. They told me
having regular reminders of the series would be nice, and official time slots
for private discussion could be helpful. I encouraged scheduling private
meetings for such deep level dicussions, but I understand it could be more
easier if we have more official things for that. Hence, I'm making below two

Firstly, I will regularly provide reminder of the series, probably 1-2 days
before every instance.

Secondly, I'm extending this series for reservation-based office hour. That
is, I will reserve my time for 30 minutes every two weeks, keep the schedule
public, and encourage people to reserve the time for discussion on a special
topic for them. The reservation should be made at least one day before the
time slot, and will be first-come first-served basis. In detail, I will
reserve Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning of the group chat scheduled week.
Note that this is not necessarily only time slot for such discussion. You're
still encouraged to schedule private meetings on your convenience.

So, the reminders. Next open group chat will be held 2024-05-20 (Monday) 18:00
(PT) on Google Meet (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu).

Next reservation-based chats are scheduled for 2024-05-21 (Tuesday) 09:30 (PT)
and 2024-06-03 (Monday) 18:00 (PT). If you have some topics that you want to
discuss with me on the time slot, please reach out to me for the reservation,
at least one day before the time slot.

Every meeting is 30-minutes length by default.

Entire schedules are also available at the Agenda doc



2024-05-31 22:43:08

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat reminder and extending for office hour


On Sun, 19 May 2024 09:33:29 -0700 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> Firstly, I will regularly provide reminder of the series, probably 1-2 days
> before every instance.
> Secondly, I'm extending this series for reservation-based office hour. That
> is, I will reserve my time for 30 minutes every two weeks, keep the schedule
> public, and encourage people to reserve the time for discussion on a special
> topic for them. The reservation should be made at least one day before the
> time slot, and will be first-come first-served basis. In detail, I will
> reserve Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning of the group chat scheduled week.
> Note that this is not necessarily only time slot for such discussion. You're
> still encouraged to schedule private meetings on your convenience.

So, the reminders.

Dedicated-topic discussions

Next three time slots that I reserved in advance for possible future dedicated
topic discussions are as below.

- 2024-06-03 (Mon) 18:00 PT (reserved)
- 2024-06-18 (Tue) 09:30 PT (not yet reserved)
- 2024-07-01 (Mon) 18:00 PT (not yet reserved)

Please reach out to me ([email protected] or whatever) to reserve the
not-yet-reserved time slots for your topics. The reservation is made in a
First-Come First-Served way, and I will send a Google Meet link to
reservation-confirmed attendees.

Please note that other time slots are also available based on the discussion.

Any-topic discussions

Next two chat instance for any topic (no reservation is required) are scheduled
as below:

- 2024-06-04 (Tue) 09:30 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)
- 2024-06-17 (Mon) 18:00 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)

You can also get the past schedules and upcoming chats any time on



2024-06-14 21:21:05

by SeongJae Park

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: DAMON Beer/Coffee/Tea chat reminder and extending for office hour


On Sun, 19 May 2024 09:33:29 -0700 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:

> Hello,
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2022 22:51:02 +0000 SeongJae Park <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > In short, I'd like to start an open, regular, and informal virtual bi-weekly
> > meeting series for DAMON community.
> >
> > Important links and dates
> > -------------------------
> >
> > Location: https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu
> > Agenda: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v43Kcj3ly4CYqmAkMaZzLiM2GEnWfgdGbZAH3mi2vpM/edit?usp=sharing
> Firstly, I will regularly provide reminder of the series, probably 1-2 days
> before every instance.
> Secondly, I'm extending this series for reservation-based office hour. That
> is, I will reserve my time for 30 minutes every two weeks, keep the schedule
> public, and encourage people to reserve the time for discussion on a special
> topic for them. The reservation should be made at least one day before the
> time slot, and will be first-come first-served basis. In detail, I will
> reserve Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning of the group chat scheduled week.
> Note that this is not necessarily only time slot for such discussion. You're
> still encouraged to schedule private meetings on your convenience.

So, yet another reminders.

Dedicated-topic discussions

Next three time slots that I reserved in advance for possible future dedicated
topic discussions are as below.

- 2024-06-18 (Tue) 09:30 PT (not yet reserved)
- 2024-07-01 (Mon) 18:00 PT (not yet reserved)
- 2024-07-16 (Tue) 09:30 PT (not yet reserved)

Please reach out to me ([email protected] or whatever) to reserve the
not-yet-reserved time slots for your topics. The reservation is made in a
First-Come First-Served way, and I will send a Google Meet link to
reservation-confirmed attendees.

Please note that other time slots are also available based on the discussion.

Any-topic discussions

Next two chat instance for any topic (no reservation is required) are scheduled
as below:

- 2024-06-17 (Mon) 18:00 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)
- 2024-07-02 (Tue) 09:30 PT (https://meet.google.com/ndx-evoc-gbu)

You can also get the past schedules and upcoming chats any time on

