2023-12-11 11:58:36

by Jens Wiklander

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [GIT PULL] OP-TEE kernel private shared memory optimizations for 6.8

Hello arm-soc maintainers,

Please pull these two patches that optmize how the OP-TEE driver private
shared memory allocated as dynamic shared memory.


The following changes since commit b85ea95d086471afb4ad062012a4d73cd328fa86:

Linux 6.7-rc1 (2023-11-12 16:19:07 -0800)

are available in the Git repository at:

https://git.linaro.org/people/jens.wiklander/linux-tee.git tags/kern-priv-shm-for-v6.8

for you to fetch changes up to 225a36b96359aceaa9a6399f2dff99627397e637:

optee: allocate shared memory with alloc_pages_exact() (2023-12-04 14:48:42 +0100)

OP-TEE kernel private shared memory optimizations

Optimize OP-TEE driver private shared memory allocated as dynamic shared
memory. Both to handle larger than one page allocations and for more
efficient memory usage.

Jens Wiklander (2):
optee: add page list to kernel private shared memory
optee: allocate shared memory with alloc_pages_exact()

drivers/tee/optee/core.c | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
drivers/tee/optee/smc_abi.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)