2001-10-31 12:38:10


[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Hi all...

Hello all,

I'm a new user of this mailing-list, so I send a message to tell "Hello !"

I'm system administrator (on AIX ;) ) and I use Linux since 2 years ago.
I'm in France near Grenoble (I tell that because my english is not very famous !)

See you later


2001-12-05 17:10:19

by rohit prasad

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Hi all...


Is this the right place to enquire about how to set up my linux machine as a gateway for other linux/windows machines for internet browsing and email.

Do let me know soon.
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2001-12-05 17:14:16

by Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Hi all...

> Is this the right place to enquire about how to set up my linux machine
> as a gateway for other linux/windows machines for internet browsing and
> email.

er.. no.

try the documentation from netfilter.samba.org

Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk, MCSE, MCNE, CLS, LCA

Computers are like air conditioners.
They stop working when you open Windows.

2001-12-06 08:07:36

by szonyi calin

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re:(OT) Hi all...

--- rohit prasad <[email protected]> a ?crit?: >
> Hi,,
> Is this the right place to enquire about how to set
> up my linux machine as a gateway for other
> linux/windows machines for internet browsing and
> email.
> Do let me know soon.
> TIA,
> Rohit
Short answer: no

Long answer: http://www.ibiblio.org/LDP/

," ^ ^ ",
| @ @ |

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