2001-12-20 13:16:04

by Kilobug

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: init 0 freeze with kernel 2.5.1

On my Debian Sid system, when I type 'halt' or 'init 0' using kernel
2.5.1, the systems blocks on "Init: sending KILL signal to all
processes..." (console switching and magic sysrq still works). This
doesn't happen with 2.4.* (2.4.15, 2.4.17-rc1, 2.4.17-rc2), and it
didn't with 2.5.1-pre5.
On all those kernels I've applied the preemptive patch and some patches
from Netfiler's patch-o-matic. On 2.5.1 and 2.5.1-pre5, I've enabled
devfs, not on 2.4.17-rc2.
If you need additional infos, or if you additionals tests (like building
the 2.5.1 without devfs or preempt) I can do it, but I go to holidays

Thanx to you all !
** Gael Le Mignot "Kilobug", Ing3 EPITA - http://kilobug.free.fr **
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