2002-07-30 14:49:16

by Marcin Dalecki

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [2.6] Most likely to be merged by Halloween... THE LIST]

Bill Davidsen wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, Marcin Dalecki wrote:
>>I strongly oppose OSes with mutating semantics and don't like the
>>"plugin" idea at all therefore.
> I don't think that's the case, it's a little hard to say modules are a
> plus and plugins are evil. This is not the core of the filesystem being
> plugged, at least I hope not, but features which might have a new
> implementation, or which may not be ready at the freeze. Think PAM for
> filesystems.

I don't like PAM either.

But a better analogy is: Think flash in HTML.