I can confirm that the ACPI bug I described
here :http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=108452002205471&w=2
is still present in the recent 2.6.7 kernel.
However, the process taking all the CPU is kacpid now (was keventd in previous
I hope that helps.
Please add me to CC.
Julien Antille
Antille Julien wrote:
> I can confirm that the ACPI bug I described
> here :http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=linux-kernel&m=108452002205471&w=2
> is still present in the recent 2.6.7 kernel.
> However, the process taking all the CPU is kacpid now (was keventd in previous
> kernels)
I have the same problem if i unplug ac on a compaq armada 7400.
Bjoern Schmidt