Subject: Open Letter (Plea for Medical Help/Assistance) to World Leaders Part 2 of 2

Dear Sir/Madam,

RE: Open Letter (Plea for Medical Help/Assistance) to World Leaders

I have uploaded photos, videos, and audios of myself, scanned images of
my ECG Graphs, laboratory blood test reports, X-Ray films and medical
documents to Facebook (Facebook account: Teo En Ming (Zhang Enming)) and
other preferred multimedia sharing sites. Hopefully, my online accounts,
including Facebook, will not be compromised by my antagonists. I hope
that the content (text, video, and audio) in my data sharing sites will
remain fully intact without unauthorized alteration, modification, and
deletion by my adversaries. And hopefully nobody will close my Facebook
account without my authorization and consent either.

I am exceedingly concerned that I might have heart/coronary artery
disease and that it might be in the late stages.

My physical symptoms are:

1) Aching in the upper left of my chest since beginning January 2009 90%
of the time, sometimes it may migrate to the right side
2) Shortness of breath from time to time
3) Palpitations in the last few days (I can feel my heart beat very hard
and irregularly)
4) Muscle aches in the hands and legs, sometimes my hands(palms) will cramp
5) Involuntary movement of fingers/thumbs occasionally
6) Facial spasms occasionally
7) Sometimes I will feel my body "vibrating" anywhere from head to toe
8) When I tried to feel the pulses on my wrists, the pulses will
"disappear" after a while. This is contrary to what doctors, nurses, and
others have been telling me. That my pulses are consistent.
9) Sometimes when I am just about to fall asleep, I will get a sudden
jerk or have a feeling that I am falling or my heart is going to pop out
10) giddiness/dizziness/light-headedness from time to time
11) Sometimes I will feel weak after just waking up, especially in the
12) discomfort at the back of my head from time to time

I have visited many doctors at Accidents and Emergency (A&E) departments
of many general hospitals here but they all try to brush me off and tell
me I am fine. My request for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for the
brain and (more specifically the) heart is usually declined. It seems
that the doctors are stalling for time, dragging and delaying until
maybe it is too late to do anything for me. I have been unemployed since
1st October 2009 and have depleted all my personal savings.

In May 2009, which is just last year only, I have done a MIBI heart
perfusion study (radioisotope IV + gamma camera) and the
cardiologist/heart specialist told me I have NO heart/coronary artery
disease (even though I have high cholesterol and it could be managed).
LVEF was 64% and MIBI was negative for ischemic at Stage 2 Bruce (as at
21st May 2009). How could it then have progressed, from NO heart/artery
disease to the above-mentioned physical symptoms, in such a very short
period of time?! This is all very very very strange. Could it be some
other problem instead? Heart/coronary artery disease takes many many
years to develop.

As you can observe, I am nowhere as obese as Moses Lim, a Singaporean
Mediacorp TV actor.
References, photos, and videos of Moses Lim:
Yet he is already 60 years old. I also had a grandmother who was very
very obese and she was able to live until 60+ years old. There are many
many people who are far fatter and have far greater builds than me. They
do not have any physical complaints like mine. Why do I have
weird/strange physical symptoms like giddiness/dizziness, chest aches,
muscle aches in the limbs, shortness of breath, hyperventilations, and
palpitations all of a sudden at 32 years old? Foul play?!?!?!

Could it be that my neighbours have been
frightening/terrifying/threatening me everyday 24x7 non-stop for the
past 3-4 years with all sorts of terrible/horrible things that can
happen to me? Maybe my heart couldn't take the stress under such an
intensive, constant and prolonged psychological abuse? I have also heard
them talk about me to various people while I am at home. I think they do
that purposely. But I have had totally no say at all from start to
finish because I am not allowed any chance for direct involvement. I am
being excluded and not given any chance to know anything. They also seem
to have gathered/amassed a lot of private information about me. I
seriously wonder how they do that. They appear to be extremely
resourceful and motivated. There appears to be some intrigue and shroud
of secrecy around me. These people know all of my online monikers and
email addresses. They have been submitting online forms using my
identity and have even attempted to submit password reset instructions
for me without my knowledge and consent. I actually overheard my
neighbours claiming to have passwords/complete access to all my email
accounts and other online accounts. They may also create phony email
accounts and send messages impersonating as me without my knowledge.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and concern.


(1) My neighbours have claimed that they will never stop or waver in
their psychological warfare on me unless I commit suicide. Or they will
wait patiently until I have a heart attack or stroke. How callous they
are! I want to live and live to a ripe old age. And I wish for a long
and healthy life too.

(2) I have a severe panic attack on 27 May 2010 Thursday and several
panic attacks after that. Due to the panic attacks and the severe
anxiety caused by my neighbours, I have been warded in Changi General
Hospital (Ward 14) for 2 weeks (from 1st June 2010 to 15th June 2010)
(EDIT: It's actually four weeks (from 1st Jun 2010 to 2nd July 2010)). I
am actually on home leave today to write this letter (15 June 2010). I
will be going back to the ward at night, hopefully before 8 P.M.

(3) Most of the nurses in Ward 14 CGH have been very nice and friendly
to me. Hopefully they are not putting on a false front. But the doctors
there are as obstinate as mules. They stubbornly and stoutly refuse to
give me any advanced heart imaging tests, e.g. MRI (preferred), CT-scan
(not preferred), echo cardiogram, and ankle brachial index (ABI) tests.

(4) I have a medical appointment at the National Heart Center Singapore
on 17 June 2010, which is next Thursday. I hope that the heart
specialist there will allow me to do the advanced imaging tests
(brain/heart) that I want and tell me the absolute truth about my
medical condition.

(5) My neighbours have strangely and repeatedly commanded me hundreds of
times to apply to work in a casino else I would not get medical
treatment. Strange? Baffling? A casino environment is not suitable for
me and I do not want to work in a casino. I want to work as an
Information Technology (IT) engineer. This is my preferred profession.

(6) After discharging from CGH on 2nd July 2010, I still have not
managed to get any advanced medical imaging tests (MRI) for my
heart/brain. The doctors at CGH have consistently refused to do the
tests for me.

(7) I went for an ABI test at National Heart Center Singapore on the day
of discharge from CGH (2nd July 2010). The results appear to be okay.
Please refer to my facebook account for the details of the test results.
(Rt: 1.05 Lt: 1.04)

(8) I am given a full echo cardiogram appointment at the National Heart
Center Singapore on 2nd Sept 2010. But I am still not given any MRI
tests for my heart/brain. Strange. (EDIT: I have brought forward my
echocardiogram appointment to 11 August 2010 Wednesday 2:00 P.M.
Singapore Time)

(9) I am writing point number 9 onwards until point 29 on 11 Aug 2010
Wednesday Singapore Time. Please take note.