2005-09-15 13:13:27

by Kenneth Parrish

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: 2.6.14-rc1[-git1] was Re: [PROBLEM] mtrr's not set, 2.6.13

-=> In 14 Sep 05 07:50:10 article, Kenneth Parrish wrote to All <=-
KP> Linux fret 2.6.14-rc1 #6 Wed Sep 14 01:05:11 CDT 2005 i686 unknown
KP> unknown GNU/Linux

KP> p.s. this 2.6.14-rc1 kernel shows four lines plus one or two pixels
KP> of the next line, at the bottom of each text console, filled with
KP> what looks like earlier buffer. and it scrolls, with new output. ??

Linux fret 2.6.14-rc1-git1 #1 Thu Sep 15 06:40:15 CDT 2005 i686 unknown unknown

i have noticed that on tty1 only, once the initial boot-up
messages are cleared from the buffer no new output is looped to the
bottom of the screen; but a few tests with a couple of the other five
configured tty's has showed new buffer content continually copies to the
last few lines (plus a pixel or three).
i commented the vga=290 boot option and the problem remains,
just fewer surprious lines appear.


2005-09-16 23:58:49

by Kenneth Parrish

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: 2.6.14-rc1[-git1] was Re: [PROBLEM] mtrr's not set, 2.6.13

-=> In 15 Sep 05 11:20:16 article, Kenneth Parrish wrote to All <=-
[snip of two earlier messages to the list regarding a text console

-git3 fixes it; thank ya :)

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