2013-03-23 18:43:58

by Toralf Förster

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: kernel version 3.8.4 crashed while fuzzying with trinity

That kernel crashed today at a stable 32 bit Gentoo Linux.
The screen shot (just a photo, b/c nothing was in the syslog) can be downloaded here [1].

The last action before I left the machine for a while was to start a user mode linux
(stale 32 bit Gentoo, kernel v3.9-rc3-324-g5da273) and run trinity within that system.

Please note that the host kernel crashed (UML probably too).

To feed trinity with victim files I NFSv4 mounted a directory located at the host system
under /tmp onto a mount point of the UML system (all file systems are EXT4).
That directory contained 100 files and 100 directory.
The trinity command line I used in the UML was :

$> trinity --children 4 --victims /mnt/nfs/n22/forT -x mremap -x clock_nanosleep

FWIW : mremap gives within an UML guest with kernel 3.9-rcX this [2] using SLAB
and with SLUB this [3];
clock_nanosleep only slows down the tests

[1] http://ompldr.org/vaHV6YQ
[2] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/1462272
[3] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=5140E36D.2080606%40gmx.de&forum_name=user-mode-linux-user

Toralf Förster
pgp finger print: 7B1A 07F4 EC82 0F90 D4C2 8936 872A E508 7DB6 9DA3