2007-08-02 04:24:48

by Matthew Marshall

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Touchpad loses sync with ACPI on.

I am having a problem with the touchpad and pointer stick on my HP compaq
nc6000 laptop. It only happens when using ACPI.

Both pointing devices work for a while, but eventually start to 'stick'. The
cursor won't move for about a second, and then it jerks all over the screen,

This problem gradually increases in frequency, until eventually neither device
works at all. Even cat'ing the respective /dev/input/event* device doesn't
return anything, and I have to shut down or suspend the computer for
about 15 minutes before it will work again. (simply rebooting doesn't fix
it.) (Actually, it sometimes works if I press down REALLY hard... perhaps
that's due to some sensitivity threshold being automatically adjusted?)

Everything works perfectly if I boot with acpi=off.

(I also left Windows open all day once, and it didn't happen there either.)

I'm using kubuntu, and have tested it with kernel 2.6.20,, and

When the problem happens, I get lines like this from dmesg:

psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 1

or sometimes like this:

psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 4
bytes away.

From Google I have found a few other similar reports. For one person this
seems to happen under load. For me, it sometimes seems to happen right when
I start to compile or something, but it will also happen when I boot up the
computer and don't even touch it. (literally: I'll come back in a half an
hour and the TP doesn't work.)

Someone else seemed to have the problem from reading ACPI states. I have not
been able to find any correlation in this respect. I booted up without the
battery panel applet and without starting acpid, and it still started
hiccuping after 5 minutes.

There seems to be no correlation between how much I use it and how long it
lasts. Sometimes I can be using it constantly and it lasts an hour.
Sometimes I barely touch it and it lasts only 10 minutes.

I'm attaching the output of dmesg, lshw, lsmod and lspci.

So, what more can I do? Is there any more information I can provide? Are
there any patches I can try? I'm willing to help out any way I can.

Thanks for reading,
Matthew Marshall

P.S. I'm not subscribed, so please CC any replies.

P.P.S. Sometimes it seems to be able to read my mind... Just when I think "wow
it's lasting a long time!" it will freeze up within two seconds. I
understand that this might be hard for others to reproduce.

(No filename) (2.45 kB)
lshw.out.gz (3.22 kB)
lsmod.out.gz (1.15 kB)
lspci.out.gz (540.00 B)
dmesg.out.gz (12.63 kB)
Download all attachments

2007-08-02 13:01:41

by Alessandro Suardi

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Touchpad loses sync with ACPI on.

On 8/2/07, Matthew Marshall <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am having a problem with the touchpad and pointer stick on my HP compaq
> nc6000 laptop. It only happens when using ACPI.
> Both pointing devices work for a while, but eventually start to 'stick'. The
> cursor won't move for about a second, and then it jerks all over the screen,
> clicking.
> This problem gradually increases in frequency, until eventually neither device
> works at all. Even cat'ing the respective /dev/input/event* device doesn't
> return anything, and I have to shut down or suspend the computer for
> about 15 minutes before it will work again. (simply rebooting doesn't fix
> it.) (Actually, it sometimes works if I press down REALLY hard... perhaps
> that's due to some sensitivity threshold being automatically adjusted?)
> Everything works perfectly if I boot with acpi=off.
> (I also left Windows open all day once, and it didn't happen there either.)
> I'm using kubuntu, and have tested it with kernel 2.6.20,, and
> 2.6.23-rc1.
> When the problem happens, I get lines like this from dmesg:
> psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 1
> or sometimes like this:
> psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 4
> bytes away.
> From Google I have found a few other similar reports. For one person this
> seems to happen under load. For me, it sometimes seems to happen right when
> I start to compile or something, but it will also happen when I boot up the
> computer and don't even touch it. (literally: I'll come back in a half an
> hour and the TP doesn't work.)
> Someone else seemed to have the problem from reading ACPI states. I have not
> been able to find any correlation in this respect. I booted up without the
> battery panel applet and without starting acpid, and it still started
> hiccuping after 5 minutes.
> There seems to be no correlation between how much I use it and how long it
> lasts. Sometimes I can be using it constantly and it lasts an hour.
> Sometimes I barely touch it and it lasts only 10 minutes.
> I'm attaching the output of dmesg, lshw, lsmod and lspci.
> So, what more can I do? Is there any more information I can provide? Are
> there any patches I can try? I'm willing to help out any way I can.
> Thanks for reading,
> Matthew Marshall
> P.S. I'm not subscribed, so please CC any replies.
> P.P.S. Sometimes it seems to be able to read my mind... Just when I think "wow
> it's lasting a long time!" it will freeze up within two seconds. I
> understand that this might be hard for others to reproduce.

I had a total of three occurrences of a stuck touchpad on
my Dell D610 since upgrading to Fedora 7, with custom
kernels (FC6 was used up to 2.6.22-rc7-git2, never saw
the issue):

[root@sandman ~]# grep -i psmouse /var/log/messages.1
/var/log/messages /var/log/messages.1:Jul 25 22:53:12 sandman kernel:
psmouse.c: GlidePoint at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization,
throwing 3 bytes away.
/var/log/messages.1:Jul 25 22:53:13 sandman kernel: psmouse.c: resync
failed, issuing reconnect request
/var/log/messages.1:Jul 27 10:43:39 sandman kernel: psmouse.c:
GlidePoint at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 3
bytes away.
/var/log/messages.1:Jul 27 10:43:40 sandman kernel: psmouse.c: resync
failed, issuing reconnect request
/var/log/messages:Jul 30 14:51:20 sandman kernel: psmouse.c:
GlidePoint at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost synchronization, throwing 3
bytes away.
/var/log/messages:Jul 30 14:51:21 sandman kernel: psmouse.c: resync
failed, issuing reconnect request

I always use the touchpad and never the stick, and
actually found out that when the touchpad stops working
with the cursor disappearing, it's a good workaround to
move the stick to get the cursor back (I assume moving
the stick is what actually causes the above messages).


"Did you get married but forgot to get divorced ?"

(Danny and Dusty, 'The Good Old Days')