Hi guys,
Not sure if this is the right list for this, but I'll spew this forward
too you. Redirects to right place is definitiely welcome. Since I added the
reiserfs kernel patch , I figured I'd mention it.
When building the kernel things buld fine with no errors other than the
standard warnings generated by -Wall. Running the make dep bzImage modules
modules_install command completes. Nothing big there, but when i reboot to
the new kernel and the system runs depmod -a `uname -r` I keep getting
unresolved symbols for the ipt_REDIRECT module in the kernel's iptables
I'm using the latest Red Hat **6.2** gcc and glibc, not the 7.0's.
>From what I understand in asking around, there is a symbol in the module
itself that's not being exported to depmod. (?)
1) Is there a way to find out exactly WHAT symbol is not being kicked out?
2) If so is there a way to force that symbol to be exported for depmod's
The reason I ask this here is since it's a kernel level module, I associate
that as a kernel issue.
Thanks gentleman
On Fri, 8 Dec 2000 16:53:16 -0800,
"David D.W. Downey" <[email protected]> wrote:
>When building the kernel things buld fine with no errors other than the
>standard warnings generated by -Wall. Running the make dep bzImage modules
>modules_install command completes. Nothing big there, but when i reboot to
>the new kernel and the system runs depmod -a `uname -r` I keep getting
>unresolved symbols for the ipt_REDIRECT module in the kernel's iptables
depmod -ae will list the missing symbols. Since make modules_install
did not pick up the problem, the symbol is exported but you have a
symbol version mismatch. The current Makefiles have problems with
versions, to clean up do
mv .config ..
make mrproper
mv ../.config .
make oldconfig dep clean bzImage modules
make modules_installs
Install kernel and reboot