2006-02-01 05:17:48

by Ashutosh Naik

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: [RFC] Poor Network Performance with e1000 on

My configuration is two Dell Optiplex PCs ( /proc/cpuinfo attached)
connected back to back.. I am using the vanilla kernel, and
using the e1000 driver for the onboard Intel PRO 1000 Ethernet Card on
both machines. I am performing both Full and Half Duplex Data
Transfer and the figures which I am getting are abysmal..

Full Duplex Data Transfer ( Both send and receive )
Ettcp Send - 55167.45 KB/sec
Ettcp Receive - 54902.49 KB/sec
Total Throughput ~ 110MB/sec
CPU IDLE - 55 percent

Half Duplex Data Transfer ( Sending from one host to another )
Total Throughput = 103 MB/Sec
CPU IDLE - 65 percent

Now, I assume that on Gigabit ethernet, I should be getting Line Rate,
which is around 220 MBps. Even the CPU is not getting max-ed out here
and I am at a loss to understand this behaviour.

Please find the ethtool dump, and the ettcp send and receive dumps for
both full and half duplex transfers


(No filename) (930.00 B)
ettcp-recv-full-duplex.txt (618.00 B)
ettcp-send-full-duplex.txt (642.00 B)
ettcp-half-dup.txt (639.00 B)
cpuinfo.txt (439.00 B)
ethtool.txt (605.00 B)
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2006-02-01 12:19:21

by Ashutosh Naik

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] Poor Network Performance with e1000 on

On 2/1/06, Ben Greear <[email protected]> wrote:
> Ashutosh Naik wrote:
> > Now, I assume that on Gigabit ethernet, I should be getting Line Rate,
> > which is around 220 MBps. Even the CPU is not getting max-ed out here
> > and I am at a loss to understand this behaviour.
> Make sure you are running 64-bit 100+Mhz PCI, otherwise you will not
> get line speed. ethtool -d [device]
> may get that info for you.

Thanks for that Ben. I now used a 64 bit,133 MHz PCI-X on both
machines and I got around 180 MBps, (86259.48 + 95164.90 ), which is
still a decent way away from Line speed. I think PCI is not a
bottleneck now, although I could be wrong. What could I be missing,
and has anybody seen line speed ( 220 MBps ) with e1000 ?

Regards and Thanks

ps - Attaching my ettcp log

(No filename) (801.00 B)
log.txt (1.20 kB)
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