2010-11-08 22:25:52

by luke.leighton

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Zenithink GPL violation.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Kenney Phillis <[email protected]> wrote:

> uboot, glibc, busybox, realtek (gpl), vivante graphics (gpl), and
> Marvell (gpl), ffmpeg (lgpl)

i've forwarded this to rms so that he can take care of glibc GPL
violation, cc'd to [email protected] and also raised a bugreport
https://roundup.ffmpeg.org/issue2347 for ffmpeg.

also i'm cc'ing lkml - if anyone would like to investigate the
firmware (see http://lists.gpl-violations.org/pipermail/legal/2010-November/002446.html
) and be a copyright holder for the purposes of a GPL violations
lawsuit / cease and desist order please feel free to contact the
software freedom law centre who will take up the case at zero
financial charge, on your behalf.

there is a particular reason for going after this particular tablet
vendor / CPU manufacturer : it's an extremely good low-cost 1ghz ARM
CPU (the ZT-180) with very good MPEG decode capabilities.


p.s. if anyone on linux-kernel would also like to participate in a GPL
violations lawsuit / cease and desist order against telechips, for
their supply of BSPs (board support packages) with GPL linux kernel
source whilst forcing recipients to sign an NDA, please contact me and
i will provide links.