2014-10-18 16:08:14

by Gregory Smith

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Discussion on Linus Trovalds claim of userspace cluelessness, spiralling into other analysis and choice of women. Also systemd.

There was a discussion recently about Mr Trovalds claiming he didn't
know anything
about user-space at debconf '14, a stunning claim. Now since the
discussion is likely
to be deleted or edited at the source, well here it is:

I guess people really can't handle the obvious truth being stated.

(In response to another post)

With Trovalds there is also the recent "I don't know anything about
userspace whatsoever" claim (debconf '14) we saw*, when not so long
ago he was railing on various userspace projects (KDE etc). Who in the
world would believe that the man who started linux... does nothing in
userspace and has no clue about what goes on there. It's just a lie.

*Which he used to "back up" his tacit endorsement of systemd.

Then yesterday there was him apologizing for his language etc, a few
days after he said he didn't care what poettering thought, (and awhile
after defending his style in debconf '14)
Guess he got a call from the companies behind the linux foundation
which pays him.

Also, maybe this has nothing to do with anything but it bothers me for
some reason: He took his life and what he did with it was... He
married a rather large karate champ woman who was not pretty (all this
when he married her, it wasn't a bait and switch kind of thing that is
so common). I do not get that either. Guess he lies to himself aswell
(or maybe his eyes do?). Really makes everyone in software look bad.
Like: don't admit publicly you have anything to do with linux, use it,
program for it, etc.
Usually men want pretty girls. Usually thin girls if the man is
white/european. Usually don't really want someone who "can beat them
up", that's not a plus.

The former post is typical of your posting style. You started with
good arguments to criticise, or at least cast suspicion on, Torvalds
with critical observation, then switched to criticising him for his
choice of wife, because she is not pretty (in your eyes). Then
finished with a bunch of crap about what kinds of women men of
different ethnicities prefer, and using that nonsense as evidence that
there is something wrong with Torvalds. That kind of posting is why no
one takes you seriously any longer.

I program games, record music, and work on models and levels etc.
I'm not a serious guy. I don't program interfaces or deal
with hardware not following the specs it claims.

Trovald's wife* is not pretty. My cuzin's
black friend (west african decent, not east african like
farrell) likes big asses: he was salivating while while sitting
in a vehicle with me at the rolly pollys with extra everything.
I don't.

*(wife means woman. Can you even call her "his woman", it's
not like he controls her, she can divorce him and
take all he has at the drop of the hat, oh and it seems to
have been made a point that she's a karate champion, so
does she also imagine she could beat his ass if she so

I think trovalds has poor tastes in women. Even RMS has come
out in support of marrying (or some analogue there of)
the young girls; I suspect because he likes pretty things.
Not liking pretty things is strange in a man, atleast in
a european-decendant man.

Trovalds seems to be willing to sacrifice it all for a
woman who is (at the time of their marraige):
*Fat. *Not good looking in the face. *Somehow also a karate champion.

To throw away a chance at happiness for what? Fitting in?
Being respectable?

Very progressive of him. He doesn't look that terrible.
His daughters look worse than him because of his decision
of mate. I hope the other sons of his father have chosen
better. If he's the only one than that's the end of the
line for that family. They're in the gutter forever now.

He could have chosen a pretty woman atleast, and kicked
things up a notch with the next generation of his family.
Instead he chose to sqaunder his family's lineage up to
the point where it gave life to him.

What you'll do with the most important aspect of your
life says something about you. Trovalds chose to throw
it in the trash and tell his father and mother and his
grandfather and grandmother and his ancestors generations
past to go fk themselves basically.

I suspect that says something about him, along with
the other things.

Calls for censorship ensue.

2014-10-18 16:10:35

by Gregory Smith

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Discussion on Linus Trovalds claim of userspace cluelessness, spiralling into other analysis and choice of women. Also systemd.

The truth stands alone.

Some can't handle it and need it hidden.
As I said. Software people, western men in general, are weak and proud to be so.
(Except when it comes to bombing cultures that keep the old ways and old ideas:
western men are "strong" at that: You show the same tendency, but you don't
have bombs, only the censors mark)

2014-10-19 14:17:40

by Gregory Smith

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Discussion on Linus Trovalds claim of userspace cluelessness, spiralling into other analysis and choice of women. Also systemd.

"Those who do not support my world view are insane"

"Enemies do not exist, only the sane and the insane, I am sane, they
are the insane"

On 10/18/14, Mike Galbraith <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Sat, 2014-10-18 at 16:08 +0000, Gregory Smith wrote:
> ramble ramble.. lalala.. butterflies, wheee
> If you're taking drugs, and the container doesn't have _your_ name on
> it, stop that, maybe your mind will find its way home. If you're not
> taking anything, talk to a health professional about getting some NOW.
> -Mike