2005-10-11 22:09:32

by Roger Heflin

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: AIC79xx fails built into kernel, but works as a module


I have a 2.6.13 kernel and if the aic79xx driver is built into
the kernel it gives odd scsi errors (similar to what you would
get with a bad cable). With the same thing build as a module
all appears to be fine, and the disk appears to function correctly.

Is this a known behavior? The kernel has very few things build
it, the only one that could be an issue is a Sata Sil driver to
support a SIL 3114 chip with disks on it.

I am going to do some more testing on it to verify exactly what
I see.


2005-10-14 19:33:40

by Roger Heflin

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: AIC79xx fails built into kernel, but works as a module

Apparently things where only less troublesome with it loaded as
a module, eventually things still fell over.

Apparently here is the base issue:

The device I am using does not work with the Linux driver, and an
Adaptec 320 controller running at 320, it works with the same
controller running at 160. It fails under vanilla kernel,
and all other recent ones that we tried.

It will work on the same machine with Windows and a Adaptec 320
controller, but only if the windows machine has a new driver. The
error it gives looks very similar to a cabling issue, and we had
ruled out cabling as we had replaced all combinations of cables,
and tried 2 separate Adaptec cards both of which failed, and tried
different devices.

I works fine with a LSILogic 320 and the associated mpt driver.

I believe the OEM is going to be either fixing their device (if
it is their fault) , or informing Adaptec about the issue if they
believe it is an Adaptec driver issue.
