2001-10-26 22:00:53

by Chris Evans

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: 2.4.13 benchmarks... (vs. previous benchmarks)


Here are the 2.4.13 results, which don't mean much apart from in
comparison to previous results on the same setup. Key comparison points
highlighted below. Brief setup details: ext2 fs, 128Mb dual PII/350

dbench 8: 37Mb/sec
dbench 32: 10Mb/sec
bonnie++ write: 18.7Mb/sec
bonnie++ read: 24.2Mb/sec
bonnie++ rewrite: 4.9Mb/sec
bonnie++ seq. create, read, del: 9800, 3600, 5700
bonnie++ rand create, read, del: 9900, 75, 40
swaptest: 2m00s


vs. 2.4.11pre2: dbench numbers are up from 34Mb/sec and 7.5Mb/sec
respectively. Sequential output gained 1Mb/sec. Sequential create up from
7300 and 2100.
Unfortunately, swap throughput dropped - in 2.4.11pre the test completed
in 1m30s.

vs. 2.4.10ac4: 2.4.13 has worse dbench 32 number by 4Mb/sec. Very similar
i/o throughputs (both maxed out?). 2.4.10ac4 has much much better
sequential read and delete scores at 8000 and 30000 respectively. Likewise
for random read and delete at 7000 and 300.
