2003-07-02 18:52:08

by Francois Gouget

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Spelling fixes

The patch is large so I put it at the following URL. It was made
against a clean 2.5.73 tree:

Here is the history of this patch. I am a Wine developer and I noticed
that some spelling errors seem to come back over and over. From time to
time I was doing a global grep in the Wine sources for a specific
spelling error and sending a patch with the corresponding fixes. But
that obviously is not very efficient.

So recently I wrote a small script that greps for a bunch of common
spelling errors. This works much better:
* whenever I find a new type of spelling error I just add it to the
* I can re-run the script from time to time and recheck for all past
spelling errors on the new sources
* fixes are made by hand because I don't trust a script to do that kind
of changes
* because the script specifically checks for spelling errors, it has a
very low false positive rate, unlike (I suspect) dictionary-based
approaches that flag anything that's not in the dictionary (variable
names, techical terms, etc.)
* it's independent from the actual project so it works just as well on
the Linux sources and even web sites

So while I initially developped the script for the Wine sources, I also
tested it with the Linux and Mozilla sources and enriched it with
common typos found there.

So now I'm submitting the resulting Linux patch for review and possible
inclusion. I'd appreciate suggestions as to what the best approach would
be for that. I'm thinking of sending it to the Linux Kernel Trivial
Patch Monkey, possibly after splitting it a bit.

And finally, here is the script I used. Feel free to use it on any
material you want and to modify it as you like. Let me know if
you are interested in this script or have suggestions for improvement.

(please CC me in replies)

--- cut here ---

find "$dir" -follow -name CVS -prune -o -name linklint -prune -o \( ! -name '*~' -a ! -name '.#*' -a ! -name '*.diff' -a ! -name '*.gif' -a ! -name '*.jpg' -a ! -name '*.o' -a ! -name '*.png' -a ! -name '*.so' \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep "$@"

if [ "$1" != "" ]

mygrep "$dir" "$@" -E -i "(icaly\\W|(less|more) then|necces|necesar|non *existing|procces|reciev)" | egrep -v "ChangeLog(.OLD)?"
mygrep "$dir" "$@" -E -i -w "(acc?eptible|adress?|appartments?|arithmatic|automaticly|careful[ly]|cateogor(y|ies)|comands?|(in|un)?compatab(le|ility|ilities)|(dis)?continous(ly)?|debug(ing|ed|er)|dependan(cy|cies|t)|depand(a|e)n(cy|cies|t)|effecien(t|cy)|existan(t|ce)|extentions?|grammer|happends?|(un)?impliment(ation|ed|er|ing)?|(un)?marshal(ed|ing)|oportunit(y|ies)|paramaters?|privi?lages?|refer(ing|ed)|seperat(e(d|s)?|ing|ions?|ors?)|subscribtions?|successfull|succesful(ly)?|sucess?ful(ly)?|(un)?suport(able|ed|er|ing|ive|ively)?|thier|wierd|(over|re)?writen)"
--- cut here ---

Francois Gouget [email protected] http://fgouget.free.fr/
The nice thing about meditation is that it makes doing nothing quite respectable
-- Paul Dean

2003-07-02 21:57:49

by Dan Kegel

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: re: Spelling fixes

Patch looks pretty good, if big. I haven't checked more than 10% of it, though.
You might want to split it up some as you intended.

I'll link to your script from http://kegel.com/kerspell/
- Dan

2003-07-04 01:43:00

by Francois Gouget

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: re: Spelling fixes

On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Dan Kegel wrote:

> Patch looks pretty good, if big. I haven't checked more than 10% of it, though.
> You might want to split it up some as you intended.

I have split it along directory lines. I also updated it for 2.5.74 and
included fixes for a couple more typos that people pointed me to. The
latest patches can be found at:


The files are smaller but maybe they need to be split some more:
324 linux-2.5.74-Documentation.diff
102 linux-2.5.74-arch-cris.diff
581 linux-2.5.74-arch.diff
173 linux-2.5.74-drivers-char.diff
275 linux-2.5.74-drivers-isdn.diff
177 linux-2.5.74-drivers-mtd.diff
774 linux-2.5.74-drivers-net.diff
643 linux-2.5.74-drivers-scsi.diff
129 linux-2.5.74-drivers-usb.diff
706 linux-2.5.74-drivers.diff
215 linux-2.5.74-fs.diff
769 linux-2.5.74-include.diff
223 linux-2.5.74-net.diff
21 linux-2.5.74-scripts.diff
156 linux-2.5.74-sound.diff

> I'll link to your script from http://kegel.com/kerspell/

Cool. I uploaded it to my site. It can be downloaded from:


Francois Gouget [email protected] http://fgouget.free.fr/
La terre est une b?ta...