2005-05-03 22:33:45

by steve

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Journalling file system and dm-raid


I install linux system from remote to a box that has Silicon Image chipset
and using dmraid + device mapper. Because it is remote box, then I can not
get any OOP message (sorry), the problem is:

If I use JFS + SMP kernel (this is a dual P4 box); it runs unstable (slow,
slugish) and when I do a rm -rf linux_source_dir then the terminal
freeze, system unresponding. I have to phone someone to power it off and

If use JFS without SMP. it runs stable.

If use reiserfs it oops on boot (no matter SMP or not), the only thing I
got is some sort of EIP bad value message (told by a non IT staff at the site) so I guess it

Now I have to revert it to ancient but stable ext2!
I really like JFS as I use it stably in my server box but do not its
behavior in SMP kernel.

please let me know if it is known problem with JFS and smp, and it has
been fixed in recent kernel. Thank you.

Steve Kieu
PerfectPC Ltd. Technical Division.
Web: http://www.perfectpc.co.nz/
Ph: 04 461 7489
Mob: 021 137 0260

2005-05-03 23:53:45

by steve

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Journalling file system and dm-raid


> filesystems that have been well tested under circumstances with stacking
> like dmraid/device-mapper etc.

Will do as you advise. Is it ext3 stable enought for this case?

> !DSPAM:42780de8418998623215903!