2017-11-15 16:49:32

by Maciej W. Rozycki

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [PATCH] MIPS: Fix exception entry when CONFIG_EVA enabled

Hi Matt,

On Wed, 15 Nov 2017, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:

> Can you send me .i output from the offending source along with GCC
> options used to make .o output (use `V=1' with `make' if needed)? I'll
> check if my hypothesis is right or find the actual cause otherwise.

Thanks for the pieces requested.

I can see what is going on here: the problem is the source is built with
no optimisation enabled. Consequently GAS does not schedule delay slots
itself. I wasn't aware we had this problem with kernel build flags -- it
certainly affects more than just this piece of code.

For GAS to schedule delay slots it has to be passed -O2 by the GCC
driver. The driver in turn will pass -O2 to GAS whenever at least -O has
been used. By default -O1 is passed, which only enables the removal of
unnecessary NOPs, i.e. those that have been inserted precautionarily for
execution hazard avoidance in the assembly pass and in the end turned out
unnecessary and can be optionally removed in the relaxation pass. NB
GAS's default is actually -O2, i.e. when invoked directly, however this is
overridden by the GCC driver as described.

My recommendation would be using just the same CFLAGS for assembly
sources that are used for C language sources; the GCC driver will silently
filter out options that are irrelevant and interpret all the options that
do have relevance. This may be important for various `-f<foo>' and
`-m<bar>' options which may sometimes affect assembly generation and, for
that matter, multilib selection.

This also means all CFLAGS should be passed to the linker as well,
because again, they may affect linker options.

So if you stick say `-O2' with your compiler invocation, for the purpose
of this consideration possibly just like this:

$ make AFLAGS_genex.o=-O2 arch/mips/kernel/genex.o

then you should get the delay slot in question (and any other ones)
scheduled. Indeed with this build recipe applied I can already see a
small code size reduction in `genex.o' even without your change:

$ size arch/mips/kernel/genex-?.o
text data bss dec hex filename
8236 48 0 8284 205c arch/mips/kernel/genex-0.o
8204 48 0 8252 203c arch/mips/kernel/genex-1.o



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