pr_err() messages should end with a new-line to avoid other messages
being concatenated.
Arvind Yadav (6):
[PATCH 1/6] clk: stm32f4: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
[PATCH 2/6] clk: lpc32xx: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
[PATCH 3/6] clk: SPEAr: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
[PATCH 4/6] SPEAr: clk: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
[PATCH 5/6] clk: h8s2678: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
[PATCH 6/6] clk: h8300: pr_err() strings should end with newlines
drivers/clk/clk-stm32f4.c | 2 +-
drivers/clk/h8300/clk-div.c | 4 ++--
drivers/clk/h8300/clk-h8s2678.c | 6 +++---
drivers/clk/nxp/clk-lpc32xx.c | 4 ++--
drivers/clk/spear/clk-frac-synth.c | 2 +-
drivers/clk/spear/clk-gpt-synth.c | 2 +-
6 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
From 1584667291272312071@xxx Tue Nov 21 09:28:15 +0000 2017
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