2011-01-22 00:07:56

by Brian Gix

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Attribute Server and Client TODOs

Hi Claudio, etc,

Sorry for the repeat --> I sent it to the incorrect list the first time.

We are starting to look at the adopted LE profiles, and it is becoming
clear that Higher layer (Applications etc) server support will be needed
for some of the significant use cases such as Proximity. Is anybody
currently working on a D-Bus interface to the Attribute Server? I know
there is nothing in code that has been up-streamed yet, but I was
wondering if anyone has put some thought into what a D-Bus interface for
the Attribute Server might look like?

Also, one of my compatriots is telling me that she cannot get the GATT
Client D-Bus interface to work. I don't know if this is a simple lack
of Introspection Data (required by d-feet), or if there is a build or
configuration parameter that needs to be setup. I have just been using
the gatttool to run my tests, and not going through D-Bus. If anybody
has been using D-Bus for GATT Client testing, I would be interested in
finding out if there is some setup requirements that I am missing.

Thanks for your time.

Brian Gix
[email protected]
Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum

2011-01-28 06:03:06

by Erin Yueh

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Attribute Server and Client TODOs

Hi Inga,

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 03:30, Inga Stotland <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thank you for your response about enabling GATT over D-Bus.
> I was following the instructions from your notes.
> However, when trying to test D-Bus operations for GATT, I cannot seem to get
> org.bluez.Characteristic interface to register...
> Have you been able to get GATT D-Bus interface to work just with BR/EDR (no LE)?

yup! I am able to use GATT related D-Bus interface to work with
BR/EDR. In the beginning, back to Bluez release 4.80, we can trigger
the discovering service when registering the client. Then it can store
few files in /var/lib/bluetooth/BT_ADDR. When we start bluetooth
daemon, it would register GATT D-Bus interface based on those files.
If you'd like to see those D-Bus interface, you could rollback to
release 4.80. You can use gatttoool to discover the primary service,
and copy 'primary', 'attributes' and 'characteristic' files. Then you
could use the latest Bluez, but move those files to the same folder.
You should be able to see the GATT D-Bus interface.

> Thanks,
> Inga Stotland
> [email protected]
> Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum

Erin Yueh

2011-01-27 19:30:02

by Inga Stotland

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Attribute Server and Client TODOs

Hi Erin,

> Also, one of my compatriots is telling me that she cannot get the GATT
> Client D-Bus interface to work. I don't know if this is a simple lack
> of Introspection Data (required by d-feet), or if there is a build or
> configuration parameter that needs to be setup. I have just been using
> the gatttool to run my tests, and not going through D-Bus. If anybody
> has been using D-Bus for GATT Client testing, I would be interested in
> finding out if there is some setup requirements that I am missing.
I only modified EnableLE and AttributeServer two values in main.conf and
add --enable-attribute on building bluez. Then, it can work. I can use dbus-send
to query data. I also wrote the notes about setting up gatttool in bluez over

> Thanks for your time.
> --
> Brian Gix
Erin Yueh

Thank you for your response about enabling GATT over D-Bus.
I was following the instructions from your notes.
However, when trying to test D-Bus operations for GATT, I cannot seem to get
org.bluez.Characteristic interface to register...
Have you been able to get GATT D-Bus interface to work just with BR/EDR (no LE)?


Inga Stotland

[email protected]
Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum

2011-01-22 07:21:15

by Erin Yueh

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Attribute Server and Client TODOs

Hi Brian,

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 08:07, Brian Gix <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Claudio, etc,
> Sorry for the repeat --> I sent it to the incorrect list the first time.
> We are starting to look at the adopted LE profiles, and it is becoming
> clear that Higher layer (Applications etc) server support will be needed
> for some of the significant use cases such as Proximity.  Is anybody
> currently working on a D-Bus interface to the Attribute Server?  I know
> there is nothing in code that has been up-streamed yet, but I was
> wondering if anyone has put some thought into what a D-Bus interface for
> the Attribute Server might look like?
yup, I was studying how to use LE in bluez recently. I can run Attribute server/
client on two Ubuntu machines. Then, I use gatttool to verify the primary and
characteristics data. I wrote my notes in my blog. If you have interests, you
could read for reference.

> Also, one of my compatriots is telling me that she cannot get the GATT
> Client D-Bus interface to work.  I don't know if this is a simple lack
> of Introspection Data (required by d-feet), or if there is a build or
> configuration parameter that needs to be setup.  I have just been using
> the gatttool to run my tests, and not going through D-Bus.  If anybody
> has been using D-Bus for GATT Client testing, I would be interested in
> finding out if there is some setup requirements that I am missing.
I only modified EnableLE and AttributeServer two values in main.conf and
add --enable-attribute on building bluez. Then, it can work. I can use dbus-send
to query data. I also wrote the notes about setting up gatttool in bluez over

> Thanks for your time.
> --
> Brian Gix
> [email protected]
> Employee of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
> Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum
> --
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Erin Yueh