2010-04-28 20:14:42

by Ed Tsang

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Subject: obexd pull-business-card

I could not get on the same thread with Daniel and Luiz.
I am trying to get pull-business-card working. The target is a Blackberry (with pin code ...).
When I ran it, with paring sucess...
The script will fail, ...DBusException: org.Openobex.Error.Failed:
Dbus-monitor will
error sender.. error_name=Openobex.Error.Failed reply_serial=4
string ""

Then I remember on the Blackberry normally the obex service is off so I
get into it's media menu and select "receive using bluetooth.."
The script now pass.
method call ... serial=4
string "d.vcf"
method return ... reply_serial=4

but the file is no where to find.
I tried with "default.vcf" as file name ... still no file.
My stupid question is do we need to use a predefined name "d.vcf or default.vcf or ..?"
Or could it be the phone don't have a default vcard?
Or the ull-business-card is not functioning correctly?
Any hint?
