2015-05-26 01:14:13

by Florian Grandel

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Subject: Test coverage for "add advertising" - timeouts, missing tests

Hi Arman and Johan,

Marcel would like to see a test that covers an advertising instance
timeout to further reduce the potential for regressions caused by the
multi-advertising changes.

I may be mistaken but I think we do not have such a test in mgmt-tester,

(We do have tests that set a timeout in an add advertising call but the
timeout will not expire as the delayed work is canceled. This is
intended behavior - just not the test I would have to write.)

Today, Arman and I quickly discussed the possibility to test timeouts
and we first thought that the tester would support it. But then I
couldn't really find a hook to do so.

So now I'm left with a few questions:
- Did I overlook the hook to test timeouts?
- If not: Should we introduce one?
- If so: Is there a way to "simulate" the timeout in a way that doesn't
require us to actually wait for a second or even more? Otherwise timeout
tests would considerably slow down test execution.

And somewhat related a different problem that I encountered today:
- Is there a way to test that a given event is NOT being triggered by a
test case? Maybe there's a way to find out when no more events can be
expected so that we don't have to wait - which would considerably slow
down tests again and would not be reliable anyway?

Thanks for your help!
