2014-09-20 04:29:06

by Jakub Pawlowski

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Jakub,
>> >>>>>>>> have you looked at the the Add Device management command with the
>> >>>>>>>> 0x00 Action. That will just send out Device Found events for
>> >>>>>>>> devices
>> >>>>>>>> in range and uses passive scanning.
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>> In addition if you are paired with a device and actually want to
>> >>>>>>>> connect to it, you can use Action 0x02 to allow for background
>> >>>>>>>> connection. This is currently in use for LE HID devices.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> This still only sends one Device Found event though right? In
>> >>>>>>> Jakub's
>> >>>>>>> case, a mgmt event is desired to let the userspace know every time
>> >>>>>>> a
>> >>>>>>> new advertisement packet is received, with the updated RSSI and
>> >>>>>>> TxPower and so on.
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> It should send as many Device Found events as there are advertising
>> >>>>>> reports from the controller. We're enabling duplicate filtering in
>> >>>>>> the
>> >>>>>> hci_req_add_le_passive_scan() function in hci_core.c so maybe
>> >>>>>> that's
>> >>>>>> your issue? Some HW (like Broadcom) tend to be more conservative in
>> >>>>>> how
>> >>>>>> many events they send when filtering is enabled whereas others
>> >>>>>> (like
>> >>>>>> CSR) will give you many more of them (at least one whenever RSSI
>> >>>>>> changes).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Why is duplicate filtering being enabled ? Does it filter packets
>> >>>>> that
>> >>>>> have different advertisement content ? Can I turn it off ?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> At least in the HCI section of the core spec this parameter is quite
>> >>>> vaguely defined. We've enabled it to save power by avoiding the
>> >>>> controller waking up the host too often. With auto-connections it
>> >>>> makes
>> >>>> sense to have it enabled since we're really only interested in the
>> >>>> first
>> >>>> event which acts as a trigger to connect. Same goes for device
>> >>>> discovery
>> >>>> when you're interested in setting up a new device for use.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Right now the filtering is hard-coded but we could consider making it
>> >>>> conditional to whether there are any entries with action 0x00 ("scan
>> >>>> but
>> >>>> don't connect") and disable the filtering in that case.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>> I think this ties in with some of the previous conversations on
>> >>>>>>> the
>> >>>>>>> list about adding a device scan API that is geared towards
>> >>>>>>> applications (rather than OS UI). That is, not only a mgmt API
>> >>>>>>> that
>> >>>>>>> enables these kinds of use cases but also (probably) a high-level
>> >>>>>>> API
>> >>>>>>> exposed from bluetoothd that allows applications to scan for
>> >>>>>>> devices
>> >>>>>>> filtered by service UUIDs, contents of the manufacturer data
>> >>>>>>> field,
>> >>>>>>> and so on.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> As for the Add Device command, does bluetoothd currently use this
>> >>>>>>> somehow?
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>> Yes, this feature (action 0x02 for Add Device) takes over the
>> >>>>>> entire LE
>> >>>>>> background scanning and auto-connection mechanism from 3.17 kernel
>> >>>>>> onwards since BlueZ 5.22 (which was mentioned in our release notes
>> >>>>>> btw).
>> >>>>>> This is much better than the active scanning based auto-connections
>> >>>>>> that
>> >>>>>> have until now been done using Start/Stop Discovery.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Thanks for pointing that!
>> >>>>> The release note says that:
>> >>>>> "The kernel will even use the controller-side whitelist during
>> >>>>> scanning (if no Resolvable Private Addresses are present), saving
>> >>>>> even
>> >>>>> more power."
>> >>>>> If I understand well, that mean that my peripheral device need to be
>> >>>>> whitelisted in order for me to get advertisements ?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> The controller-side whitelist just means that the controller only
>> >>>> wakes
>> >>>> us up and gives us advertisements for entries in the whitelist. When
>> >>>> not
>> >>>> using the whitelist the kernel gets woken up and needs to do itself
>> >>>> the
>> >>>> filtering out of unknown devices. The kernel uses the controller-side
>> >>>> whitelist whenever possible, but e.g. when we have resolvable private
>> >>>> addresses in the list we can't use it as we can't know the address
>> >>>> the
>> >>>> remote device will use in advance.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> My use case include scanning for non-paired, non-connected devices,
>> >>>>> checking RSSI value and deciding about connection based on
>> >>>>> advertisement content, so that won't work. Am I right ?
>> >>>>
>> >>>> If you know the bdaddr that you're interested in in advance we should
>> >>>> be
>> >>>> able to tweak the Add Device command to do what you want (e.g.
>> >>>> disable
>> >>>> duplicate filtering in the case of Action=0x00 entries). However, if
>> >>>> what you need is general scanning for any devices (also previously
>> >>>> unknown ones) then Add Device doesn't really fit in (since it takes a
>> >>>> known bdaddr). For that we'd either need to consider allowing
>> >>>> BDADDR_ANY
>> >>>> as an accepted parameter or then we'd need to define a new mgmt
>> >>>> command.
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>> Unfortunately my case include previously unknown devices. I decide
>> >>> wether I should connect (without pairing) based on advertised service
>> >>> and RSSI power only. BDADDR_ANY seems good solution. Or maybe we can
>> >>> add some parameter that will force not using controller-side whitelist
>> >>> for scan?
>> >>
>> >> actually BDADDR_ANY does not really look like a good solution. What we
>> >> really want is to be able to define a list of UUIDs and maybe an RSSI range
>> >> or threshold for this.
>> >
>> > I think there should be option in mgmt api to capture all
>> > advertisement packets, and later on application level decide what
>> > property to filter on. I understand that this might be not energy
>> > efficient, and that's why there is whitelisting and controller level
>> > filtering.
>> > Specifying list of UUIDs or RSSI value as parameter will be nice, but
>> > controllers doesn't support this kind of complex filtering right now
>> > anyway.
>> > If you decide to allow UUID and RSSI filtering, maybe in a while
>> > someone will come up with need to filter by something in advertisement
>> > ? Maybe it would be good to have this 'look for advertisements' API
>> > very general.
>> we can always extend the mgmt API with a new command for filtering
>> something new. And yes, the Bluetooth SIG will define a new AD element type
>> and then it is not supported. There are also many new Bluetooth
>> specifications in progress and also planned (which I will not iterate here
>> since they are Buetooth SIG confidential) which extend LE advertising in
>> various form and shapes.
>> For me it is important that we can do certain things in the kernel so that
>> userspace can keep sleeping. And we really can just add extra mgmt commands
>> to allow for this. Remember that kernel will have to disable certain
>> "background" behavior anymore. An active discovery always comes first. An
>> active connection establishment from a socket comes first. Pairing a device
>> comes first. So all these major events that are driven by an user action
>> will be prioritized. We have to do that since otherwise you end up with bad
>> user experience. But then again, draining the battery is also bad user
>> experience. So we need to find a balance here.
> I will be very happy with mgmt api method that will filter by serice uuid
> and RSSI value, and that's enough for me. From my use case it looks like the
> user is going to be in this scan state for short time - few seconds, maximum
> minute.
> that is then something different. That is more like "scan for this UUID
> within this RSSI range for x amount of seconds, if any results, report them,
> and otherwise go back to idle".
> We can talk about this one-shot kind of API. I would need to think about it
> a little bit more. However one thing that you might want to consider is
> using pathloss instead of RSSI. Especially if the advertisement contains the
> TX power. That way you get a way better idea of how close or far the device
> is.

Yay! Thanks!
Yes, pathloss will be much better, I was using it before.

> If it would be possible to also add general le scan method that would return
> all advertisements, marked as "only for development", and "not for use in
> production", and "behaves differently for different controllers" and maybe
> somehow disabled by default and you need to set some special flag to enable
> it on your developer machine then it would be awsome for developers that
> want to play with it, but it's not my requirement.
> The mgmt API will never contain any development methods. It is an official
> API and we are committed to stable API promise here. Any kind of testing API
> has to go via debugfs.
> Regards
> Marcel

2014-09-30 21:11:59

by Jakub Pawlowski

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]> wro=
> Hi Jakub,
>> Ok, new updated version - we do only passive scan, and we send Device
>> found event:
>> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> index 11e2490..3d03617 100644
>> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> @@ -2135,6 +2135,29 @@ Set Public Address Command
>> Invalid Index
>> +Start Passive LE Filtered Device Scan
>> +=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
>> +
>> + Command Code: 0x003A
>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
>> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
>> +
>> + Return Parameters:
>> +
>> + This command starts passive LE scan, and filter received
>> advertisements: if AD contains both TX power level and Service
>> Solicitation, and UUID is contained in Service Solicitation and
>> computed pathloss is smaller than max_pathloss parameter, then a
>> Device Found event will be sent.
> generally we tried to avoid to specific LE only commands. Our attempts wi=
th the kernel APIs where to make them as generic as possible. So I think so=
mething along the lines of adding and removing UUID filters should be somet=
hing we should target at.
> Add UUID Notification Filter
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> UUID (16 Octets)
> Max_Pathloss (1 Octet)
> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> Remove UUID Notification Filter
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> UUID (16 Octets)
> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> The Address_Type would be defined the same way as for Start Discovery com=
> Now we can discuss if on the mgmt level we want to use pathloss or rather=
a range of RSSI. I have seen that RSSI is preferred and that the translati=
on from RSSI and advertising data with TX power level is done in the daemon=
. So for kernel API it might be better to expose RSSI range.
> Besides a RSSI range, we might also want to allow giving a RSSI threshold=
that defines how much the RSSI to change between events to be reported aga=

Some mobile devices that I'm working can change power level for
advertising, that makes raw RSSI filter useless. It must be pathloss,
that's why I require TX power in advertisement.

> That said, the danger with a generic notification filter like this is tha=
t we can not implement it efficiently with current hardware without vendor =
commands. If you use duplicate filtering, then Broadcom and CSR chips behav=
e fully different. Broadcom only filters on BD_ADDR and report devices once=
no matter what the RSSI, while CSR will report the same device again if th=
e RSSI changes.
> With that in mind, it might be safer to introduce a one-shot mgmt API tha=
t needs to be repeatedly called to keep scanning for new devices.
> Start Service Discovery
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> Min_RSSI (1 Octet)
> Max_RSSI (1 Octet)
> Num_UUID (1 Octet)
> UUID[i] (16 Octets)
> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> Stop Service Discovery
> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
> Without having dedicated controller support for filtering, having such a =
dedicated discovery for services with a specific UUID seems to be more appr=
opriate and more safe. Since we could always add controller based filtering=
for background scanning once there is controller support.

I preffer the "Add UUID Notification Filter" and "Remove UUID
Notification Filter". For controllers like Broadcom that reports only
one advertisement can we restart scan internally in kernel ? Why
propagate that event higher ?

> Regards
> Marcel

2014-09-30 18:54:08

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Jakub,

> Ok, new updated version - we do only passive scan, and we send Device
> found event:
> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> index 11e2490..3d03617 100644
> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> @@ -2135,6 +2135,29 @@ Set Public Address Command
> Invalid Index
> +Start Passive LE Filtered Device Scan
> +=======================
> +
> + Command Code: 0x003A
> + Controller Index: <controller id>
> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
> +
> + Return Parameters:
> +
> + This command starts passive LE scan, and filter received
> advertisements: if AD contains both TX power level and Service
> Solicitation, and UUID is contained in Service Solicitation and
> computed pathloss is smaller than max_pathloss parameter, then a
> Device Found event will be sent.

generally we tried to avoid to specific LE only commands. Our attempts with the kernel APIs where to make them as generic as possible. So I think something along the lines of adding and removing UUID filters should be something we should target at.

Add UUID Notification Filter

Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
UUID (16 Octets)
Max_Pathloss (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)

Remove UUID Notification Filter

Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
UUID (16 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)

The Address_Type would be defined the same way as for Start Discovery command.

Now we can discuss if on the mgmt level we want to use pathloss or rather a range of RSSI. I have seen that RSSI is preferred and that the translation from RSSI and advertising data with TX power level is done in the daemon. So for kernel API it might be better to expose RSSI range.

Besides a RSSI range, we might also want to allow giving a RSSI threshold that defines how much the RSSI to change between events to be reported again.

That said, the danger with a generic notification filter like this is that we can not implement it efficiently with current hardware without vendor commands. If you use duplicate filtering, then Broadcom and CSR chips behave fully different. Broadcom only filters on BD_ADDR and report devices once no matter what the RSSI, while CSR will report the same device again if the RSSI changes.

With that in mind, it might be safer to introduce a one-shot mgmt API that needs to be repeatedly called to keep scanning for new devices.

Start Service Discovery

Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
Min_RSSI (1 Octet)
Max_RSSI (1 Octet)
Num_UUID (1 Octet)
UUID[i] (16 Octets)
Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)

Stop Service Discovery

Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)

Without having dedicated controller support for filtering, having such a dedicated discovery for services with a specific UUID seems to be more appropriate and more safe. Since we could always add controller based filtering for background scanning once there is controller support.



2014-09-30 18:29:44

by Jakub Pawlowski

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Ok, new updated version - we do only passive scan, and we send Device
found event:

diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
index 11e2490..3d03617 100644
--- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
+++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
@@ -2135,6 +2135,29 @@ Set Public Address Command
Invalid Index

+Start Passive LE Filtered Device Scan
+ Command Code: 0x003A
+ Controller Index: <controller id>
+ Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
+ max_pathloss (1 octet)
+ Return Parameters:
+ This command starts passive LE scan, and filter received
advertisements: if AD contains both TX power level and Service
Solicitation, and UUID is contained in Service Solicitation and
computed pathloss is smaller than max_pathloss parameter, then a
Device Found event will be sent.
+ This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
+ This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
+ Possible errors: Busy
+ Not Supported
+ Invalid Parameters
+ Not Powered
+ Invalid Index
Command Complete Event

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Jakub,
>>>> ---
>>>> doc/mgmt-api.txt | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>> 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>>> index 11e2490..1c78f1c 100644
>>>> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>>> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>>> @@ -2135,6 +2135,34 @@ Set Public Address Command
>>>> Invalid Index
>>>> +Start LE Filtered Device Scan
>>>> +=======================
>>>> +
>>>> + Command Code: 0x003A
>>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>>> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
>>>> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
>>>> + is_active (1 octet)
>>>> +
>>>> + Return Parameters:
>>>> +
>>>> + This command starts LE scan, and filter received advertisements: if
>>>> AD contains both TX power level and Service Solicitation, and UUID is
>>>> contained in Service Solicitation and computed pathloss is smaller
>>>> than max_pathloss parameter, then a Advertisement Received event will
>>>> be sent.
>>>> +
>>>> + Possible values for the is_active parameter:
>>>> + 0 Start passive scan
>>>> + 1 Start active scan
>>> is really like a one-shot scan? Or is this something you would be running all the time in the background?
>>> Fundamentally if it is one-shot thing then you always want to do active scan, but if it runs in the background then you only want to do passive scanning.
>> I'm working on two projects, one require scanning up to 2 minutes,
>> second requires long term scanning in background.
>> I'd preffer to have scan type as argument, but having only passive
>> scan is also good option for me.
> I prefer to have these as separate commands. So one is actually a specialized active scanning to find a specific set of devices. Similar to Start Discovery. The other is to add an additional filter for our background scanning.
> Remember that this has to work in sync with the auto-connection logic that the kernel is running. If you are messing that up, then you might find the device you are looking for, but the HID mouse will not re-connect.
>>>> +
>>>> + This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
>>>> +
>>>> + This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
>>>> +
>>>> + Possible errors: Busy
>>>> + Not Supported
>>>> + Invalid Parameters
>>>> + Not Powered
>>>> + Invalid Index
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>>> Command Complete Event
>>>> ======================
>>>> @@ -2851,3 +2879,44 @@ New Configuration Options Event
>>>> This event indicates that one or more of the options for the
>>>> controller configuration has changed.
>>>> +
>>>> +
>>>> +Advertisement Received Event
>>>> +==============================
>>>> +
>>>> + Event Code: 0x0020
>>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>>> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
>>>> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
>>>> + RSSI (1 Octet)
>>>> + Flags (4 Octets)
>>>> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
>>>> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
>>> Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?
>> Because Device Found event always contains EIR data, and mine would
>> sometimes contain only AD data.
>> Also this will be send for each advertisement received, not for first one only.
> Do not get confused because Device Found says EIR_Data. It will return EIR_Data for BR/EDR devices and AD_Data for LE devices. We just never bothered to find a more common name.
> We could easily send multiple Device Found events. Besides Start Discovery, we also have Add Device with Action 0x00 sending out Device Found events. So that would not be a problem. We just need to define the context properly.
> Regards
> Marcel

2014-09-30 17:31:48

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Jakub,

>>> ---
>>> doc/mgmt-api.txt | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> index 11e2490..1c78f1c 100644
>>> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> @@ -2135,6 +2135,34 @@ Set Public Address Command
>>> Invalid Index
>>> +Start LE Filtered Device Scan
>>> +=======================
>>> +
>>> + Command Code: 0x003A
>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
>>> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
>>> + is_active (1 octet)
>>> +
>>> + Return Parameters:
>>> +
>>> + This command starts LE scan, and filter received advertisements: if
>>> AD contains both TX power level and Service Solicitation, and UUID is
>>> contained in Service Solicitation and computed pathloss is smaller
>>> than max_pathloss parameter, then a Advertisement Received event will
>>> be sent.
>>> +
>>> + Possible values for the is_active parameter:
>>> + 0 Start passive scan
>>> + 1 Start active scan
>> is really like a one-shot scan? Or is this something you would be running all the time in the background?
>> Fundamentally if it is one-shot thing then you always want to do active scan, but if it runs in the background then you only want to do passive scanning.
> I'm working on two projects, one require scanning up to 2 minutes,
> second requires long term scanning in background.
> I'd preffer to have scan type as argument, but having only passive
> scan is also good option for me.

I prefer to have these as separate commands. So one is actually a specialized active scanning to find a specific set of devices. Similar to Start Discovery. The other is to add an additional filter for our background scanning.

Remember that this has to work in sync with the auto-connection logic that the kernel is running. If you are messing that up, then you might find the device you are looking for, but the HID mouse will not re-connect.

>>> +
>>> + This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
>>> +
>>> + This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
>>> +
>>> + Possible errors: Busy
>>> + Not Supported
>>> + Invalid Parameters
>>> + Not Powered
>>> + Invalid Index
>>> +
>>> +
>>> Command Complete Event
>>> ======================
>>> @@ -2851,3 +2879,44 @@ New Configuration Options Event
>>> This event indicates that one or more of the options for the
>>> controller configuration has changed.
>>> +
>>> +
>>> +Advertisement Received Event
>>> +==============================
>>> +
>>> + Event Code: 0x0020
>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
>>> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
>>> + RSSI (1 Octet)
>>> + Flags (4 Octets)
>>> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
>>> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
>> Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?
> Because Device Found event always contains EIR data, and mine would
> sometimes contain only AD data.
> Also this will be send for each advertisement received, not for first one only.

Do not get confused because Device Found says EIR_Data. It will return EIR_Data for BR/EDR devices and AD_Data for LE devices. We just never bothered to find a more common name.

We could easily send multiple Device Found events. Besides Start Discovery, we also have Add Device with Action 0x00 sending out Device Found events. So that would not be a problem. We just need to define the context properly.



2014-09-30 17:25:10

by Jakub Pawlowski

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Jakub,
>> ---
>> doc/mgmt-api.txt | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>> 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
>> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> index 11e2490..1c78f1c 100644
>> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>> @@ -2135,6 +2135,34 @@ Set Public Address Command
>> Invalid Index
>> +Start LE Filtered Device Scan
>> +=======================
>> +
>> + Command Code: 0x003A
>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
>> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
>> + is_active (1 octet)
>> +
>> + Return Parameters:
>> +
>> + This command starts LE scan, and filter received advertisements: if
>> AD contains both TX power level and Service Solicitation, and UUID is
>> contained in Service Solicitation and computed pathloss is smaller
>> than max_pathloss parameter, then a Advertisement Received event will
>> be sent.
>> +
>> + Possible values for the is_active parameter:
>> + 0 Start passive scan
>> + 1 Start active scan
> is really like a one-shot scan? Or is this something you would be running all the time in the background?
> Fundamentally if it is one-shot thing then you always want to do active scan, but if it runs in the background then you only want to do passive scanning.

I'm working on two projects, one require scanning up to 2 minutes,
second requires long term scanning in background.
I'd preffer to have scan type as argument, but having only passive
scan is also good option for me.

>> +
>> + This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
>> +
>> + This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
>> +
>> + Possible errors: Busy
>> + Not Supported
>> + Invalid Parameters
>> + Not Powered
>> + Invalid Index
>> +
>> +
>> Command Complete Event
>> ======================
>> @@ -2851,3 +2879,44 @@ New Configuration Options Event
>> This event indicates that one or more of the options for the
>> controller configuration has changed.
>> +
>> +
>> +Advertisement Received Event
>> +==============================
>> +
>> + Event Code: 0x0020
>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
>> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> + RSSI (1 Octet)
>> + Flags (4 Octets)
>> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
>> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
> Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?

Because Device Found event always contains EIR data, and mine would
sometimes contain only AD data.
Also this will be send for each advertisement received, not for first one only.

> Regards
> Marcel

2014-09-30 17:24:26

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Arman,

>>> +Advertisement Received Event
>>> +==============================
>>> +
>>> + Event Code: 0x0020
>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
>>> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
>>> + RSSI (1 Octet)
>>> + Flags (4 Octets)
>>> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
>>> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
>> Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?
> I guess the idea with this one is that it won't have duplicate
> filtering, right? And all AD_IND types will be propagated instead of
> just connectable ones, which is how this one differs from Device
> Found. And I'm guessing AD_Data here is the data in the advertisement
> packet in general as opposed to only being limited to EIR data.
> Though, correct me if I'm wrong.

we fixed the advertising type handling. Device Found will report ADV_IND, ADV_NONCONN_IND and ADV_SCAN_IND. The latter two have the Non-Connectable flag set.



2014-09-30 17:15:36

by Arman Uguray

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Marcel,

>> +Advertisement Received Event
>> +==============================
>> +
>> + Event Code: 0x0020
>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
>> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> + RSSI (1 Octet)
>> + Flags (4 Octets)
>> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
>> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
> Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?

I guess the idea with this one is that it won't have duplicate
filtering, right? And all AD_IND types will be propagated instead of
just connectable ones, which is how this one differs from Device
Found. And I'm guessing AD_Data here is the data in the advertisement
packet in general as opposed to only being limited to EIR data.
Though, correct me if I'm wrong.


2014-09-30 17:01:50

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Jakub,

> ---
> doc/mgmt-api.txt | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> index 11e2490..1c78f1c 100644
> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
> @@ -2135,6 +2135,34 @@ Set Public Address Command
> Invalid Index
> +Start LE Filtered Device Scan
> +=======================
> +
> + Command Code: 0x003A
> + Controller Index: <controller id>
> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
> + is_active (1 octet)
> +
> + Return Parameters:
> +
> + This command starts LE scan, and filter received advertisements: if
> AD contains both TX power level and Service Solicitation, and UUID is
> contained in Service Solicitation and computed pathloss is smaller
> than max_pathloss parameter, then a Advertisement Received event will
> be sent.
> +
> + Possible values for the is_active parameter:
> + 0 Start passive scan
> + 1 Start active scan

is really like a one-shot scan? Or is this something you would be running all the time in the background?

Fundamentally if it is one-shot thing then you always want to do active scan, but if it runs in the background then you only want to do passive scanning.

> +
> + This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
> +
> + This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
> +
> + Possible errors: Busy
> + Not Supported
> + Invalid Parameters
> + Not Powered
> + Invalid Index
> +
> +
> Command Complete Event
> ======================
> @@ -2851,3 +2879,44 @@ New Configuration Options Event
> This event indicates that one or more of the options for the
> controller configuration has changed.
> +
> +
> +Advertisement Received Event
> +==============================
> +
> + Event Code: 0x0020
> + Controller Index: <controller id>
> + Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
> + Address_Type (1 Octet)
> + RSSI (1 Octet)
> + Flags (4 Octets)
> + AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
> + AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)

Device Found event not good enough here? Why would you need a new event with exactly the same parameters?



2014-09-30 16:44:05

by Jakub Pawlowski

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

doc/mgmt-api.txt | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 69 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
index 11e2490..1c78f1c 100644
--- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
+++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
@@ -2135,6 +2135,34 @@ Set Public Address Command
Invalid Index

+Start LE Filtered Device Scan
+ Command Code: 0x003A
+ Controller Index: <controller id>
+ Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
+ max_pathloss (1 octet)
+ is_active (1 octet)
+ Return Parameters:
+ This command starts LE scan, and filter received advertisements: if
AD contains both TX power level and Service Solicitation, and UUID is
contained in Service Solicitation and computed pathloss is smaller
than max_pathloss parameter, then a Advertisement Received event will
be sent.
+ Possible values for the is_active parameter:
+ 0 Start passive scan
+ 1 Start active scan
+ This command can only be used when the controller is powered.
+ This command generates a Command Complete event on success or failure.
+ Possible errors: Busy
+ Not Supported
+ Invalid Parameters
+ Not Powered
+ Invalid Index
Command Complete Event

@@ -2851,3 +2879,44 @@ New Configuration Options Event

This event indicates that one or more of the options for the
controller configuration has changed.
+Advertisement Received Event
+ Event Code: 0x0020
+ Controller Index: <controller id>
+ Event Parameters: Address (6 Octets)
+ Address_Type (1 Octet)
+ RSSI (1 Octet)
+ Flags (4 Octets)
+ AD_Data_Length (2 Octets)
+ AD_Data (0-65535 Octets)
+ This event indicates that we received event during LE Filtered Device Scan
+ Possible values for the Address_Type parameter:
+ 0 Reserved (not in use)
+ 1 LE Public
+ 2 LE Random
+ The following bits are defined for the Flags parameter:
+ 0 Reserved (not in use)
+ 1 Legacy Pairing
+ 2 Not Connectable
+ AD_Data contains AD if we're in passive scan mode, or EIR if we're
in active scan mode.
+ The Legacy Pairing flag indicates that Legacy Pairing is likely
+ to occur when pairing with this device. An application could use
+ this information to optimize the pairing process by locally
+ pre-generating a PIN code and thereby eliminate the risk of
+ local input timeout when pairing. Note that there is a risk of
+ false-positives for this flag so user space should be able to
+ handle getting something else as a PIN Request when pairing.
+ The Not Connectable flag indicates that the device will not
+ accept any connections. This can be indicated by Low Energy
+ devices that are in broadcaster role.

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Jakub Pawlowski <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 5:35 PM, Marcel Holtmann <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Hi Jakub,
>>> >>>>>>>> have you looked at the the Add Device management command with the
>>> >>>>>>>> 0x00 Action. That will just send out Device Found events for
>>> >>>>>>>> devices
>>> >>>>>>>> in range and uses passive scanning.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> In addition if you are paired with a device and actually want to
>>> >>>>>>>> connect to it, you can use Action 0x02 to allow for background
>>> >>>>>>>> connection. This is currently in use for LE HID devices.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> This still only sends one Device Found event though right? In
>>> >>>>>>> Jakub's
>>> >>>>>>> case, a mgmt event is desired to let the userspace know every time
>>> >>>>>>> a
>>> >>>>>>> new advertisement packet is received, with the updated RSSI and
>>> >>>>>>> TxPower and so on.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> It should send as many Device Found events as there are advertising
>>> >>>>>> reports from the controller. We're enabling duplicate filtering in
>>> >>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>> hci_req_add_le_passive_scan() function in hci_core.c so maybe
>>> >>>>>> that's
>>> >>>>>> your issue? Some HW (like Broadcom) tend to be more conservative in
>>> >>>>>> how
>>> >>>>>> many events they send when filtering is enabled whereas others
>>> >>>>>> (like
>>> >>>>>> CSR) will give you many more of them (at least one whenever RSSI
>>> >>>>>> changes).
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Why is duplicate filtering being enabled ? Does it filter packets
>>> >>>>> that
>>> >>>>> have different advertisement content ? Can I turn it off ?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> At least in the HCI section of the core spec this parameter is quite
>>> >>>> vaguely defined. We've enabled it to save power by avoiding the
>>> >>>> controller waking up the host too often. With auto-connections it
>>> >>>> makes
>>> >>>> sense to have it enabled since we're really only interested in the
>>> >>>> first
>>> >>>> event which acts as a trigger to connect. Same goes for device
>>> >>>> discovery
>>> >>>> when you're interested in setting up a new device for use.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Right now the filtering is hard-coded but we could consider making it
>>> >>>> conditional to whether there are any entries with action 0x00 ("scan
>>> >>>> but
>>> >>>> don't connect") and disable the filtering in that case.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>>>> I think this ties in with some of the previous conversations on
>>> >>>>>>> the
>>> >>>>>>> list about adding a device scan API that is geared towards
>>> >>>>>>> applications (rather than OS UI). That is, not only a mgmt API
>>> >>>>>>> that
>>> >>>>>>> enables these kinds of use cases but also (probably) a high-level
>>> >>>>>>> API
>>> >>>>>>> exposed from bluetoothd that allows applications to scan for
>>> >>>>>>> devices
>>> >>>>>>> filtered by service UUIDs, contents of the manufacturer data
>>> >>>>>>> field,
>>> >>>>>>> and so on.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> As for the Add Device command, does bluetoothd currently use this
>>> >>>>>>> somehow?
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Yes, this feature (action 0x02 for Add Device) takes over the
>>> >>>>>> entire LE
>>> >>>>>> background scanning and auto-connection mechanism from 3.17 kernel
>>> >>>>>> onwards since BlueZ 5.22 (which was mentioned in our release notes
>>> >>>>>> btw).
>>> >>>>>> This is much better than the active scanning based auto-connections
>>> >>>>>> that
>>> >>>>>> have until now been done using Start/Stop Discovery.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Thanks for pointing that!
>>> >>>>> The release note says that:
>>> >>>>> "The kernel will even use the controller-side whitelist during
>>> >>>>> scanning (if no Resolvable Private Addresses are present), saving
>>> >>>>> even
>>> >>>>> more power."
>>> >>>>> If I understand well, that mean that my peripheral device need to be
>>> >>>>> whitelisted in order for me to get advertisements ?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> The controller-side whitelist just means that the controller only
>>> >>>> wakes
>>> >>>> us up and gives us advertisements for entries in the whitelist. When
>>> >>>> not
>>> >>>> using the whitelist the kernel gets woken up and needs to do itself
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> filtering out of unknown devices. The kernel uses the controller-side
>>> >>>> whitelist whenever possible, but e.g. when we have resolvable private
>>> >>>> addresses in the list we can't use it as we can't know the address
>>> >>>> the
>>> >>>> remote device will use in advance.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> My use case include scanning for non-paired, non-connected devices,
>>> >>>>> checking RSSI value and deciding about connection based on
>>> >>>>> advertisement content, so that won't work. Am I right ?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> If you know the bdaddr that you're interested in in advance we should
>>> >>>> be
>>> >>>> able to tweak the Add Device command to do what you want (e.g.
>>> >>>> disable
>>> >>>> duplicate filtering in the case of Action=0x00 entries). However, if
>>> >>>> what you need is general scanning for any devices (also previously
>>> >>>> unknown ones) then Add Device doesn't really fit in (since it takes a
>>> >>>> known bdaddr). For that we'd either need to consider allowing
>>> >>>> BDADDR_ANY
>>> >>>> as an accepted parameter or then we'd need to define a new mgmt
>>> >>>> command.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Unfortunately my case include previously unknown devices. I decide
>>> >>> wether I should connect (without pairing) based on advertised service
>>> >>> and RSSI power only. BDADDR_ANY seems good solution. Or maybe we can
>>> >>> add some parameter that will force not using controller-side whitelist
>>> >>> for scan?
>>> >>
>>> >> actually BDADDR_ANY does not really look like a good solution. What we
>>> >> really want is to be able to define a list of UUIDs and maybe an RSSI range
>>> >> or threshold for this.
>>> >
>>> > I think there should be option in mgmt api to capture all
>>> > advertisement packets, and later on application level decide what
>>> > property to filter on. I understand that this might be not energy
>>> > efficient, and that's why there is whitelisting and controller level
>>> > filtering.
>>> > Specifying list of UUIDs or RSSI value as parameter will be nice, but
>>> > controllers doesn't support this kind of complex filtering right now
>>> > anyway.
>>> > If you decide to allow UUID and RSSI filtering, maybe in a while
>>> > someone will come up with need to filter by something in advertisement
>>> > ? Maybe it would be good to have this 'look for advertisements' API
>>> > very general.
>>> we can always extend the mgmt API with a new command for filtering
>>> something new. And yes, the Bluetooth SIG will define a new AD element type
>>> and then it is not supported. There are also many new Bluetooth
>>> specifications in progress and also planned (which I will not iterate here
>>> since they are Buetooth SIG confidential) which extend LE advertising in
>>> various form and shapes.
>>> For me it is important that we can do certain things in the kernel so that
>>> userspace can keep sleeping. And we really can just add extra mgmt commands
>>> to allow for this. Remember that kernel will have to disable certain
>>> "background" behavior anymore. An active discovery always comes first. An
>>> active connection establishment from a socket comes first. Pairing a device
>>> comes first. So all these major events that are driven by an user action
>>> will be prioritized. We have to do that since otherwise you end up with bad
>>> user experience. But then again, draining the battery is also bad user
>>> experience. So we need to find a balance here.
>> I will be very happy with mgmt api method that will filter by serice uuid
>> and RSSI value, and that's enough for me. From my use case it looks like the
>> user is going to be in this scan state for short time - few seconds, maximum
>> minute.
>> that is then something different. That is more like "scan for this UUID
>> within this RSSI range for x amount of seconds, if any results, report them,
>> and otherwise go back to idle".
>> We can talk about this one-shot kind of API. I would need to think about it
>> a little bit more. However one thing that you might want to consider is
>> using pathloss instead of RSSI. Especially if the advertisement contains the
>> TX power. That way you get a way better idea of how close or far the device
>> is.
> Yay! Thanks!
> Yes, pathloss will be much better, I was using it before.
>> If it would be possible to also add general le scan method that would return
>> all advertisements, marked as "only for development", and "not for use in
>> production", and "behaves differently for different controllers" and maybe
>> somehow disabled by default and you need to set some special flag to enable
>> it on your developer machine then it would be awsome for developers that
>> want to play with it, but it's not my requirement.
>> The mgmt API will never contain any development methods. It is an official
>> API and we are committed to stable API promise here. Any kind of testing API
>> has to go via debugfs.
>> Regards
>> Marcel

2014-10-01 05:27:56

by Marcel Holtmann

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [RFC] need for new scan api for bluetooth low energy.

Hi Jakub,

>>> Ok, new updated version - we do only passive scan, and we send Device
>>> found event:
>>> diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> index 11e2490..3d03617 100644
>>> --- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> +++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
>>> @@ -2135,6 +2135,29 @@ Set Public Address Command
>>> Invalid Index
>>> +Start Passive LE Filtered Device Scan
>>> +=======================
>>> +
>>> + Command Code: 0x003A
>>> + Controller Index: <controller id>
>>> + Command Parameters: UUID (16 Octets)
>>> + max_pathloss (1 octet)
>>> +
>>> + Return Parameters:
>>> +
>>> + This command starts passive LE scan, and filter received
>>> advertisements: if AD contains both TX power level and Service
>>> Solicitation, and UUID is contained in Service Solicitation and
>>> computed pathloss is smaller than max_pathloss parameter, then a
>>> Device Found event will be sent.
>> generally we tried to avoid to specific LE only commands. Our attempts with the kernel APIs where to make them as generic as possible. So I think something along the lines of adding and removing UUID filters should be something we should target at.
>> Add UUID Notification Filter
>> ============================
>> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> UUID (16 Octets)
>> Max_Pathloss (1 Octet)
>> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> Remove UUID Notification Filter
>> ===============================
>> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> UUID (16 Octets)
>> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> The Address_Type would be defined the same way as for Start Discovery command.
>> Now we can discuss if on the mgmt level we want to use pathloss or rather a range of RSSI. I have seen that RSSI is preferred and that the translation from RSSI and advertising data with TX power level is done in the daemon. So for kernel API it might be better to expose RSSI range.
>> Besides a RSSI range, we might also want to allow giving a RSSI threshold that defines how much the RSSI to change between events to be reported again.
> Some mobile devices that I'm working can change power level for
> advertising, that makes raw RSSI filter useless. It must be pathloss,
> that's why I require TX power in advertisement.

you will still get it, but just have to do the math in the daemon. The only difference is that the daemon gets woken up for RSSI ranges that in the end you might filter out.

>> That said, the danger with a generic notification filter like this is that we can not implement it efficiently with current hardware without vendor commands. If you use duplicate filtering, then Broadcom and CSR chips behave fully different. Broadcom only filters on BD_ADDR and report devices once no matter what the RSSI, while CSR will report the same device again if the RSSI changes.
>> With that in mind, it might be safer to introduce a one-shot mgmt API that needs to be repeatedly called to keep scanning for new devices.
>> Start Service Discovery
>> =======================
>> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> Min_RSSI (1 Octet)
>> Max_RSSI (1 Octet)
>> Num_UUID (1 Octet)
>> UUID[i] (16 Octets)
>> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> Stop Service Discovery
>> ======================
>> Command Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> Return Parameters: Address_Type (1 Octet)
>> Without having dedicated controller support for filtering, having such a dedicated discovery for services with a specific UUID seems to be more appropriate and more safe. Since we could always add controller based filtering for background scanning once there is controller support.
> I preffer the "Add UUID Notification Filter" and "Remove UUID
> Notification Filter". For controllers like Broadcom that reports only
> one advertisement can we restart scan internally in kernel ? Why
> propagate that event higher ?

Personally I would prefer just adding another filter as well. However it might be better to start with something like a one-shot handling and see where that is taking us. It is a little bit less intrusive and you could also use active scanning. At the same time you could also easily make it work for BR/EDR. I am thinking here along the lines of something wanting to pair a mouse. You just give the HID UUID and start interleaved discovery for that service on both transports.

For the Broadcom vs CSR differences, yes, we can work out certain quirks on how to improve this situation. However we might need to work these out before adding any new API. We are using controller whitelist whenever we can to avoid having to deal with this difference. But yes, stopping and re-starting has been considered as a possible solution to work with Broadcom controllers. Just never implemented.

I would propose you start looking at how you can make different controllers work smoothly and start by adding a debugfs based API. That way we can toy with this upstream without having to commit to a new API just yet. If we are satisfied, then we turn the debugfs API into a mgmt API for general consumption. Start sending kernel patches that allows some sort UUID filtering in our background scanning handling.

