2011-10-04 13:59:34

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


This post contains a proposal for the DBUS GATT API(Gatt CLIENT) that enhances the existing GATT
functionality provided by DBUS APIs interface. Which include Methods,Signals and Properties.
Could you please provide your comments and feedback for the same? Or we need more APIs to cover all GATT Client functionality?

. RegisterCharacteristicsWatcher can be used to monitor specific Characteristic change.
. PropertyChanged Signal for the SetProperty().
. ServiceChanged and CharacteristicChanged Signal for Service or Characteristic changes on the server.
. New Properties for Permissions and remaining Characteristic Descriptors.

PFA the updated document "new-attribute-api.txt".

Proposed New API:

Device Characteristic hierarchy
Service???????????????? org.bluez
Interface???????????? org.bluez.Characteristic
Object path??????? [prefix]/{hci0}/{device0}/{service0}/{characteristic0,...}

RegisterCharacteristicsWatcher(object agent)
??????????????????????????????????? Register a watcher to monitor characteristic changes.
??????????????????????????????????? A watcher will be registered for the specific characteristic and will
??????????????????????????????????? notify about any changed characteristics.
??????????? ??????????? PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
??????????????????????????????????? This signal indicates a changed value of the given
??????????????????????????????????? property.

??????????????????????? ServiceChanged (dict values)
??????????????????????????????????? This signal indicates service added on server.

??????????????????????? CharacteristicChanged (dict values)
??????????????????????????????????? This signal indicates characteristic added on server.

??????????????????????? uint8 Property [readonly]
??????????????????????????????????? The characteristic property, format defined by GATT spec.

????????????????????????uint16 Configuration [readonly]
??????????????????????????????????? Optional field containing the configuration value on the server.

????????????????????????uint16 Extended [readonly]
??????????????????????????????????? The characteristic descriptor describing
??????????????????????????????????? the additional Characteristic Properties.

????????????????????????uint16 Aggregate [readonly]
??????????????????????????????????? Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
format of an aggregated Characteristic Value.

??????????????????????? uint16 Custom [readonly]
Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.


Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

new-attribute-api.txt (5.98 kB)

2011-10-18 11:02:29

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Anderson,
Thanks for your inputs. I am extending the current doc/attribute-api.txt. Will work towards your proposed changes and update the same.


Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

2011-10-14 13:13:42

by Anderson Lizardo

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Vijay,

First of all: can you provide your changes as a diff against the
current doc/attribute-api.txt ? It is not clear you are proposing a
whole new API, or extending the current one in that document.

Note you are also free to change doc/attribute-api.txt, as that API is
not stable yet.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Vijaykumar Dadmode
<[email protected]> wrote:
> This post contains a proposal for the DBUS GATT API(Gatt CLIENT) that enhances the existing GATT
> functionality provided by DBUS APIs interface. Which include Methods,Signals and Properties.
> Could you please provide your comments and feedback for the same? Or we need more APIs to cover all GATT Client functionality?

You are free to propose a "full" API, but implement it by pieces (as
need arises). These API docs can evolve as long as we keep them

> . RegisterCharacteristicsWatcher can be used to monitor specific Characteristic change.

AFAIK, only the Characteristic Value is allowed to change, and we can
monitor its changes by enabling Notification or Indication. As Claudio
mentioned, we currently have a RegisterCharacteristicsWatcher() method
which is useful for monitoring:

* Characteristic Value changes
* New characteristics (actually not implemented, as we would need
client side support for Service Changed).

All other Characteristic components (properties and descriptors) are
not supposed to change on server side (as far as I know), given they
are part of each profile definition.

> . PropertyChanged Signal for the SetProperty().

If any property is supposed to change, will this PropertyChanged
signal be emitted at all?

> . ServiceChanged and CharacteristicChanged Signal for Service or Characteristic changes on the server.

I think a "ServiceChanged" signal does not make sense under the
characteristic object path. Why not abstract it and instead emit
signals for each characteristic which is mentioned on the "Service
Changed" characteristic of GATT service?

CharacteristicChanged is redundant if you have a
"RegisterCharacteristicsWatcher" which registers a callback when some
characteristic value changes.

> Properties:
> ??????????????????????? uint8 Property [readonly]
> ??????????????????????????????????? The characteristic property, format defined by GATT spec.

what about "Properties" (plural)?

> ????????????????????????uint16 Configuration [readonly]
> ??????????????????????????????????? Optional field containing the configuration value on the server.

what about "ClientConfiguration" ? (remember there is Server
Characteristic Configuration as well)

> ????????????????????????uint16 Extended [readonly]
> ??????????????????????????????????? The characteristic descriptor describing
> ??????????????????????????????????? the additional Characteristic Properties.

What about "ExtendedProperties"?

One idea (but I want feedback from other BlueZ developers) is to merge
"Properties" and "ExtendedProperties" and instead have an array of
strings representing each bit field, e.g.:

{ "Read", "Write", "Notify", "Reliable Write" }

> ????????????????????????uint16 Aggregate [readonly]
> ??????????????????????????????????? Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?format of an aggregated Characteristic Value.

Actually the "Aggregate Format" descriptor is a list of handles. But
how can this be useful for a D-Bus client if it does not know about
handles at all?

My suggestion is to modify the current Format property defined in
doc/attribute-api.txt and have it as an array of struct, where each
struct is a Format. If there is no aggregate descriptor and only a
single presentation format descriptor, it will contain only a single
entry (i.e. array with size one). If there is no Presentation format
at all, it will be an empty array.

> ??????????????????????? uint16 Custom [readonly]
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.

I see a couple of issues with this property:

* There can be more than one "custom" descriptor.
* The descriptor value can have any size.
* And more important:

"Characteristic descriptor declaration permissions are defined by a higher layer
profile or are implementation specific. A client shall not assume all
tic descriptor declarations are readable."

In summary, for custom/unknown descriptors, It makes more sense to
have a Method to read/write to them when needed by the client.

My suggestion is something like:

void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
array{byte} ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)

And then a property which contains a dict (mapping handle -> uuid) for
*all* descriptors (of course the properties for known descriptors
would still exist, but this generic read/write API would be used for
them as well):

dict Descriptors [readonly]

It should then be noted by the docs that the attribute handle is only
valid during the session, and should not be stored/cached by the

Anderson Lizardo
Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
Manaus - Brazil

2011-10-14 12:19:35

by Anderson Lizardo

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Vijay,

On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 7:51 AM, Vijaykumar Dadmode
<[email protected]> wrote:
>> Read only? CCC can be writeable right?
> ?It's actually " Characteristic Properties" from spec.

I think Claudio was actually referring to this part:

uint16 Configuration [readonly]
Optional field containing the
configuration value on the server.

Looks like this is related to "Client Characteristic Configuration"
descriptor (section, which is:

* Readable with no authentication or authorization.
* Writable with authentication and authorization defined by a higher
layer specification or is implementation specific.

If you do not plan to have this property writable, it is not useful to
have it accessible for external D-Bus clients IMHO.

Anderson Lizardo
Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia - INdT
Manaus - Brazil

2011-10-14 11:51:23

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


2011-10-13 18:27:38

by Claudio Takahasi

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


2011-11-29 06:19:39

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Test Management interface for LE with latest kernel.

We were trying to test the BT LE scan/connect, using the MGMT_INTERFACE. I have enabled the enable_le && enable_mgmt in kernel. But I am seeing the below error. Could you please help me with the same?

Error: " Too small mgmt_device_found event packet. "

Latest code:
Bluez: http://git.kernel.org/?p=bluetooth/bluez.git;a=summary
Kernel: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/padovan/bluetooth-next.git;a=summary


Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

2011-11-08 13:56:53

by Luiz Augusto von Dentz

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Vijaykumar Dadmode
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi Chen,
> Below is the latest diff, with all the changes incorporated. Let me know your view.
> diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> index 98d7f30..9dd8222 100644
> --- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
> +++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> @@ -110,6 +110,20 @@ Methods ? ? ? ? ? ?dict GetProperties()
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?read-write properties can be changed. On success
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? void GetCharacteristicValue(uint16 timeout)

The interface name already is org.bluez.Characteristic so we really
need Characteristic again.

> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Read the value of the characteristic with timeout value in seconds.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status code.

Why you don't return an error? Signals are not that great here, you
also want to track the caller so that if it exit you cancel the

> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method, uint16 offset, uint16 timeout)
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Changes the value of the specified characteristic as per the offset and method, with timeout value in seconds.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status code.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Write the value of the characreristic, with any of these specified method:
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite", "ExecuteWrite".
> +

Same here, signals are useful for async events not for response, also
you are mixing terminology of set/get with read/write, either use one
or the other.

> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> ?Properties ? ? string UUID [readonly]
> @@ -126,7 +140,41 @@ Properties ? ? ? ? string UUID [readonly]
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?the Characteristic Value.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boolean Broadcast [readwrite]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Indicates whether this characteristic is broadcasted or not.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If GATT Server Characteristic Configuration descriptor
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? allowed.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boolean Indicate [readwrite]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Indicates whether this characteristic is notified or not.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? allowed.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boolean Notify [readwrite]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Indicates whether this characteristic is indicated or not.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? allowed.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? boolean Readable [readonly]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Indicates wether this characteristic value can be read.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? array{string} WriteMethods [readonly]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Write methods supported by the characteristic, includes extended properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Possible values:
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? { "WriteWithoutResponse", "Write", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite", "ReliableWrite", "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> +
> - ? ? ? ? ? ? ? struct Format [readonly]
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? array{struct} Format [readonly]
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> @@ -142,6 +190,11 @@ Properties ? ? ? ? string UUID [readonly]
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?uint16 | Description: Description of the characteristic defined
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | in a high layer profile.
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? array{object} CustomCharacteristicsDesc [readonly]
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? This list contains the user defined characteristics descriptors owned by this
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? specific characteristics.
> +
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?array{byte} Value [readwrite]
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
> @@ -162,3 +215,11 @@ Object path ? ? ? ?freely definable
> ?Methods ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?void ValueChanged(object characteristic, array{byte})
> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?New raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? void ReadResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status, variant value)
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Value read and status code for Read Characteristic Value attribute operation.
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? void WriteResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status)
> +
> + ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Status code for Write Characteristic Value attribute opeartion.

Luiz Augusto von Dentz

2011-11-08 13:52:18

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi All,
Below is the updated proposal with all your valuable feedback. Could you please let me know your inputs for the same?

diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
index 98d7f30..a6b79c9 100644
--- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
+++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
@@ -110,6 +110,20 @@ Methods dict GetProperties()
read-write properties can be changed. On success
this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.

+ void ReadCharacteristicValue(uint16 timeout)
+ Read the value of the characteristic with timeout value.
+ This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status code.
+ void WriteCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method, uint16 offset, uint16 timeout)
+ Changes the value of the specified characteristic as per the offset and method, with timeout value.
+ This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status code.
+ Write the value of the characreristic, with any of these specified method:
+ "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
+ "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite", "ExecuteWrite".
Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments

Properties string UUID [readonly]
@@ -121,12 +135,46 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
Optional field containing a friendly name for the
Characteristic UUID.

+ boolean Broadcast [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is broadcasted or not.
+ If GATT Server Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Indicate [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is indicated or not.
+ If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Notify [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is notified or not.
+ If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Readable [readonly]
+ Indicates wether this characteristic value can be read.
+ array{string} WriteMethods [readonly]
+ Write methods supported by the characteristic, includes extended properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
+ Possible values:
+ { "WriteWithoutResponse", "Write", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite", "ReliableWrite", "WritableAuxiliaries"}
string Description [readonly]

Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
the Characteristic Value.

- struct Format [readonly]
+ array{struct} Format [readonly]

Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
@@ -144,13 +192,17 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]

array{byte} Value [readwrite]

- Raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
+ The last known raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute. ReadCharacteristicValue should be used to get the latest value from the server.

string Representation (of the binary Value) [readonly]

Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
based on the format attribute.

+ array{object} CustomCharacteristicsDesc [readonly]
+ This list contains the user defined characteristics descriptors owned by this
+ specific characteristics, access the descriptor as attributes.

Characteristic Watcher hierarchy
@@ -161,4 +213,14 @@ Object path freely definable

Methods void ValueChanged(object characteristic, array{byte})

- New raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
+ New raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute. This will be sent in one of the following scenarios :
+ Value was notified/indicated by the server.
+ Value was read using the GetProperty, and the updated value received from the server was different than the one provided as the GetProperty result.
+ void ReadResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status, variant value)
+ Value read and status code for Read Characteristic Value attribute operation.
+ void WriteResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status)
+ Status code for Write Characteristic Value attribute opeartion. Should be used only when using Write operations which + have a response. Write command will not emit this signal, it is the responsibility of the client to make sure (by reading the value) that the value was actually set correctly.

Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

2011-11-07 13:52:52

by Ganir, Chen

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vijaykumar Dadmode [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 3:35 PM
> To: Ganir, Chen
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Hi Chen,
> Below is the latest diff, with all the changes incorporated. Let me
> know your view.
> diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> index 98d7f30..9dd8222 100644
> --- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
> +++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> @@ -110,6 +110,20 @@ Methods dict GetProperties()
> read-write properties can be changed. On success
> this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.
> + void GetCharacteristicValue(uint16 timeout)
> +
> + Read the value of the characteristic with timeout
> value in seconds.
> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status
> code.
The ReadResponse will be emitted on timeout as well ? Why do you call this GetCharacteriristicValue instead of ReadCharacteristicValue, as the GATT spec names this operation ?

> +
> + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method,
> uint16 offset, uint16 timeout)
Why do you call this SetCharacteristicValue instead of WriteCharacteristic value (Write is defined in the GATT spec) ?

> +
> + Changes the value of the specified characteristic as
> per the offset and method, with timeout value in seconds.
> + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> code.
> +
> + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> these specified method:
> + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> "ExecuteWrite".
> +
> Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> Properties string UUID [readonly]
> @@ -126,7 +140,41 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> the Characteristic Value.
> + boolean Broadcast [readwrite]
> +
> + Indicates whether this characteristic is broadcasted
> or not.
> + If GATT Server Characteristic Configuration
> descriptor
> + is not available for this characteristic, or if the
> characteristic
> + properties do not allow this, writing to this
> property is not
> + allowed.
> +
> + boolean Indicate [readwrite]
> +
> + Indicates whether this characteristic is notified or
> not.
> + If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration
> descriptor
> + is not available for this characteristic, or if the
> characteristic
> + properties do not allow this, writing to this
> property is not
> + allowed.
> +
> + boolean Notify [readwrite]
> +
> + Indicates whether this characteristic is indicated or
> not.
> + If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration
> descriptor
> + is not available for this characteristic, or if the
> characteristic
> + properties do not allow this, writing to this
> property is not
> + allowed.
> +
> + boolean Readable [readonly]
> +
> + Indicates wether this characteristic value can be
> read.
> +
> + array{string} WriteMethods [readonly]
> +
> + Write methods supported by the characteristic,
> includes extended properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> + Possible values:
> + { "WriteWithoutResponse", "Write",
> "AuthenticatedSignedWrite", "ReliableWrite", "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> +
> - struct Format [readonly]
> + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> @@ -142,6 +190,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> uint16 | Description: Description of the
> characteristic defined
> | in a high layer profile.
> + array{object} CustomCharacteristicsDesc [readonly]
> +
> + This list contains the user defined characteristics
> descriptors owned by this
> + specific characteristics.
> +
> array{byte} Value [readwrite]
> Raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
We should be perfectly clear here, that this is the last known value. It may be wrong, and GetCharacteristicValue should be used to get the latest value. We also should make sure that setting this property will use the Bluez preferred way of writing this characteristic, according to the supported permissions and properties. In addition, ValueChanged will be emitted is the value is actually written and a success was returned from the server. GetProperty on this property will get the current value, and a gatt_read command will be issued, emitting a ValueChanged event if the value is different when the read is complete and the value is different than what was initially returned.

> @@ -162,3 +215,11 @@ Object path freely definable
> Methods void ValueChanged(object characteristic, array{byte})
> New raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
This will be sent in one of the following scenarios :
1. Value was notified/indicated by the server
2. Value was read using the GetProperty, and the updated value received from the server was different than the one provided as the GetProperty result.

> +
> + void ReadResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status,
> variant value)
> +
> + Value read and status code for Read Characteristic
> Value attribute operation.
> +
> + void WriteResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status)
> +
> + Status code for Write Characteristic Value attribute
> opeartion.
This one will be used only when using Write operations which have a response. Write command for example will not emit this signal, and it is the responsibility of the client to make sure (by reading the value) that the value was actually set correctly.

> Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England
> and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill
> House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United
> Kingdom
> More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at
> http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

I think this is ok. I don't see any big issues with this one.

Best regards,
Chen Ganir
Texas Instruments.

2011-11-07 13:35:22

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Chen,
Below is the latest diff, with all the changes incorporated. Let me know your view.

diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
index 98d7f30..9dd8222 100644
--- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
+++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
@@ -110,6 +110,20 @@ Methods dict GetProperties()
read-write properties can be changed. On success
this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.

+ void GetCharacteristicValue(uint16 timeout)
+ Read the value of the characteristic with timeout value in seconds.
+ This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status code.
+ void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method, uint16 offset, uint16 timeout)
+ Changes the value of the specified characteristic as per the offset and method, with timeout value in seconds.
+ This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status code.
+ Write the value of the characreristic, with any of these specified method:
+ "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
+ "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite", "ExecuteWrite".
Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments

Properties string UUID [readonly]
@@ -126,7 +140,41 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
the Characteristic Value.

+ boolean Broadcast [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is broadcasted or not.
+ If GATT Server Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Indicate [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is notified or not.
+ If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Notify [readwrite]
+ Indicates whether this characteristic is indicated or not.
+ If GATT Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor
+ is not available for this characteristic, or if the characteristic
+ properties do not allow this, writing to this property is not
+ allowed.
+ boolean Readable [readonly]
+ Indicates wether this characteristic value can be read.
+ array{string} WriteMethods [readonly]
+ Write methods supported by the characteristic, includes extended properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
+ Possible values:
+ { "WriteWithoutResponse", "Write", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite", "ReliableWrite", "WritableAuxiliaries"}

- struct Format [readonly]
+ array{struct} Format [readonly]

Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
@@ -142,6 +190,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
uint16 | Description: Description of the characteristic defined
| in a high layer profile.

+ array{object} CustomCharacteristicsDesc [readonly]
+ This list contains the user defined characteristics descriptors owned by this
+ specific characteristics.
array{byte} Value [readwrite]

Raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
@@ -162,3 +215,11 @@ Object path freely definable
Methods void ValueChanged(object characteristic, array{byte})

New raw value of the Characteristic Value attribute.
+ void ReadResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status, variant value)
+ Value read and status code for Read Characteristic Value attribute operation.
+ void WriteResponse(object characteristic, uint8 status)
+ Status code for Write Characteristic Value attribute opeartion.

Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

2011-11-07 11:00:50

by Ganir, Chen

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vijaykumar Dadmode [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Monday, November 07, 2011 11:20 AM
> To: Ganir, Chen
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Hi Chen,
> Could you please clarify below points:
> > > > application which requests for it?
> > > We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are
> > registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the
> > >
> > > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message
> > with characteristic path and new value. We could use this >
> >interface
> > >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.
> >
> So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher
> Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want
> to read/write?
If this is the case, you will not get any responses to your write and read commands. I think it is ok to force the user to register a watcher, to get callbacks. I do not feel good with broadcasting such events to everyone.

> > This custom descriptor is defined as an array of bytes with specific
> uuid. It can be reflected to the user as a property, which will > be
> available if the server contains such a descriptor for the
> characteristic. This way, we can use the getproperty and setproperty,
> > and hide all the irrelevant descriptor/handle logic from the user.
> The custom desc can be:
> * There can be more than one "custom" descriptor.
> * The descriptor value can have any size.
> * And more important: "Characteristic descriptor declaration
> permissions are defined by a higher layer profile or are implementation
> specific. A client shall not assume all characteristic descriptor
> declarations are readable."
> Proposal 1: We can have custom specific desc calls ReadCustomDescriptor
> and WriteCustomDescriptor.
> Proposal 2: Have a property Custom, and then access the descriptor as
> Attributes.
I would go with Custom property. We can even set a numeric or even add the handle, as done for serives and characteristics, something like Custom0002, Custom 001a and so on, for supporting multiple custom characteristic descriptors.

> Thanks,
> Vijay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ganir, Chen [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 1:25 PM
> To: Vijaykumar Dadmode
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Vijay,
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Vijaykumar Dadmode [mailto:[email protected]]
> > Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 2:46 PM
> > To: Ganir, Chen
> > Cc: [email protected]
> > Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> >
> > Hi Chen,
> > Thanks for your inputs. Please find my comments inline.
> >
> > > > Queries:
> > > > 1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the
> > > > application which requests for it?
> > > We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are
> > registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the
> >
> > > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message
> > with characteristic path and new value. We could use this >
> >interface
> > >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.
> >
> > So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher
> > Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want
> > to read/write?
> >
> > >>
> > >> + void GetCharacteristicValue( )
> > >> +
> > >> + Read the value of the characteristic.
> > >> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with
> status
> > >> code.
> >
> >
> > >When will this signal/message be sent ? Do we implement a timeout
> for
> > connection timeout ? Can we set it as a parameter to this message?
> >
> >
> > Method can be called when applications want to read the value on
> > server(active read).
> >
> This I understand.
> Since this is an async function, we must have some timeout, or
> mechanism to notify the user that we're either connected and fetching
> the value, and he should be expecting a ReadResponse anytime soon, or
> that we are not currently connected, and we will try a connection
> procedure to the server, which may take some time, or may even never
> end. Now that I think of it - maybe we also need
> CancelGetCharacteristicValue function, to remove a pending read value
> request - we do not want the ReadResponse event triggered if the
> connection is established after a few days for example.
> > > > +
> > > > + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string
> method,
> > > uint16 offset)
> > > > +
> > > > + Changes the value of the specified
> characteristic as
> > > > per the offset and method. Only
> > > > + read-write characteristic value can be changed.
> > > What is this read-write char value you are referring to here ?
> >
> > Updated.
> >
> Same as above - we need to be able to cancel a set request, and we need
> some timeout to notify the user that the DBUS client has given up and
> will not try to set the value any more.
> > > + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> > > code.
> > > Again, we need some timeout, to allow clean upper level
> > implementation.
> >
> > > +
> > > + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> > > these specified method:
> > > + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> > > + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> > > "ExecuteWrite".
> > > +
> > > + void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
> > > +
> > > + Read the value of the specified characteristic
> > > descriptor matching the handle.
> > > + This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with
> > > status code.
> > > This will not go through. Handles should not be used by the users.
> In
> > fact, all descriptors can be turned into D-BUS dictionaries, >and be
> > available as characteristic properties. This is already done today
> for
> > some descriptors. However, not all of them should be >exposed
> directly
> > to user (client characteristic config descriptor for example can be
> > exposed as properties Notify and Indicate, server >char config
> > descriptor can be exposed as property Broadcast, and so on. Format is
> > already discovered and partially used in the >existing code.
> >
> > ReadDescriptor and WriteDescriptor we have added keeping "Custom"
> > descriptors (Optional Characteristic descriptor which
> > defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.) in mind.
> > > + dict Descriptors [readonly]
> >
> This custom descriptor is defined as an array of bytes with specific
> uuid. It can be reflected to the user as a property, which will be
> available if the server contains such a descriptor for the
> characteristic. This way, we can use the getproperty and setproperty,
> and hide all the irrelevant descriptor/handle logic from the user.
> > So a property which contains a dict (mapping handle -> uuid) for
> > *all* descriptors (of course the properties for known descriptors
> > would still exist, but this generic read/write API would be used for
> > them as well).
> >
> This is wrong. This means that you duplicate the data - once in single
> flags (notify, indicate, user_defined) and once as a set of raw
> descriptor data. Again, I believe this should be hidden from the user,
> who does not need to handle descriptors and handles.
> >
> >
> > > +
> > > + void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
> > > +
> > > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic
> > > descriptor matching the handle. Only
> > > + read-write descriptors can be changed.
> > > + This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with
> > > status code.
> > > +
> > > Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> > >
> > > No use for this one - see above my previous comment.
> >
> > > +Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
> > > +
> > > + This signal indicates a changed value of the given
> > > + property.
> > > +
> > > When will this be used? We already have readresponse,
> writeresponse.
> > Other properties are fixed, and read on connection > >automatically.
> We
> > will not need this. We can use this if we expose Notify, Indicate,
> > Broadcast properties. Writing to these properties >will cause the
> > propertychanged event to be called, once the write has completed, if
> > that's possible.
> >
> > Yes agree with adding Notify, Indicate, Broadcast as properties.
> >
> >
> >
> > > + ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > > +
> > > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > > GetCharacteristicValue operation.
> > >We need to add the characteristic path as well. We may issue
> multiple
> > read requests, and receive them all after a while - we need to >be
> able
> > to understand which characteristic value we received.
> >
> > Agreed.
> >
> > > +
> > > + WriteResponse(uint8 status)
> > > +
> > > + Parameter is the status code for
> > > SetCharacteristicValue operation.
> > >Same as above - we need the characteristic path.
> >
> > Agreed.
> >
> > > +
> > > +
> > > + ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > > +
> > > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > > ReadDescriptor operation.
> > > +
> > > + WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
> > > +
> > > + Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor
> > > operation.
> > > +
> > >No need for this.
> >
> > Added keeping "Custom" descriptors in mind.
> >
> See above about custom descriptors.
> > > Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > >
> > > UUID128 of this characteristic.
> > > @@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > > Optional field containing a friendly name for the
> > > Characteristic UUID.
> > >
> > > + array{string} Properties [readonly]
> > > +
> > > + The characteristic properties includes extended
> > > properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> > > + Possible values representing each bit field:
> > > + { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse",
> > > "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite",
> > > "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite",
> > > "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> > > +
> > >Properties which can be changed, such as Broadcast, Indicate, Notify
> > should be standalong, Boolean read/write properties. See above >for
> > more information on why we need these.
> >
> > Agreed. I think we can have this array plus for the simpler usage we
> > can add the r/w Broadcast, Indicate, Notify properties.
> >
> Why duplicate data again ? it is very confusing to have this
> information in two or more places. Writable properties should have
> their own representation, without duplication in this list.
> > > + uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
> > > +
> > > + Optional field containing the client configuration
> > > value on the server.
> > > +
> > > We should not expose bit fields to the users. We can abstract this
> to
> > Notify/Indicate Boolean properties.
> >
> > Agreed
> >
> > >> string Description [readonly]
> > >>
> > > Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> > > the Characteristic Value.
> > >
> > > - struct Format [readonly]
> > > + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> > >
> > > Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> > > format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> > > @@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > > Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
> > > based on the format attribute.
> > >
> > > This also needs to be simplified. We need to take the format
> strings
> > from the spec, and apply the correct properties according to the >
> > format descriptor. Again, we should not expose raw bit fields here.
> >
> > >> + dict Descriptors [readonly]
> > >> +
> > >> + The value is a dictionary for all
> Characteristic
> > >> descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key
> is
> > > uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary.
> > > Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
> > > + These attribute handle is only valid during the
> > >> session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.
> > >> +
> > > See above. Not needed.
> > Explained part of ReadDescriptor.
> >
> See above why we should not expose raw descriptors to the user. We have
> the properties mechanism, which is what descriptors are all about.
> Simply translate the GATT descriptors into DBUS properties.
> > Thanks,
> > Vijay
> >
> >
> >
> > Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in
> England
> > and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill
> > House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ,
> United
> > Kingdom
> > More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter
> at
> > http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog
> Vijay, can you send an updated proposal with the changes we've
> discussed, or should I send it ?
> Thanks,
> Chen Ganir.
> Texas Instruments.
> To report this email as spam click
> https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/keBbNGaYv7HTndxI!oX7UsdpzMR7Bo2KP2imJfv6
> 99sbiy929P9Qs4lEOZpe1nNVJnoe!+NpOToakVWf!6zCig== .

Chen Ganir

2011-11-07 09:19:48

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Chen,
Could you please clarify below points:
> > > application which requests for it?
> > We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are
> registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the
> >
> > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message
> with characteristic path and new value. We could use this > >interface
> >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.

So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher
Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want
to read/write?

> This custom descriptor is defined as an array of bytes with specific uuid. It can be reflected to the user as a property, which will > be available if the server contains such a descriptor for the characteristic. This way, we can use the getproperty and setproperty, > and hide all the irrelevant descriptor/handle logic from the user.

The custom desc can be:
* There can be more than one "custom" descriptor.
* The descriptor value can have any size.
* And more important: "Characteristic descriptor declaration permissions are defined by a higher layer profile or are implementation specific. A client shall not assume all characteristic descriptor declarations are readable."

Proposal 1: We can have custom specific desc calls ReadCustomDescriptor and WriteCustomDescriptor.
Proposal 2: Have a property Custom, and then access the descriptor as Attributes.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ganir, Chen [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 06, 2011 1:25 PM
To: Vijaykumar Dadmode
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vijaykumar Dadmode [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 2:46 PM
> To: Ganir, Chen
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Hi Chen,
> Thanks for your inputs. Please find my comments inline.
> > > Queries:
> > > 1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the
> > > application which requests for it?
> > We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are
> registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the >
> > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message
> with characteristic path and new value. We could use this > >interface
> >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.
> So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher
> Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want
> to read/write?
> >>
> >> + void GetCharacteristicValue( )
> >> +
> >> + Read the value of the characteristic.
> >> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status
> >> code.
> >When will this signal/message be sent ? Do we implement a timeout for
> connection timeout ? Can we set it as a parameter to this message?
> Method can be called when applications want to read the value on
> server(active read).
This I understand.
Since this is an async function, we must have some timeout, or mechanism to notify the user that we're either connected and fetching the value, and he should be expecting a ReadResponse anytime soon, or that we are not currently connected, and we will try a connection procedure to the server, which may take some time, or may even never end. Now that I think of it - maybe we also need CancelGetCharacteristicValue function, to remove a pending read value request - we do not want the ReadResponse event triggered if the connection is established after a few days for example.

> > > +
> > > + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method,
> > uint16 offset)
> > > +
> > > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic as
> > > per the offset and method. Only
> > > + read-write characteristic value can be changed.
> > What is this read-write char value you are referring to here ?
> Updated.
Same as above - we need to be able to cancel a set request, and we need some timeout to notify the user that the DBUS client has given up and will not try to set the value any more.

> > + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> > code.
> > Again, we need some timeout, to allow clean upper level
> implementation.
> > +
> > + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> > these specified method:
> > + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> > + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> > "ExecuteWrite".
> > +
> > + void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
> > +
> > + Read the value of the specified characteristic
> > descriptor matching the handle.
> > + This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with
> > status code.
> > This will not go through. Handles should not be used by the users. In
> fact, all descriptors can be turned into D-BUS dictionaries, >and be
> available as characteristic properties. This is already done today for
> some descriptors. However, not all of them should be >exposed directly
> to user (client characteristic config descriptor for example can be
> exposed as properties Notify and Indicate, server >char config
> descriptor can be exposed as property Broadcast, and so on. Format is
> already discovered and partially used in the >existing code.
> ReadDescriptor and WriteDescriptor we have added keeping "Custom"
> descriptors (Optional Characteristic descriptor which
> defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.) in mind.
> > + dict Descriptors [readonly]
This custom descriptor is defined as an array of bytes with specific uuid. It can be reflected to the user as a property, which will be available if the server contains such a descriptor for the characteristic. This way, we can use the getproperty and setproperty, and hide all the irrelevant descriptor/handle logic from the user.

> So a property which contains a dict (mapping handle -> uuid) for
> *all* descriptors (of course the properties for known descriptors
> would still exist, but this generic read/write API would be used for
> them as well).
This is wrong. This means that you duplicate the data - once in single flags (notify, indicate, user_defined) and once as a set of raw descriptor data. Again, I believe this should be hidden from the user, who does not need to handle descriptors and handles.

> > +
> > + void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
> > +
> > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic
> > descriptor matching the handle. Only
> > + read-write descriptors can be changed.
> > + This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with
> > status code.
> > +
> > Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> >
> > No use for this one - see above my previous comment.
> > +Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
> > +
> > + This signal indicates a changed value of the given
> > + property.
> > +
> > When will this be used? We already have readresponse, writeresponse.
> Other properties are fixed, and read on connection > >automatically. We
> will not need this. We can use this if we expose Notify, Indicate,
> Broadcast properties. Writing to these properties >will cause the
> propertychanged event to be called, once the write has completed, if
> that's possible.
> Yes agree with adding Notify, Indicate, Broadcast as properties.
> > + ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > GetCharacteristicValue operation.
> >We need to add the characteristic path as well. We may issue multiple
> read requests, and receive them all after a while - we need to >be able
> to understand which characteristic value we received.
> Agreed.
> > +
> > + WriteResponse(uint8 status)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the status code for
> > SetCharacteristicValue operation.
> >Same as above - we need the characteristic path.
> Agreed.
> > +
> > +
> > + ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > ReadDescriptor operation.
> > +
> > + WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor
> > operation.
> > +
> >No need for this.
> Added keeping "Custom" descriptors in mind.
See above about custom descriptors.

> > Properties string UUID [readonly]
> >
> > UUID128 of this characteristic.
> > @@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > Optional field containing a friendly name for the
> > Characteristic UUID.
> >
> > + array{string} Properties [readonly]
> > +
> > + The characteristic properties includes extended
> > properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> > + Possible values representing each bit field:
> > + { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse",
> > "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite",
> > "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite",
> > "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> > +
> >Properties which can be changed, such as Broadcast, Indicate, Notify
> should be standalong, Boolean read/write properties. See above >for
> more information on why we need these.
> Agreed. I think we can have this array plus for the simpler usage we
> can add the r/w Broadcast, Indicate, Notify properties.
Why duplicate data again ? it is very confusing to have this information in two or more places. Writable properties should have their own representation, without duplication in this list.

> > + uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
> > +
> > + Optional field containing the client configuration
> > value on the server.
> > +
> > We should not expose bit fields to the users. We can abstract this to
> Notify/Indicate Boolean properties.
> Agreed
> >> string Description [readonly]
> >>
> > Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> > the Characteristic Value.
> >
> > - struct Format [readonly]
> > + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> >
> > Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> > format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> > @@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
> > based on the format attribute.
> >
> > This also needs to be simplified. We need to take the format strings
> from the spec, and apply the correct properties according to the >
> format descriptor. Again, we should not expose raw bit fields here.
> >> + dict Descriptors [readonly]
> >> +
> >> + The value is a dictionary for all Characteristic
> >> descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key is
> > uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary.
> > Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
> > + These attribute handle is only valid during the
> >> session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.
> >> +
> > See above. Not needed.
> Explained part of ReadDescriptor.
See above why we should not expose raw descriptors to the user. We have the properties mechanism, which is what descriptors are all about. Simply translate the GATT descriptors into DBUS properties.

> Thanks,
> Vijay
> Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England
> and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill
> House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United
> Kingdom
> More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at
> http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

Vijay, can you send an updated proposal with the changes we've discussed, or should I send it ?

Chen Ganir.
Texas Instruments.

To report this email as spam click https://www.mailcontrol.com/sr/keBbNGaYv7HTndxI!oX7UsdpzMR7Bo2KP2imJfv699sbiy929P9Qs4lEOZpe1nNVJnoe!+NpOToakVWf!6zCig== .

2011-11-06 07:55:10

by Ganir, Chen

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vijaykumar Dadmode [mailto:[email protected]]
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 2:46 PM
> To: Ganir, Chen
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Hi Chen,
> Thanks for your inputs. Please find my comments inline.
> > > Queries:
> > > 1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the
> > > application which requests for it?
> > We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are
> registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the >
> > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message
> with characteristic path and new value. We could use this > >interface
> >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.
> So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher
> Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want
> to read/write?
> >>
> >> + void GetCharacteristicValue( )
> >> +
> >> + Read the value of the characteristic.
> >> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status
> >> code.
> >When will this signal/message be sent ? Do we implement a timeout for
> connection timeout ? Can we set it as a parameter to this message?
> Method can be called when applications want to read the value on
> server(active read).
This I understand.
Since this is an async function, we must have some timeout, or mechanism to notify the user that we're either connected and fetching the value, and he should be expecting a ReadResponse anytime soon, or that we are not currently connected, and we will try a connection procedure to the server, which may take some time, or may even never end. Now that I think of it - maybe we also need CancelGetCharacteristicValue function, to remove a pending read value request - we do not want the ReadResponse event triggered if the connection is established after a few days for example.

> > > +
> > > + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method,
> > uint16 offset)
> > > +
> > > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic as
> > > per the offset and method. Only
> > > + read-write characteristic value can be changed.
> > What is this read-write char value you are referring to here ?
> Updated.
Same as above - we need to be able to cancel a set request, and we need some timeout to notify the user that the DBUS client has given up and will not try to set the value any more.

> > + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> > code.
> > Again, we need some timeout, to allow clean upper level
> implementation.
> > +
> > + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> > these specified method:
> > + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> > + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> > "ExecuteWrite".
> > +
> > + void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
> > +
> > + Read the value of the specified characteristic
> > descriptor matching the handle.
> > + This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with
> > status code.
> > This will not go through. Handles should not be used by the users. In
> fact, all descriptors can be turned into D-BUS dictionaries, >and be
> available as characteristic properties. This is already done today for
> some descriptors. However, not all of them should be >exposed directly
> to user (client characteristic config descriptor for example can be
> exposed as properties Notify and Indicate, server >char config
> descriptor can be exposed as property Broadcast, and so on. Format is
> already discovered and partially used in the >existing code.
> ReadDescriptor and WriteDescriptor we have added keeping "Custom"
> descriptors (Optional Characteristic descriptor which
> defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.) in mind.
> > + dict Descriptors [readonly]
This custom descriptor is defined as an array of bytes with specific uuid. It can be reflected to the user as a property, which will be available if the server contains such a descriptor for the characteristic. This way, we can use the getproperty and setproperty, and hide all the irrelevant descriptor/handle logic from the user.

> So a property which contains a dict (mapping handle -> uuid) for
> *all* descriptors (of course the properties for known descriptors
> would still exist, but this generic read/write API would be used for
> them as well).
This is wrong. This means that you duplicate the data - once in single flags (notify, indicate, user_defined) and once as a set of raw descriptor data. Again, I believe this should be hidden from the user, who does not need to handle descriptors and handles.

> > +
> > + void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
> > +
> > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic
> > descriptor matching the handle. Only
> > + read-write descriptors can be changed.
> > + This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with
> > status code.
> > +
> > Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> >
> > No use for this one - see above my previous comment.
> > +Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
> > +
> > + This signal indicates a changed value of the given
> > + property.
> > +
> > When will this be used? We already have readresponse, writeresponse.
> Other properties are fixed, and read on connection > >automatically. We
> will not need this. We can use this if we expose Notify, Indicate,
> Broadcast properties. Writing to these properties >will cause the
> propertychanged event to be called, once the write has completed, if
> that's possible.
> Yes agree with adding Notify, Indicate, Broadcast as properties.
> > + ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > GetCharacteristicValue operation.
> >We need to add the characteristic path as well. We may issue multiple
> read requests, and receive them all after a while - we need to >be able
> to understand which characteristic value we received.
> Agreed.
> > +
> > + WriteResponse(uint8 status)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the status code for
> > SetCharacteristicValue operation.
> >Same as above - we need the characteristic path.
> Agreed.
> > +
> > +
> > + ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> > ReadDescriptor operation.
> > +
> > + WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
> > +
> > + Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor
> > operation.
> > +
> >No need for this.
> Added keeping "Custom" descriptors in mind.
See above about custom descriptors.

> > Properties string UUID [readonly]
> >
> > UUID128 of this characteristic.
> > @@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > Optional field containing a friendly name for the
> > Characteristic UUID.
> >
> > + array{string} Properties [readonly]
> > +
> > + The characteristic properties includes extended
> > properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> > + Possible values representing each bit field:
> > + { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse",
> > "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite",
> > "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite",
> > "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> > +
> >Properties which can be changed, such as Broadcast, Indicate, Notify
> should be standalong, Boolean read/write properties. See above >for
> more information on why we need these.
> Agreed. I think we can have this array plus for the simpler usage we
> can add the r/w Broadcast, Indicate, Notify properties.
Why duplicate data again ? it is very confusing to have this information in two or more places. Writable properties should have their own representation, without duplication in this list.

> > + uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
> > +
> > + Optional field containing the client configuration
> > value on the server.
> > +
> > We should not expose bit fields to the users. We can abstract this to
> Notify/Indicate Boolean properties.
> Agreed
> >> string Description [readonly]
> >>
> > Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> > the Characteristic Value.
> >
> > - struct Format [readonly]
> > + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> >
> > Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> > format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> > @@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> > Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
> > based on the format attribute.
> >
> > This also needs to be simplified. We need to take the format strings
> from the spec, and apply the correct properties according to the >
> format descriptor. Again, we should not expose raw bit fields here.
> >> + dict Descriptors [readonly]
> >> +
> >> + The value is a dictionary for all Characteristic
> >> descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key is
> > uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary.
> > Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
> > + These attribute handle is only valid during the
> >> session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.
> >> +
> > See above. Not needed.
> Explained part of ReadDescriptor.
See above why we should not expose raw descriptors to the user. We have the properties mechanism, which is what descriptors are all about. Simply translate the GATT descriptors into DBUS properties.

> Thanks,
> Vijay
> Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England
> and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill
> House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United
> Kingdom
> More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at
> http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

Vijay, can you send an updated proposal with the changes we've discussed, or should I send it ?

Chen Ganir.
Texas Instruments.

2011-11-04 12:45:56

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi Chen,
Thanks for your inputs. Please find my comments inline.

> > Queries:
> > 1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the
> > application which requests for it?
> We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the > > sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message with characteristic path and new value. We could use this > >interface >and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.

So you mean we add the ReadResponse and WriteResponse to Watcher Hierarchy? , but what if we don't register the watcher and just want to read/write?

>> + void GetCharacteristicValue( )
>> +
>> + Read the value of the characteristic.
>> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status
>> code.

>When will this signal/message be sent ? Do we implement a timeout for connection timeout ? Can we set it as a parameter to this message?

Method can be called when applications want to read the value on server(active read).

> > +
> > + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method,
> uint16 offset)
> > +
> > + Changes the value of the specified characteristic as
> > per the offset and method. Only
> > + read-write characteristic value can be changed.
> What is this read-write char value you are referring to here ?


> + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> code.
> Again, we need some timeout, to allow clean upper level implementation.

> +
> + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> these specified method:
> + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> "ExecuteWrite".
> +
> + void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
> +
> + Read the value of the specified characteristic
> descriptor matching the handle.
> + This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with
> status code.
> This will not go through. Handles should not be used by the users. In fact, all descriptors can be turned into D-BUS dictionaries, >and be available as characteristic properties. This is already done today for some descriptors. However, not all of them should be >exposed directly to user (client characteristic config descriptor for example can be exposed as properties Notify and Indicate, server >char config descriptor can be exposed as property Broadcast, and so on. Format is already discovered and partially used in the >existing code.

ReadDescriptor and WriteDescriptor we have added keeping "Custom" descriptors (Optional Characteristic descriptor which
defines profile defined descriptor UUID's.) in mind.
> + dict Descriptors [readonly]

So a property which contains a dict (mapping handle -> uuid) for
*all* descriptors (of course the properties for known descriptors
would still exist, but this generic read/write API would be used for
them as well).

> +
> + void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
> +
> + Changes the value of the specified characteristic
> descriptor matching the handle. Only
> + read-write descriptors can be changed.
> + This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with
> status code.
> +
> Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
> No use for this one - see above my previous comment.

> +Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
> +
> + This signal indicates a changed value of the given
> + property.
> +
> When will this be used? We already have readresponse, writeresponse. Other properties are fixed, and read on connection > >automatically. We will not need this. We can use this if we expose Notify, Indicate, Broadcast properties. Writing to these properties >will cause the propertychanged event to be called, once the write has completed, if that's possible.

Yes agree with adding Notify, Indicate, Broadcast as properties.

> + ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> +
> + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> GetCharacteristicValue operation.
>We need to add the characteristic path as well. We may issue multiple read requests, and receive them all after a while - we need to >be able to understand which characteristic value we received.


> +
> + WriteResponse(uint8 status)
> +
> + Parameter is the status code for
> SetCharacteristicValue operation.
>Same as above - we need the characteristic path.


> +
> +
> + ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> +
> + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> ReadDescriptor operation.
> +
> + WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
> +
> + Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor
> operation.
> +
>No need for this.

Added keeping "Custom" descriptors in mind.

> Properties string UUID [readonly]
> UUID128 of this characteristic.
> @@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> Optional field containing a friendly name for the
> Characteristic UUID.
> + array{string} Properties [readonly]
> +
> + The characteristic properties includes extended
> properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> + Possible values representing each bit field:
> + { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse",
> "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite",
> "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite",
> "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> +
>Properties which can be changed, such as Broadcast, Indicate, Notify should be standalong, Boolean read/write properties. See above >for more information on why we need these.

Agreed. I think we can have this array plus for the simpler usage we can add the r/w Broadcast, Indicate, Notify properties.

> + uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
> +
> + Optional field containing the client configuration
> value on the server.
> +
> We should not expose bit fields to the users. We can abstract this to Notify/Indicate Boolean properties.


>> string Description [readonly]
> Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> the Characteristic Value.
> - struct Format [readonly]
> + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> @@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
> based on the format attribute.
> This also needs to be simplified. We need to take the format strings from the spec, and apply the correct properties according to the > format descriptor. Again, we should not expose raw bit fields here.

>> + dict Descriptors [readonly]
>> +
>> + The value is a dictionary for all Characteristic
>> descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key is
> uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary.
> Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
> + These attribute handle is only valid during the
>> session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.
>> +
> See above. Not needed.
Explained part of ReadDescriptor.


Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog

2011-11-03 12:21:15

by Ganir, Chen

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:linux-bluetooth-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Vijaykumar Dadmode
> Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2011 12:32 PM
> To: 'Anderson Lizardo'; '[email protected]'
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.
> Hi All,
> Here's my proposal for modification to existing attribute-api.doc.
> The addition include:
> 1)Comments provided on this post.
> 2)Comments taken from the discussion part of " GATT Dbus API on BlueZ -
> attirbute-api.txt modifications" post.
> 3) Doesn't address ServiceChanged(), will discuss as part of another
> post.
> Queries:
> 1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the
> application which requests for it?
We can use the existing watchers. At the moment, watchers are registered to be called when indication/notification arrives from the sever. This means that a watcher will receive ValueChanged message with characteristic path and new value. We could use this interface and add the ReadRespnse and WriteResponse to it.

> 2) Does bluez support SetConnectionParameters &
> UpdateConnectionParameters, if not do we need to add the APIs for the
> same ?
> diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> index 98d7f30..34d77bc 100644
> --- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
> +++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
> @@ -110,8 +110,56 @@ Methods dict GetProperties()
> read-write properties can be changed. On success
> this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.
> + void GetCharacteristicValue( )
> +
> + Read the value of the characteristic.
> + This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status
> code.
When will this signal/message be sent ? Do we implement a timeout for connection timeout ? Can we set it as a parameter to this message?

> +
> + void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method,
> uint16 offset)
> +
> + Changes the value of the specified characteristic as
> per the offset and method. Only
> + read-write characteristic value can be changed.
What is this read-write char value you are referring to here ?

> + This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status
> code.
Again, we need some timeout, to allow clean upper level implementation.

> +
> + Write the value of the characreristic, with any of
> these specified method:
> + "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
> + "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite",
> "ExecuteWrite".
> +
> + void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
> +
> + Read the value of the specified characteristic
> descriptor matching the handle.
> + This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with
> status code.
This will not go through. Handles should not be used by the users. In fact, all descriptors can be turned into D-BUS dictionaries, and be available as characteristic properties. This is already done today for some descriptors. However, not all of them should be exposed directly to user (client characteristic config descriptor for example can be exposed as properties Notify and Indicate, server char config descriptor can be exposed as property Broadcast, and so on. Format is already discovered and partially used in the existing code.

> +
> + void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
> +
> + Changes the value of the specified characteristic
> descriptor matching the handle. Only
> + read-write descriptors can be changed.
> + This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with
> status code.
> +
> Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments
No use for this one - see above my previous comment.

> +Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
> +
> + This signal indicates a changed value of the given
> + property.
> +
When will this be used? We already have readresponse, writeresponse. Other properties are fixed, and read on connection automatically. We will not need this. We can use this if we expose Notify, Indicate, Broadcast properties. Writing to these properties will cause the propertychanged event to be called, once the write has completed, if that's possible.

> + ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> +
> + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> GetCharacteristicValue operation.
We need to add the characteristic path as well. We may issue multiple read requests, and receive them all after a while - we need to be able to understand which characteristic value we received.

> +
> + WriteResponse(uint8 status)
> +
> + Parameter is the status code for
> SetCharacteristicValue operation.
Same as above - we need the characteristic path.

> +
> +
> + ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
> +
> + Parameter is the read value and status code for
> ReadDescriptor operation.
> +
> + WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
> +
> + Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor
> operation.
> +
No need for this.

> Properties string UUID [readonly]
> UUID128 of this characteristic.
> @@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> Optional field containing a friendly name for the
> Characteristic UUID.
> + array{string} Properties [readonly]
> +
> + The characteristic properties includes extended
> properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
> + Possible values representing each bit field:
> + { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse",
> "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite",
> "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite",
> "WritableAuxiliaries"}
> +
Properties which can be changed, such as Broadcast, Indicate, Notify should be standalong, Boolean read/write properties. See above for more information on why we need these.

> + uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
> +
> + Optional field containing the client configuration
> value on the server.
> +
We should not expose bit fields to the users. We can abstract this to Notify/Indicate Boolean properties.

> string Description [readonly]
> Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
> the Characteristic Value.
> - struct Format [readonly]
> + array{struct} Format [readonly]
> Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
> format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
> @@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
> Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
> based on the format attribute.
This also needs to be simplified. We need to take the format strings from the spec, and apply the correct properties according to the format descriptor. Again, we should not expose raw bit fields here.

> + dict Descriptors [readonly]
> +
> + The value is a dictionary for all Characteristic
> descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key is
> uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary.
> Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
> + These attribute handle is only valid during the
> session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.
> +
See above. Not needed.

> > Hi,
> > Thanks for your inputs. I am extending the current doc/attribute-
> api.txt. Will work towards your proposed changes and > > update the
> same.
> > Thanks,
> > Vijay
> Thanks,
> Vijay
> Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England
> and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill
> House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United
> Kingdom
> More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at
> http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-
> bluetooth" in
> the body of a message to [email protected]
> More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html

Chen Ganir.

2011-11-03 10:32:13

by Vijaykumar Dadmode

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: RE: Proposal for GATT Client Dbus API.

Hi All,
Here's my proposal for modification to existing attribute-api.doc.
The addition include:
1)Comments provided on this post.
2)Comments taken from the discussion part of " GATT Dbus API on BlueZ - attirbute-api.txt modifications" post.
3) Doesn't address ServiceChanged(), will discuss as part of another post.

1) As the "Signals" are a broadcast, how do we direct it to the application which requests for it?
2) Does bluez support SetConnectionParameters & UpdateConnectionParameters, if not do we need to add the APIs for the same ?

diff --git a/doc/attribute-api.txt b/doc/attribute-api.txt
index 98d7f30..34d77bc 100644
--- a/doc/attribute-api.txt
+++ b/doc/attribute-api.txt
@@ -110,8 +110,56 @@ Methods dict GetProperties()
read-write properties can be changed. On success
this will emit a PropertyChanged signal.

+ void GetCharacteristicValue( )
+ Read the value of the characteristic.
+ This will emit a ReadResponse signal with status code.
+ void SetCharacteristicValue(variant value, string method, uint16 offset)
+ Changes the value of the specified characteristic as per the offset and method. Only
+ read-write characteristic value can be changed.
+ This will emit a WriteResponse signal with status code.
+ Write the value of the characreristic, with any of these specified method:
+ "WriteWithResponse", "SignedWriteWithoutResponse",
+ "WriteLongCharacteristicValue", "PrepareWrite", "ExecuteWrite".
+ void ReadDescriptor(uint16 handle)
+ Read the value of the specified characteristic descriptor matching the handle.
+ This will emit a ReadDescriptorResponse signal with status code.
+ void WriteDescriptor(uint16 handle, array{byte} value)
+ Changes the value of the specified characteristic descriptor matching the handle. Only
+ read-write descriptors can be changed.
+ This will emit a WriteDescriptorResponse signal with status code.
Possible Errors: org.bluez.Error.InvalidArguments

+Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
+ This signal indicates a changed value of the given
+ property.
+ ReadResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
+ Parameter is the read value and status code for GetCharacteristicValue operation.
+ WriteResponse(uint8 status)
+ Parameter is the status code for SetCharacteristicValue operation.
+ ReadDescriptorResponse(uint8 status, variant value)
+ Parameter is the read value and status code for ReadDescriptor operation.
+ WriteDescriptorResponse(uint8 status)
+ Parameter is the status code for WriteDescriptor operation.
Properties string UUID [readonly]

UUID128 of this characteristic.
@@ -121,12 +169,22 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
Optional field containing a friendly name for the
Characteristic UUID.

+ array{string} Properties [readonly]
+ The characteristic properties includes extended properties if defined, format defined by GATT spec.
+ Possible values representing each bit field:
+ { "Broadcast", "Read", "WriteWithoutResponse", "Write", "Notify", "Indicate", "AuthenticatedSignedWrite", "ExtentedProperties", "ReliableWrite", "WritableAuxiliaries"}
+ uint16 ClientConfiguration [readwrite]
+ Optional field containing the client configuration value on the server.
string Description [readonly]

Textual optional characteristic descriptor describing
the Characteristic Value.

- struct Format [readonly]
+ array{struct} Format [readonly]

Optional Characteristic descriptor which defines the
format of the Characteristic Value. For numeric
@@ -151,6 +209,11 @@ Properties string UUID [readonly]
Friendly representation of the Characteristic Value
based on the format attribute.

+ dict Descriptors [readonly]
+ The value is a dictionary for all Characteristic descriptor with the handle as keys and the UUID as values.The key is uint16 and the value a string for this dictionary. Can be used with WriteDescriptor and ReadDescriptor.
+ These attribute handle is only valid during the session, and should not be stored/cached by the client.

> Hi,
> Thanks for your inputs. I am extending the current doc/attribute-api.txt. Will work towards your proposed changes and > > update the same.

> Thanks,
> Vijay


Member of the CSR plc group of companies. CSR plc registered in England and Wales, registered number 4187346, registered office Churchill House, Cambridge Business Park, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WZ, United Kingdom
More information can be found at http://www.csr.com. Follow CSR on Twitter at http://twitter.com/CSR_PLC and read our blog at http://www.csr.com/blog