2009-05-18 09:18:49

by Frank Steiner

[permalink] [raw]
Subject: Re: [NFS] nfs-over-tcp still needs udp ports? (SLES 11)

Tom Talpey wrote

> Great! If you want the full NFSv4 benefit, you'll also need to enable
> delegation callbacks, which requires a TCP port in the other direction.
> This port is chosen by the client, but the server makes the connection,
> so you'll need to configure it in both the client and the firewall.
> The port is set by an NFS sysctl parameter named "nfs_callback_tcpport",
> which by default is 0 (any). You'll need to set it to some value with
> sysctl -w fs.nfs.nfs_callback_tcpport = <value>
> and also in your firewall from the server->client. The range is 0 to 65535,
> you can choose any convenient unused value (e.g. 2050).

Your mails really help :-) I've read many notes about that problem and that
the firewall must be opened etc., but none stated how to fix those ports!

> It could be any number of things, but probably harmless and properly
> ignored for NFSv4. I will guess it's something to do with the SLES11
> client and other daemons.

Ok, good to know.

> Can you capture a trace of these messages with wireshark? The
> contents of the portmapper request the client is sending will tell us
> exactly what services it's trying to resolve.
> Alternatively you could turn on kernel portmap debug and watch the
> log. I'm not sure if SLES11 has the "rpcdebug" command installed, but
> if so, on the client you could try
> rpcdebug -m rpc -s bind
> then watch the syslog.

The server and clients in charge are still running SLES 10 SP2, and it
doesn't have the rpcdebug command. However, SLES 11 has it, so I will
check when all the servers and clients have been upgraded.

So far, thanks a lot again :-)

Dipl.-Inform. Frank Steiner Web: http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/
Lehrstuhl f. Bioinformatik Mail: http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/~steiner/m/
LMU, Amalienstr. 17 Phone: +49 89 2180-4049
80333 Muenchen, Germany Fax: +49 89 2180-99-4049
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