Here's a follow up to my toolchain problems. It's stupid - I
mistakenly didn't notice /usr/include and /usr/lib were being used. I
guess configure adds them by default - bad idea, especially when
mentionning --host ! Solution : run the following before configure
export CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/Embedix/tools/arm-linux/include/
export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/Embedix/tools/arm-linux/lib/
Anyway here's a script to do everything for a zaurus host. It requires
a minimal etc for the zaurus (attached)
Maybe it could be added to the next bluez?
Bien ? vous - Best regards,
Guylhem P. Aznar
*@externe.net http://externe.net
P?rim?/Deprecated: @oeil.qc.ca, @metalab.unc.edu, @ibiblio.org, @7un.org
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